"It's only been two minutes since the start of the game, and Cuvee was beaten to death?!"

This title is really eye-catching.

He died twice at level 1 at the beginning. Whether he was beaten to death or not is not the point, but for Cuvee, the laning phase is indeed difficult.

Fiora and Noxus are heroes that rely on their own abilities. If you have to say, Fiora is slightly at a disadvantage before level 6. After level 6, with normal development, Noxus cannot beat Fiora.

Originally, Cuvee's idea was to drag the game to level 6, so that the opponent's Noxus would basically have no choice.

But he never expected that he would die twice at level 1.

In this situation...how to drag the game? He can only play timidly. With the equipment level lagging behind, even Cuvee cannot make up for the gap with operations in a short time.

Fortunately, Cuvee's hard power is indeed very strong.

The most talked-about thing about this player is not only his carry ability, but also his The ability to withstand pressure is also amazing, and the performance in team battles is often very terrifying.

After Fiora retreated, Bai Qiu's previous advantage in controlling the line did not play much of a role.

The main reason is that Cuvee is not like the opponents Bai Qiu encountered before. This person can always seize the opportunity to last hit, and Fiora is too flexible. After trying several times, Bai Qiu simply gave up controlling the line and started pushing the line.

At the same time, he had to admit in his heart that Cuvee is indeed the strongest top laner he has encountered since he became a professional.

Both the details of the line and the awareness are already maxed out.

During this period, the jungler Ning Wang wanted to come over to help more than once. Helping the strong rather than the weak is the consensus of all junglers.

But in just a few waves, all of them were avoided in advance by Cuvee's precise awareness. After a few times, even the outside world couldn't help but admire

"Cuvee, his awareness is so good, even when he is at a disadvantage, he can withstand the pressure and not fall behind in last-hitting!" Wawa smacked his lips and said,"If it were someone else, I think Cherish would have pushed them out of the experience zone long ago."…"

"This is the terrifying thing about Cuvee. I always feel that Samsung has been acting in the LCK era, and Cuvee is the best actor in it. Every year in the S-League, this guy will give you some surprises. Miller joked.

"Yes, but... no matter how good you are, you have to tremble at my feet now. The hero Fiora must be played to advantage after being selected. You are always under pressure now, how can you play?!"

Wawa's momentum rose:"Fiora is in this state now, it's time to go home!"

In the game.

Cuvee's ability to withstand pressure is amazing, but it's a pity that Bai Qiu is not a dry meal. He can't kill the opponent alone, but after a few waves, Noxus has consumed Fiora to residual blood.

When Q hit Fiora again, Fiora's state was only about two-fifths.

And there is a detail here by Bai Qiu. He looked for an opportunity to completely cripple Fiora after accumulating two or three waves of soldiers.

In this way, Cuvee has just used TP, and if he goes back now, he will lose two or three waves of soldiers.

But if he doesn't go back... he will be at level 6 soon and can completely cross the tower!

This is the game of top players. Bai Qiu used the advantage online to completely kill Fiora

"I can’t take it anymore, brother, come and help me, if I lose this wave of soldiers, I will explode." Cuvee didn’t know how many times he had asked for help from Master An.

In fact, Master An had come several times before, but Cuvee had good awareness and Bai Qiu was not bad either, so they were not caught, and King Ning was still wandering around the jungle area at work.

""Has the opposing jungler returned?" Master An looked at the situation in the top lane and knew that he had to catch Noxus once this time, and he had to kill him, otherwise the top lane would collapse sooner or later.

"I just came here once, and my condition was very bad. I don't think he's here. Even if he is here, we are not afraid of a low-health blind man in a 2v2!"Cuvee has a clear mind


After saying that, Zhu Mei, who was well prepared, began to approach the top lane.

Ning Wang had indeed been here before, but he didn't catch anyone, and when he was retreating, he met Master An in the wild area. After the battle broke out between the two sides, Ning Wang was in a very bad state.

In fact, others didn't know, but Samsung knew that this wave was all planned by Master An, who just wanted to push Ning Wang back.

Master An had made full preparations for catching people this time after failing several times before.

When Zhu Mei made a move, the whole audience followed suit

"Pig girl... Master An is going to go over and gank her this time." Wawa looked at Noxus who was pushing the line like crazy in the top lane:"This time... Noxus is pushing very far forward"

"Master An still didn't want to give up the top lane. He had already caught it twice, but failed. Here comes another wave! Miller frowned and said,"But this time it's a bit dangerous. Ning Wang just came home...IG only has Noxus on the top lane."

"And... Cherish just lost his eyes... Hiss, this couldn't be all planned by Samsung, right?" Wawa suddenly took a breath and looked at the other two with a bit of creepiness.

"Well... this possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, Master An's style of play has always been to win in a steady manner. His awareness and tactics are definitely the best among junglers."

While they were talking, Zhu Mei had already arrived at the upper jungle area. She had no intention of avoiding vision at all and walked openly in the river.

This scene almost confirmed that Samsung had calculated IG's vision.

It was shocking.

"Then this wave... is not right, Cherish is still pressing... At this position, Noxus is only halfway healthy, and he might die if caught by Sejuani!"Miller said anxiously:"Can we retreat?""

Of course he can't retreat.

Let's not talk about whether Bai Qiu will miss such a good opportunity. Facing Master An, it is very scary not to be caught twice in a row. He can't be aware of it every time, otherwise he will really become a fairy.

At this moment, after Bai Qiu communicated with Ning Wang, he looked at the status of Sword Lady and felt confident to cross the tower and clear the last soldier. A large wave of soldiers began to advance.

Noxus himself continued to press forward

"It’s time to go up!" Cuvee saw this and immediately called out.

The opponent’s Noxus was in such a state that he couldn’t escape!

Without him saying anything, with Master An’s experience, he knew that this great opportunity couldn’t be missed. Pig girl rushed out of the fog of war and went around to the upper lane. Behind Fiora, she appeared!

"Damn, again?"

Bai Qiu was stunned for a moment, and after cursing, he felt that it was a bit difficult to move forward.

The main reason was that he pushed too far forward and left no way for himself to retreat. This was also his usual style of play after letting himself go.

"It's over, Sejuani comes out directly, so this time... Noxus is in such a forward position, he should be dead"

"Oh, it’s still Master An, he’s too experienced, he’s learned a lesson, after this wave of death, IG’s advantage in the top lane is not that big, Fiora can also slow down a bit...Huh?!"

Wawa was stunned before he finished speaking,"Noxus...! What is he going to do?!"

"What the hell, I am stunned, what kind of operation is this?!!"

Seeing what happened next on the field, the audience was stunned.

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