
Shen is going to die?

At this moment, Cuvee, who was kicked by Shen, was also stunned.

Shen was already seriously injured in this wave. In this state, if it lasts another one or two seconds, the five people from Samsung can take down Shen.

Cuvee was even ready to kill him, because the opponent had crushed him in every game today. If he couldn't win in the laning phase, he would kill him in the team battle.

But who knew... what the hell was this thing?

Shen's damage burst six times in one second, and Shen was instantly like a blank sheet of paper, and was almost torn to pieces!

The state was reduced to half in an instant, and Cuvee reacted suddenly:"Kill him! Kill him, save me!!"

He didn't need to say anything, the other Samsung teammates around him also reacted quickly, and after seeing the horrible damage burst from Shen, everyone realized how terrible this Shen was.

"Don't worry, you won't die, the opponent's damage is still a little short."Master An at the front looked at Cuuvee's pale face and rolled his eyes.

Did this brother have a psychological trauma? Even if the damage of Qing Gangying is high, it shouldn't be like this, right?

Master An was right. Qing Gangying really couldn't kill Shen this time.

Bai Qiu is not a god. After all, it's only been a little over ten minutes. The fact that he can deal such damage at this time is enough to prove how powerful Qing Gangying is.

Unfortunately, no matter how powerful a person is, he can't do anything when facing a large number of people.

The teammates rushed over, and Shen immediately withdrew. Bai Qiu's Qing Gangying wanted to chase, but he couldn't catch up with the opponent at all. Instead, he was hit several times by the three-star rat and rock bird. His state was already extremely dangerous... He could only run to a position close to the dragon pit, and used the E skill just now to pull a distance from the three-star people.

But... there was still no chance to run, and he was not even far enough to flash to the dragon pit.

"Ouch! The damage is still a little short! Can't kill! There are too many three-star players in this wave! Shen pulled away, but…"

"Prince's EQ and Shen's E should be ready. This time, Shen has no E, and he can't escape even if he flashes from this position."Miller opened his mouth wide and couldn't help wailing,"It's so uncomfortable!"

"I EQed it!"

The next moment, Master An on the field called out, staring at the Qing Gangying not far in front of him, and started with a light-speed EQ!

The target was very clear, pointing directly at the Qing Gangying in front!

At the same time, Cuvee, who had just run to the other side, didn't need to call out, and directly used an E skill sideways to the bottom!

The direction was completely opposite to the EQ Prince. It was not that Cuvee made a mistake.

But... he did it on purpose!

No one would question Bai Qiu's reaction and awareness, so the control chain of Samsung's top and jungle was not together. One was facing Qing Gangying's original position, and the other Shen directly blocked Qing Gangying's possibility of moving!

Qing Gangying without E, even if he flashed, he couldn't escape this wave!

In the decisive game, the cooperation between Samsung's top and jungle has reached the extreme at this moment!


Even Bai Qiu, who had always been extremely calm, couldn't help but swear when he realized all this.

He complained, but his hands were not slow.

Samsung's decisive game was very clever, and it was useless for Qing Gangying to flash.

But... Bai Qiu didn't plan to flash at all!

Almost at the same time as Prince's EQ and Shen's E, Qing Gangying, who was originally walking to the left, also moved! He suddenly turned around, his hand speed and awareness reached the extreme, and directly locked the rat closest to the top of the dragon pit at the maximum distance!

Press the R skill!


In an instant, the Qing Gangying who was walking on the ground jumped up directly, like a roc spreading its wings and soaring thousands of miles.

The whole person instantly entered an invincible state that could not be chosen.

The next moment, with a bang!

Qing Gangying's ultimate move had already been fixed in front of the rat.

Then there were two dull sounds in succession - bang bang!

The prince who had already flown halfway, and Cuvee who was almost in front of the Qing Gangying who was about to fall with the ultimate move.

It was like hitting a strong protective shield out of thin air, and an irresistible sense of repulsion came. The prince and Shen didn't even finish their skills, and they flew backwards! They landed and stood there in a daze!

Qing Gangying's ultimate move, a fancy knock-up, interrupted the prince and Shen's two skills!


"Shen! Ultimate! Interrupted! The ultimate jumped to the rat, and the control skills of the prince and Shen were interrupted!!"

Because this wave of operations was too fast and the visual effect was very shocking, everyone was a little confused for a while.

After a second, Wawa reacted and said with a dull look:"Oh my God!……!"

Before he could finish his words, Miller next to him shouted like crazy:"Can we go? Shen! You can flash to this position... Flash! Run away!!"

"Ahhh!! Cheirsh is really gone this time!"


On the field, I saw Qing Gangying using his ultimate to move in front of Rat. He didn't even look at the confused Samsung top and jungle at the moment, and didn't bother with the equally confused Ruler. Seeing that the position was finally almost right, he pressed the flash that he had been holding in his hand without hesitation.

The yellow light lit up, and Qing Gangying's figure had instantly teleported to the bottom of the dragon pit. He ran towards the river without looking back.

The Samsung people on the other side finally reacted and wanted to chase, but unfortunately they were still some distance above the dragon pit, and the nearest Rat... had just used the flash to get to the dragon pit, so he couldn't get through at all.

Even if he walked over now, Qing Gangying would probably have run away long ago.……

"Gone! Really gone! Cheirsh! This ultimate skill directly deflected all the control skills of the two SSG players! Deflected them at the same time! What the hell is this!!"

"I was stunned!!"



"Hey...IG, this group of people are still coming over here, do you still want to fight?" Miller stared at the big screen.

At this moment, the Blue Steel Shadow left, and the Taliyah's ultimate had already ended. The three IG players who were blocked from the ultimate had not changed their goals, and they still rushed towards the Samsung group.

"I have the idea of fighting...……"Wawa glanced at the current status and health of the three-star team.

All five were alive, but except for Rat and Tam, the other three... were at very low health!

Moreover... the skills of Prince and Shen just now were all gone. These were the most critical control skills in the two team battles for the three-star team.…


"We can fight! We can fight this time! Three stars! This time we have no status, no skills!" Wawa went crazy instantly:"IG has a chance to wipe out the opponent this time!!"

"Cheirsh, you did a great job! Not only did you get away, but you also tricked all of Samsung's control skills into using up Shen's health!"

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