"Okay, welcome to the 2017 World Championship quarterfinals. This is China G Guangzhou. Friends in Guangzhou, how are you?!"



"IG will win! Come on IG!"

LPL commentary booth.

Three LPL gold medal commentators appeared. As soon as they appeared, the scene was filled with terrifying cheers.

"Hello everyone...I am Wawa"

"I'm Miller"

"I am Shenchao!"

After the three commentators made their brief introductions, the cheers from the audience rose.

The match between the LPL team and the LPL gold medal commentator is a perfect match!

"Wow... So we are also in Guangzhou now." Wawa felt the warm atmosphere and said with a smile:"Compared to Wuhan, the audience in Guangzhou is not much less"

"Very enthusiastic." Miller nodded, and then said:"And the reason for this enthusiasm, I think part of the reason is that the first match of the quarterfinals today is a team from our own region.…"

"Ahhh!! IG!!"

A young lady who was standing close to the field raised her voice sharply, which reached the commentary booth and caused a wave of cheers.

"That’s right, IG!" Wawa laughed and said,"Today’s first match of the quarterfinals is between our LPL region’s third seed and the LCK region’s third seed, Samsung!"

"Yes... it's a tough battle." Miller nodded with emotion:"Although they are both the third seeds in their respective divisions, these two teams... are definitely not weaker than the first seeds in other divisions in terms of strength."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't have advanced to the quarterfinals."

"Well... But to be honest, Samsung is really a strong opponent."Wawa said:"This team... I believe the audience in the LPL region should know that Samsung is an upset team in every S game. They will become stronger and stronger as the schedule progresses. Last year, they won the runner-up of the S game!"

Hearing this, the commentary booth was silent.

Indeed, whether compared to honors or global popularity, including the current hard power, the global audience feels that IG's chances of winning are really not high.

They themselves... Haven't they had this idea?

But no matter what, even if they know that the winning rate is very low, they are still willing to believe in their team.

"IG is not weak either." Wawa said with a smile:"IG won all the games in the group stage. Compared with Samsung, IG has one more qualifying round this year, which means our players will be in better shape!"

"Yes, and in terms of team configuration, IG is indeed very good." Shen Chao next to him continued:"Especially the duel between the top units. In the past, when we played against LCK teams, the top units were always a headache."

"For example, Samsung's top laner Cuvee is definitely the world's top carry top laner. He is good at single-handedly pushing and teamfighting. It can be said that he really crushed our region in previous S games.…"

"But this year is different, they are facing IG, and IG's current starting top laner, Cherish, is also a player who is good at carrying heroes. As long as IG can keep Cuvee as the top laner in this BO5, our chance of winning is actually very high."

These words are very encouraging, and they are referring to Cheirsh, who has become very popular recently. Bai Qiu's fans cheered off the court.

Wawa and Miller also agree with Shen Chao's point of view.

In fact... As Shen Chao said, although this will affect morale, the fact is that, historically, LCK's top laners are always unique.

In previous years, the top laners from the LPL region who entered the S game would be beaten up and completely beaten.

Since the end of S6, many people have realized that the reason why the LPL region has not won any international competitions is that there is a big gap between it and the LCK. The lack of a strong top laner is one of the most important reasons.

Now the appearance of Bai Qiu has given everyone hope.

At this moment, the cheers from the court rose, and the director gave a notice

"We still choose to believe in the players in our own region, so... the players in front are ready, let's enter the first game of the first BO5 of the S7 quarterfinals together!"

After speaking, the director switched the camera to the BP interface.

In this game, IG is on the blue side and SSG is on the red side.

In the quarterfinals, the number of teams has decreased, the strength of the opponents has increased, and the two teams have studied each other deeply.

At the beginning, Samsung rarely banned the top laner Jayce, and then the mid laner Leblanc and the version must-ban Spear of Vengeance.

IG also banned the top laner Kennen, the jungler Jarvan IV, and the support Lulu.

The bans on both sides were full of targeting, but Samsung's Jayce ban was beyond many people's expectations.

Because... Cuvee's Jayce solo lane is the best in the world, this is his signature!

"It seems that Samsung has also watched IG's game in the group stage, and they still respect Cherish's Jayce. Miller nodded.

"Yes, in that case, there is nothing wrong with banning players on both sides, let’s see what IG will choose first…"

BP interface.

IG on the blue side took one shot, discussed it, and quickly decided to take Xiaoxi’s Xayah.

When it was SSG’s turn, Xayah was taken away, so they could only take Luo, plus a jungler named Sejuani.

The choice of Sejuani instantly made the scene boil, because… Sejuani actually played less frequently in recent games. There is only one reason why Master An brought her out now - this is his signature!

Seeing this, IG also chose junglers for the second and third picks, helping Ning Wang get Lee Sin, as well as the mid laner Clockwork.

SSG took the ADC Tristana.

The first round of selection for both sides ended, and looking at the lineup… IG’s was relatively scattered, while SSG had already shown its edge.

"Luo... Tristana and Sejuani."Miller frowned and said,"To be honest... this lineup is very good. Not only is the version strong, but it also has the signature heroes that the players are most confident in. IG's ban makes SSG feel too comfortable to choose people."

It is indeed too comfortable. In addition, IG's top laner has not been selected yet. SSG did not hesitate to continue to choose to target the top lane in the second round.

By the time the ban was over, there were only a few top laners left outside.

This is to completely block Bai Qiu. The outside world may not be able to see it clearly, but SSG saw IG's first three picks and knew that the opponent still wanted to play the top and jungle in the early stage.

Then I will ban your most confident top laner, and add a counter position.

It has to be said that Samsung is much stronger than other teams in Group D. This team is definitely the strongest IG has encountered so far.

Just the BP made them feel the pressure.

SSG got the mid laner Galio in the fourth pick.

It's IG's turn

"How to choose?"Xiao Xi stared at the screen, feeling a little confused.

"Let's pick the support first."The coach said.

IG got the support Minotaur.

Now, only the last top unit is left.

"IG…There are no heroes in the upper unit now. To be honest, SSG’s BP was done perfectly. Miller felt a little uncomfortable:"It feels... so difficult to choose."

"Samsung's strength is indeed there. And they deliberately kept the top laner to counter, which is to completely eliminate Cherish.…"

"So what should IG choose? Time is running out... Should we go for a Treant or Sion? This choice... is acceptable for a late-game lineup... Shit!"

Before he finished speaking, a hero suddenly appeared on the big screen on the fifth floor of IG.

A hero that no one had expected and that made everyone crazy after seeing it.——

"I will never tolerate cowardice!"

The Hand of Noxus - Darius!

Commonly known as the Hand of the Elementary School Student, also known as the Hand of Noxus!

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