On Weibo's hot search list.

After IG confirmed 2/0 Samsung, the entire hot search list seemed to explode

#IG2/0SSG#'s hot search came to the top at a terrifying speed.

With more than 5 million hits, it was followed by a dark brown explosion!

In addition to this hot search, there are also #Chierish剑姬#、#IG#、#S7 quarterfinals#、#An Zhangmen's expression # and so on... all kinds of hot searches about this game came up. What shocked everyone the most was that the hot searches for IG's previous game... didn't even go down.

Combined with the two, almost half of the hot searches on the entire Weibo hot search list were occupied by IG and S7!

The popularity was too explosive!

Everyone knew what it meant when IG won this game!

"Win! 2/0!"

"? ?! Is this true? I clicked on the trending search with a confused look on my face. IG is 2-0?"

"You didn't watch the game?"

"Is it worth watching IG vs Samsung... Aren't they bound to lose... I didn't watch the live broadcast because I was afraid it would make me feel bad…"

"2/0? Samsung 2/0IG?"

"Damn, no, it’s IG2/0 three stars!"


"I was at the scene and cried!"

"IG is so strong. The coordination and team fights in this game left me stunned. Is this still the IG we are familiar with?"

"IG is awesome! Qiu Dad is awesome! Invincible Sword Immortal! I suggest changing his name to White Sword Immortal!"

"2-0... Tsk, IG can't really make it to the semi-finals with a score of 3-0, right?"

"Oh my god... Is this true? I don't dare to think about it..."

Among the many heated discussions, when someone mentioned that IG might beat Samsung 3-0, the entire network was boiling!

3-0 Samsung... This dream result that no one dared to think of before the game, now it seems... IG really has a chance to do it!

This is something that RNG has never done, and it is also something that the LPL region has never done in the 7-year history, except for OMG in S4!

0-0 in the BO5!

And it was in the most popular S7!

For a while, the terrifying heat broke out completely, and everyone's public opinion and contradictions, attention and eyes, all fell on the discussion of this result.

Even the LPL official staff went crazy at this moment.

In fact, after IG 2/0, everyone's emotions had been accumulated to the peak.

Yan Zijing GwAwa:"Too strong, this IG completely exploded in the quarterfinals, Cherish's Sword Princess is too strong, Qiu Dad!! (Thumbs up) (Thumbs up) Is there a chance to win 3-0?!"

Commentator Miller:"I was at the scene and I cried, 3-0! IG, we are waiting for you in Shanghai (awesome) (awesome)!!"

Remember, the commentator:"In the hotel, a bunch of idiots screamed the whole time, like crazy. After the game, several girls were so excited that they almost fell down... It was really shocking... IG is awesome! Come on IG! 3-0 (come on!) Go, go, go!!"

The picture below is in the big room of the official hotel. A group of LPL commentators and hosts who were not scheduled to commentate today gathered together. Beer, drinks and snacks were placed on the table and bed, and the big screen opposite was broadcasting the game live.

A group of people raised their hands and cheered, and there was also a girl who was obviously too excited and sprained her ankle...

Commentator Haokai:"I was short of oxygen watching it backstage. I have to shout here: Cherish - invincible in the world!!"

Ren Dong SuperMan:"After three years, in the BO5 finals, can IG shut out the Korean G team?! Come on, guys!"

Yu Shuang YSCandice:"It was a beautiful game! I can't remember how long it has been, the LPL region is awesome! Keep it up, IG! We are waiting for you in Shanghai! PS: I have to say that Cherish is so handsome!"

"Dad Qiu, love me!"


Xiran Iris:"I’m a fan of Fiora in this match, what about you guys? [Picture of Fiora] [Photo of Chiersh in her makeup session]"

Yitiao Xiaotuantuan OvO:"Uh… White Dog, charge me!"

Guan Zeyuan:"Although… but, I still think we can’t be careless, Samsung is very strong, it’s possible for us to come back from 2-0 down to 3-0 down!"


There is something strange!

Some people were moved when they saw the colonel's words.

The colonel really cares about LPL, has he started to work?

The collective reaction of many people in the circle confirmed the attention and crazy enthusiasm of the quarterfinals.

It also witnessed that what IG is doing now is a feat that is very likely to be recorded in history!

Even the professional teams and spectators from other foreign regions are now turning their attention to the big country far in the east, the Guangzhou Gymnasium!

3-0 South Korea's G team advanced to the semi-finals.

No matter which event it is, it is enough to make the world crazy, not just LPL, but the world!

This is the S game, this is S7, it is not comparable to ordinary events at all, this is the world game!

"Huh…did everyone hear what I just said?"

Backstage at Guangzhou Gymnasium.

Inside the IG lounge.

The coaching staff analyzed and instructed for a few minutes, but the coach was still talking until his mouth was dry.

It's not that he talked too much, but that he was nervous and anxious right now, feeling both pain and happiness, and his mood was extremely complicated!

"I heard it clearly!"Everyone on IG nodded.

"We don't have time to see the reaction outside... but I believe that all of you should know what is happening outside now."

Su Xiaoluo stood up and looked at everyone in IG:"Now, at this moment, we have slapped many people in the face and exceeded many people's expectations, but I don't want you to be satisfied... or stop here."

"Because... the war is not over yet, the fighting has not stopped, no matter what the score is, in a BO5, as long as you don't get three points in the end, everything is still uncertain."

"Up to now, our momentum and state are fine. I just ask everyone to put everything aside, forget everything, and play it as a normal game... Let today's third game become the last one! Are you confident?!"

Hearing this, the momentum of IG has reached its peak, and they shouted in unison:"Yes!!"

"Okay, let's go on the court!" Su Xiaoluo said this in a very pretentious manner, and then he felt a little uneasy when he saw the backs of the IG players leaving.

He added:"Remember, it doesn't matter if we lose. We are already two points ahead. Even if we lose, we can still fight back. The other side... won't have that chance!"

"Got it, Mr. Su."

The five IG starters have already walked out of the lounge door, and their voices can be faintly heard.

The entire IG club looked in the direction they disappeared, with anxious and complicated eyes.

IG, in BO5, is famous for its poor performance.

Before S7 started, they were even given the"reputation" of"being poor in every BO5".

This time against Samsung... can they really do it?

Wait and see!

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