September 25th.

The third day of the 2017 World Championship Qualifiers.

The Qualifiers will only last for six days, and now there are only three days left before the finale.

As time approaches, the intensity of the competition naturally rises.

Similarly, in the past few days, the popularity of S7 has gradually increased.

IG had a good start on the first day, but lost unexpectedly on the second day, which has also become the biggest hot topic in the past few days.

Before EDG, RNG and other teams have appeared, and before the 2017 World Championship group stage has really started, IG is now the focus of the national audience.

Because they represent the LPL region!

IG therefore enjoyed the treatment of the protagonist that they had never thought of before.

Unfortunately... yesterday's defeat also made them taste the disadvantages of high attention, and they were simply... sprayed into a sieve.

Although the players don't have mobile phones and can't see the public opinion outside.

But as an old hand, you can tell that it is definitely a frying pan.

So today when IG played against GMB again, they were all holding back a lot of anger.

They knew that if they had a chance to clean up their act after losing yesterday, then if they lost again today and were double-killed by GMB…

Unless IG could win the championship in the World Championship at the Bird’s Nest this year, this black spot would be like surrendering on National Day, and would become a lifelong stain on their careers! For all sorts of reasons, the IG players reviewed the game last night, and their serious attitude was a 180-degree change from their previous attitude of underestimating the enemy.

The next morning, everyone hurriedly ate a meal and headed straight to the Wuhan Sports Center.

In three days, IG has gradually adapted to the days of playing in Wuhan.

The closer to the Wuhan Sports Center, the more pedestrians there were on the road. Everyone was surprised at first, but now… it’s nothing new.

S7 was so popular that the outside world had already bid up the ticket price for IG’s appearance to tens of thousands per ticket for a qualifying match.

It’s conceivable that if it were EDG and RNG, which are more popular and stronger, it would not be difficult to see a"grand occasion" of 100,000 per ticket.

Although they have adapted to all this, when they arrived outside the venue, the IG players looked at the huge crowd.

I don't know if it's an illusion, or I feel that there are more people than yesterday.

Probably because they lost yesterday.

When they thought of this, the pressure in the hearts of the IG people increased a little bit.

At this moment, Bai Qiu's eyes paused and fell on a very inconspicuous corner of the crowd.

There was a small group of people gathered there.

There were about dozens of people, most of them were young and beautiful girls, who were not conspicuous among so many people.

But Bai Qiu still locked them in an instant.

Because... what they were holding in their hands were cheering boards with the ID"Cherish" printed on them, and there was even a cartoon image of Bai Qiu himself drawn on it.

It looked very cute, with a bit of Q-version cuteness.

"It really looks like..." Bai Qiu muttered, and his mood inexplicably became better.

"Wow, brother, you have fans now, congratulations."Ning Wang next to him also noticed this. This was the first time he saw Bai Qiu's fans at a competition.

Sincere congratulations, Bai Qiu smiled without saying anything.

""Let's go."

Su Xiaoluo called out, and everyone entered the venue and started today's"life and death battle".

IG came early today, because their match with GMB was scheduled as the first game, so they came a little early.

It was not until 1 pm, after lunch, that the S7 qualifying match that the national audience was watching began.

After a simple opening ceremony, IG took their equipment and looked like they were going to the battlefield. They were aggressive and knew that they had to win today.


"Welcome to the third day of the 2017 World Championship Qualifiers. This is China G Wuhan!

Wuhan Sports Center, commentary booth.

LPL commentators Haokai, Jiede, and Rita appeared in front of the camera in formal attire, each with a passionate and professional smile on their face.

"Hello everyone, I am the commentator Remember!"

"I am Haokai"

"I am Rita"


"IG! Come on!"

After the simple opening remarks, the cheers of IG could be heard faintly from the crowded audience.

The people on the stage looked at each other and knew why everyone came today.

"Welcome to Wuhan... In the past few days, our LPL audience has received a lot of praise in the international competition..." Remember to smile and said:"Members from major global regions who have come to Wuhan also praised our audience"

"That's right, our country... has been very hospitable since ancient times. It's the demeanor of a great country." Oxygen Bottle smiled and nodded.

In the past few days, the qualifying rounds have started. The popularity and audience of Wuhan Sports Center are full. They are very enthusiastic about every game. Some members of less famous teams also enjoy the fun of playing games and are full of praise for the audience of ZhongG.

"Yes, it is the demeanor of a great country since ancient times, and I hope that today's audience can continue to maintain it and cheer for these players fighting in the international arena..." Rita said, and then changed the subject:"As for us... of course we also have to cheer for the LPL team that appeared today."

"Well… the first match of today’s play-in tournament is between our LPL region’s third seed IG and the CIS region’s seed team GMB…"

At this point, cheers suddenly rang out at the Wuhan Sports Center.

The director switched the camera, and on the big screen, the IG players were already on the field with their peripherals.

Among them, Bai Qiu was walking in the front, and the camera was given to him first, and some of the audience members in the audience were immediately excited.

"C Dad!"

"Chersih? IG finally learned their lesson"

"Duke played a bit badly yesterday, it will be comfortable after he is replaced"

"Cherish!! Sister loves you! Cherish has to carry today too!"

Unexpectedly, part of the cheers from the audience were directed at Bai Qiu.

Several commentators on the stage also said:"I believe everyone should have seen the starting lineup released by IG before the game. There are no changes in other positions. Cherish replaced Duke and became the starting player."

"That’s right, I think everyone is familiar with Cherish now. If you are unfamiliar with him, you can go and watch the previous IG games."I remember laughing and said,"This player... seems to have very sharp operation and strong online ability!"

"Personal ability, I guess."Hao Kai said:"Cherish is a typical player with outstanding personal ability. He may be average in teamwork, but I think his individual ability should be among the top three in this year's qualifying round."

"Yes... Then replace Caherish. I think IG also knows that they cannot lose today's game." Remember said:"Because in Group A, IG has a record of 1/1 and GMB has a record of 2/1. If they lose again, IG may be ranked second in the next two days of group matches and have to compete with LYN for the second place in the group. This is... very uncomfortable."

He didn't finish his words, but everyone understood the meaning.

Originally, everyone expected IG to be the first. If they really came to the second place, and even had to compete with LYN for the second place... then they would really be criticized and disbanded on the spot.

"I believe IG will make some adjustments today... So without further ado, the players in front are ready, let's enter the first game of the day together!"

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