Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 832: .Eat Overlord Meal

Li Yunxiu couldn't stay any longer, she turned around and hurried back to the dressing room holding back tears.

She admitted that she was just like what Li Yunjin said, she was wishful thinking, she was hopeless! I can only hide behind my back like

It was a poor clown who coveted everything about that man. She also hated herself like this, but Jin Nanfeng was like

It was a deep vortex that trapped her, she could only sink and float in it, and finally tend to fall.

Li Yunxiu sat on the sofa for a long time in a trance, and finally fell asleep accidentally—

When she woke up, she discovered that she was covered with a black suit jacket, and Jin Nanfeng was not far away talking to her assistant


With a "buzz" in Li Yunxiu's brain, he was awakened instantly and sat up on the sofa with a "rub".

Why is she falling asleep here? When did Jin Nanfeng come? And this dress...

He stood up quickly, but accidentally kicked a water bottle by his feet to the ground with a "clang" sound, shocked

Jin Nanfeng, who was talking in the distance, turned his head and looked over.

"Wake up?" Jin Nanfeng laughed unexplainably, and his sword eyebrows were slightly raised.

Li Yunxiu firmly grasped the suit jacket in his hand, and was so nervous that he could hardly breathe, "I'm sorry, I am in your transformation.

The makeup room fell asleep. "

Jin Nanfeng didn't speak, and smiled again before turning his head to continue talking with assistant Yang Yun.

Li Yunxiu was a little overwhelmed. He didn't go or stay. He just lowered his head, and the coat in his hand was neat and tidy.

Stacked well.

"Ah, that's not necessary." Jin Nanfeng turned his head again and said, "If it is dirty, just throw it away."

Li Yunxiu paused and glanced down at the clothes in her hand. She felt very uncomfortable. In fact, she just covered it.

It’s not dirty at all...

This Jin Nanfeng seems to be really different from what he has in his impression... No wonder his father said at that time that he privately

Jin Nanfeng, who I learned, is a very bad temper...

"Actually, I can take it home and wash it. It's a pity to throw this clothes away..."

"Brother Jin."

Before Li Yunxiu finished speaking, a beautiful girl walked in outside the dressing room. Li Yunxiu recognized that she was

The heroine of this play, who plays Jin Nanfeng’s sweetheart in the movie, is Jin Nanfeng who wants to protect her with her life.


The name is Xiao Yun, who has just become popular soon.

"Brother Jin, didn't you promise to play against me? Why did you come here to be lazy?"

Xiao Yunsi did not evade that this is Jin Nanfeng’s personal make-up artist, and she walked to Jin Nanfeng’s side very well.

He took his arm affectionately, "You don't know, I was scolded by the director just now, and he asked me to learn from you.

It's really unfair, Jin Ge, you have been in the debut for so long, I have only been in the debut for more than three years. "

That tone was full of coquetry and grievances, and Li Yunxiu's heart suddenly tightened, and he swallowed abruptly when he didn't finish speaking.

In the belly.

When she was lowering her head and wondering what to do, she heard Jin Nanfeng’s voice again, "Guide Europe is an old antique.

That talent is all accounted for in the movie, what do you care about with him? Today is over, I will take you to a barbecue

Heart? "

"Oh, why do you want to eat barbecue again? I have gained weight recently..."

Jin Nanfeng and Xiao Yun went out talking and laughing.

Li Yunxiu let out a long sigh of relief when he heard that voice gradually fade away.

To be honest, after so many years, although she sees other women beside Jin Nanfeng, she still has some

Sad, but the feeling is not as piercing as it was a few years ago.

Time will always smooth out a lot of things. Maybe one day in the future, when she mentions Jin Nanfeng, she will also interact with others

Same, there will be no more touches.

Li Yunxiu smiled comfortingly, and then walked to Yang Yun's side with the clothes, "You can give me your call

Number? "

Yang Yun was taken aback for a moment and frowned, "Why, are you okay?"

"I'm going to take this dress back to wash it, and I will send it to you after it's finished."

"No need, no need." Yang Yun has a baby face, and in her thirties she looks like a teenager.

That way, he smiled very cordially, "Brother Jin will never ask for this dress anymore. You can just throw it away.

trouble. "

"Whether he wants it or not is his business, whether I send it or not is my business. If you are worried about my washing, I can

Buy one exactly the same. "

Yang Yun was a little helpless. He wanted to tell the lady in front of him that Jin Nanfeng’s suits were all given to him by major foreign brands.

Tailor-made, it is not available on the market at all, but he also guessed that Li Yunxiu probably would not listen, so

He quickly pulled out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Li Yunxiu.

Li Yunxiu said softly "Thank you", clenching the card to death.

Today is Director Ou’s birthday. After the filming of the morning, Director Ou gave all the actors and workers a breakthrough

After a holiday, everyone was invited to a dinner nearby to celebrate.

Chenchen was naturally invited too.

Li Yunxiu thought about it, and felt that it was really difficult to participate in an occasion where the adults were noisy, so he asked Wu to thank him.

The director’s invitation was rejected.

The director didn’t force it. He had so many friends that he couldn’t separate his energy on a child, so he told Wu

Let them figure it out by themselves, Wu told Li Yunxiu what the director said, and Li Yunxiu asked Wu to take the time to give it to the director.

Acting gave a gift, just a little thought, and then left with Chenchen.

Because the crew had a dinner at noon, the crew naturally did not provide lunch. Chen Chen was hungry as soon as he came out of the crew.

Called twice.

"Mummy, Chen Chen is so hungry."

"Then let's go to dinner, OK?"

Li Yunxiu squeezed his son's face with a little distress. It was only the next day after joining the group that Chenchen lost a small circle and his chin was

A lot sharper.


Li Yunxiu asked Wu and Xiaomei to go back first, and he took Chenchen to a nearby Chinese restaurant.

But when it was time to check out, Li Yunxiu suddenly realized that she had taken the wrong bag because she was walking too eagerly when she left home.

No bag, cell phone or wallet.

"Sorry, can I... send the money back later?"

Li Yunxiu looked at the clerk in embarrassment.

The clerk's eyes widened, and when he realized what Li Yunxiu meant, he showed no disdain, "No, this little one

Sister, are you bringing your kids to eat Bawang's meal? "

"I'm not eating Bawang's meal, I really did because... I forgot to bring my wallet."

Li Yunxiu was embarrassed. When would she get rid of her ills?

The clerk snorted disdainfully, "Looking at your dress, you don’t look like a person who can’t afford to eat. You are really a human being.

It’s not ashamed to be unfamiliar, knowing people, knowing your face and not knowing your heart, and bringing a child with you. "

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