Top lane.

Fiora suddenly got stuck at level 6, and the low-health Noxus instantly fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

But Cuvee is worthy of being Cuvee. Although he has been suppressed during this period of time, he has not died again except for the wave at level 1.

This is very important!

When the light on Fiora just lit up, Cuvee shuddered all over, his hair stood on end, and he pressed the flash without any hesitation!

With a bang.

The low-health Noxus flashed back to the defense tower.

There was still a little blood on his body. In this state, he directly used the flash when facing Fiora alone. No one expected it.

Too decisive!

"There is something here."

Bai Qiu muttered. This Ponos was like a frightened bird. After he flashed under the defense tower, and in this state, it was really hard to kill him.

It seems that we should not underestimate the heroes of the world, and we should not be complacent because of a few single kills...

Bai Qiu understood in his heart.

Outsiders, the commentators of major competitions around the world also felt a little sorry.

"Flashed, Cuvee was so decisive and reacted very quickly. In this case, there should be no chance to kill him!"Wawa shook his head and said,"This... is too stable."

"It was indeed very stable. Since Cuvee died once at level 1, he actually just lost a soldier. Under the circumstances where IG's jungler has been targeting the top lane, it is actually very scary."Shen Chao couldn't help but say:"If it continues like this, it will be disadvantageous for IG"

"Because we only have some advantages in the top lane so far, and the jungler has been in the upper jungle area, so the experience and economy are not as much as the opposite Gragas..."

In the game.

Noxus's decisiveness and stability brought a certain degree of pressure to IG.

The pressure mainly came from the overall situation. After the first-level group fight, Samsung's response tactics were handled too well, causing IG to fall behind so far.

After Fiora reached level 6, Noxus in the top lane had to choose to go home. Even if he was in good condition, he didn't dare to continue to farm. Noxus went home, and the game situation became calm again But this time the peace didn't last long. Not long after Noxus returned home, something strange happened in Samsung's upper jungle!

This wave of changes was mainly caused by Ning Wang.

Ning Wang had been wandering around in the upper jungle, and now he was far behind An Zhangmen. When he saw Noxus go back, he subconsciously wanted to go to the upper jungle of the opponent to counter-jungle.

At the same time, he was eager to open up the game situation and find a rhythm. He predicted An Zhangmen's current position and wanted to find trouble with An Zhangmen.

As a result, when Blind Monk just arrived at the blue buff pit, he saw a full-blooded Gragas staring at him with a smile.



King Ning was stunned. Before he could react, he suddenly saw a half-blooded Syndra who was supposed to go home suddenly appear not far behind him!


Ning Wang shuddered all over and cursed loudly, knowing that something was wrong!

He was discovered in advance, Samsung was waiting for him!

"Ouch, Ning Wang! Samsung just set up the vision to see Lee Sin. This wave of Gragas and Syndra have been waiting for him in the jungle!"

Wawa frowned and said,"Can we leave? If we don't leave, Lee Sin will die!""

"Can't leave, Samsung had it planned, Syndra's return to the city blocked the vision, IG didn't know Syndra didn't go back this time!"

On the field, IG really didn't know Syndra didn't go home this time, because in the previous mid lane, Rookie saw Syndra return to the city before going back together.

But no one thought that Samsung was waiting for IG here.

Now the situation is that IG is at a disadvantage in all aspects except the top lane. If Lee Sin dies again, the death of the jungler will directly ruin IG's rhythm in the early stage of this game!

"I tanked!!"

Cuvee instantly saw a chance to make up for the pressure he was under. Noxus, who had just returned home, hadn't taken a few steps when he TPed directly to his own jungle area and blocked Lee Sin's retreat!

"TP!! It’s the blue side! This time, Noxus directly tanked?!"Wawa wailed:"Clockwork TP is not ready, so in this case... Ning Wang is gone!"

"Too anxious, Ning was a bit anxious this time…"

On the field.

After Noxus TPed, Blind Monk was basically sentenced to death.

But King Ning was not willing to wait for death, and still wanted to escape outside the jungle.

After taking a few steps, he was stunned by Master An's Gragas's E skill, and then Syndra immediately followed up with QE, perfectly connecting the control.

After a burst of output, after the full-blooded Blind Monk regained his freedom, his own state was surprisingly gone by half!

At this time, Noxus TP landed, and without saying a word, he went straight to the beaten Blind Monk!


Ning Wang cursed. He had used W just now when he was circling the vision. He could only grit his teeth and press the flash...


Blind Monk flashed away, but the three Samsungs were still very close to him.

Noxus, who was in the front, threw out a Q and even directly hit Blind Monk!

His status dropped again, and he was at the bottom of his health!

"I'm going to die! There's no need for Bo Ning to flash this time. He's going to die anyway. What a waste!"

Miller stared at the big screen, watching Blind Monk use a death flash in a panic, and he felt terrible.

At this moment, the director's camera suddenly turned and very abruptly showed the top laner - a sword lady, who had come to the river at some point, and just walked to the exit of the jungle, very close to the escaping Blind Monk.


Miller was stunned:"Sword Princess... Why is Sword Princess here... Is she here to save King Ning?"

"No... that's not right. All three Samsungs are here. Ning Wang is at low health. Even if Fiora comes alone, she will die! Isn't this a bit unreasonable?"Wawa was stunned.

In this state, even if Fiora has an advantage, it is impossible for her to 1v3!

But they couldn't understand why IG did this.

"W me! Can you W me?"

Bai Qiu looked at the blind man in danger and said to King Ning at a fast speed.

"Don't come, you are our only advantage. If you die this time, we will be in trouble."Ning Wang said with some guilt.

"Stop wasting time, is this you? Isn't he still alive?"

Bai Qiu said:"Can you use W?" Ning Wang paused, gritted his teeth and said:"Yes!"


The next moment, Blind Monk, who had been running in a straight line, suddenly turned left.

After seeing Fiora, he was worried that Blind Monk would run away, so he pulled the E skill of Noxus directly!

He moved to twist Noxus's E!

Then without saying anything, he directly used W to attack Fiora at the maximum distance!

Instantly distanced himself from the three three-star players who were chasing him, and then continued to run forward without looking back!

"Run away! Lee Sin moves to avoid E! W Fiora!! Does Ning Wang have a chance to run away this time?!"

"Fiora really got through! Oh my god... I cried, is this what brotherhood is like in LOL... But you went over to pick up Lee Sin, what are you going to do?"

Seeing this scene, everyone felt touched and desperate.

Because in this wave, Lee Sin escaped, but what about Fiora?

Cherish was completely stuck by the three Samsungs!!

"This... Fiora is IG's only advantage right now. If she dies in this wave, she is actually worse than Lee Sin. It's such a loss... Shit!"

Miller didn't finish his words. He looked at what happened on the field in the next second and suddenly became confused.

"Sword Princess...this Sword Princess...what is he doing?!"

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