Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 803: . My waist is fine!

When Ji Xiao came back to school, she learned that she had left early last class. She was remembered by the teacher as being absent. She wanted to take advantage of Christmas.

When I went back, I could only stay in school to help the teacher handle some things to earn credits.

When Mu Qianli heard the news, he threw away the Christmas tree arranged at home very angrily.

He simply hired a housekeeper to look after the door, took the plane by himself, and flew to Los Angeles on the night of the 24th.

Los Angeles is much colder than Di, this winter, it has already snowed for the third time.

After Mu Qianli arrived at Ji Xiao’s school, Daxue just took a break, Mu Qianli wore a navy blue coat, black

Her jeans, wrapped in a long red scarf, stomped Ji Xiao's dormitory downstairs and waited for her to come down.

"Tang Xin, your President Mu is here again!"

The roommate saw Mu Qianli from downstairs, and shouted to the bathroom with a smile.

In the past two months, Mu Qianli ran to Ji Xiao within a few weeks, and had already mixed up with several of Ji Xiao’s roommates.

I'm getting acquainted, and the newly moved roommate is very joking, jokingly calling Mu Qianli the best loyal dog boyfriend.

Ji Xiao laughed, no matter where he was a loyal dog, it was obviously a dog skin plaster that could not be shaken off.

The roommates strongly contempt and disdain Ji Xiao’s behavior of not knowing the blessing in the blessing, after all, like Mu Qianli

There are too few men who are handsome, rich and golden, and gentle and gentle.

What kind of **** luck is she taking!

When Ji Xiao heard Mu Qianli's name, he quickly came out of the bathroom, and the water on his hair did not have time to dry.

When I ran downstairs to look, I saw Mu Qianli rubbing his hands and shivering in the cold downstairs.

Ji Xiao feels distressed. It is false to say that it is not distressed. Mu Qianli is afraid of the cold, especially the gunshot wound on his shoulder.

When the weather is cold, there is a dull pain.

Ji Xiao didn't think much, put on his clothes, and ran away in the laughter of his roommates.

"Why are you here at this time?"

Ji Xiao hugged Mu Qianli, his body almost like ice cubes.

"Today is Christmas Eve."

"How long have you been here? Why are you standing here."

"I called you, but the phone doesn't work."

Ji Xiao remembered that he had just been taking a bath, and he might have missed it.

"I'll go up and get a wallet, and we'll go out." "Your hair is wet, remember to blow it dry before you come down, or you will catch a cold."

"After I blow my hair, you probably will freeze to death." Ji Xiao felt helpless.

As soon as he turned to leave, he realized that the man's hand was still holding him and did not let go. Mu Qianli's nose was red.

It looks particularly bleak.

Ji Xiao gritted his teeth, went to the residential management department, and talked to the aunt inside, "Auntie, this is my cousin, help me get it up.

Baggage, live at 604, and get off in ten minutes. "

Auntie Suguan asked who you were stunned. She saw it just now, and the two of them hugged and hugged each other. Who would say it was a cousin?


"Auntie, I will come down later."

Mu Qianli took out a beautiful boy and showed a harmless smile at the aunt. The aunt probably had a relationship with Mu Qian.

Seeing that Mu Qianli was freezing so badly, his son who was about the same age opened his eyes and closed his eyes, "A little more conscious.

Hurry down, don't let me go up and let people know it later? "

"Thank you auntie."

Ji Xiao took Mu Qianli's hand and left.

Mu Qianli has always been a model boyfriend in Ji Xiao's dormitory. If he meets a real person, several roommates are a little excited.

"Mr. Mu, how did you catch us Tang Xin?"

"Yeah, Tang Xin is so beautiful, she is one of the best beauty in our school."

Mu Qianli took the hot water from Ji Xiao, took a sip, and his whole body's sensation eased a little, "What? Shao?

Lord, I'm not good enough? "

Several roommates laughed together.

Mu Qianli's appearance is naturally nothing to say.

"Mr. Mu, why are you coming here so late? Tang Xin said you are very busy at work."

"No matter how busy you are, you have to spend Christmas Eve with your girlfriend." Mu Qianli smiled at the talking girl, "I will find the right one later.

Like, looking for someone like me who cares about the family, those men who make excuses to be busy with work cannot ask for it. "

"Mr Mu, you are really good, I finally don't have to worry about our Tang Xin."

When Ji Xiao saw Mu Qianli and his friends chatting heartlessly here, he walked over and threw the gloves to him, "It's over.

No? After the chat, leave. Be careful that the auntie will come to you later. "

Mu Qianli saw that her hair was still wet, and finally frowned, showing her first serious expression tonight.

"Didn't you let your hair blow dry? It's so cold outside, do you want to get sick or something?"

"I said it doesn't matter, it's just..."

Before she finished speaking, Mu Qianli stood up and pressed her on the chair, "Where is the hair dryer?"


"I ask you a hair dryer."

Mu Qianli's expression was actually a little more stern.

Ji Xiao gave him the hair dryer in the cabinet.

Mu Qianli plugged in the power, pressed the switch, and around Ji Xiao's back, she actually blew her hair.

Slender fingers gently brushed every strand of her hair, the fragrance of shampoo mixed with the good smell of Mu Qianli's body

Dao, went crazy into Ji Xiao's nose.

Ji Xiao's heart jumped wildly in an instant.

This man...

The warm wind blew Tang Xin's neck, making her whole body seem to be on fire, hot...

As everyone knows, such a picture looks so enviable in the eyes of others.

I thought that Mr. Mu's carefree appearance was already very charming, but I didn't know that Mr. Mu's domineering appearance was also handsome.

Ji Xiao’s hair was blown dry, and her face was flushed. She didn’t know what to say, but Mu Qianli had already taken it from

My scarf is wrapped around Ji Xiao’s neck a little bit, and I tidy up her hair, which is more satisfying.

Head, "Well, well, let's go."

The scarf was very warm, with a body temperature that did not belong to her, making Ji Xiao's heart seem to miss a beat.

She feels that she is really losing her breath. She has been with this man for so long, entangled that

After such a long time, how can there always be such a feeling of chaos.

"where are we going?"

When He and Mu Qianli walked out of school, Ji Xiaocai asked him. "I heard people say that I would eat apples on Christmas Eve. "Mu Qianli is very serious," he will bless the coming year.

"Do you believe in such things? It's all young people's tricks."

"Are you despising me for being old?"

Mr. Mu, who was thirty-two after the Chinese New Year, was a little bit injured.

"A little bit, after all, you are already a Bensi man." Ji Xiao would naturally not let go of this opportunity to laugh at Mu Qianli.

She shrank into her scarf and snickered, "You see that your face is wrinkled... and your waist, I'm also very worried."

"I'm absolutely fine with my waist!"

Mu Qianli was too late to talk about his face, but it was a man's dignity waist, so he must be defended to the end.

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