"It's not what everyone thinks...please don't misunderstand me……!"

In the room, Bai Qiu waved his hands anxiously. Everyone in IG came to their senses and didn't believe him at all. They looked at Bai Qiu with strange eyes.

It was as if they were meeting him for the first time.

""Huh? What's not what everyone thinks?" Tuan Tuan frowned in confusion, and suddenly found Xi Ran sitting not far from Bai Qiu.

As the saying goes, women's intuition is sharp. Although Xi Ran is not close to Bai Qiu, Tuan Tuan always feels that this woman has bad intentions.

"Qiuqiu, who is this? Can't you introduce her to me?

Bai Qiu swallowed his saliva and suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Ahem…Hello, I’m LPL host Xiran." At this time, Xiran also reacted, stood up with a smile, and greeted Tuantuan.

He looked normal, and Tuantuan clearly felt the hostility of the other party.

"Ah... I've seen your interview... you're amazing~" She didn't show any expression on her face, but smiled innocently.

"Really? Thank you, thank you. Then, you and Cherish are…" Xiran asked curiously.

The other people in the room also pricked up their ears. Although they didn’t look over here, the gossip fire in their hearts was already burning.

"You're talking about Qiuqiu, we..." Tuantuan said nonchalantly,"We've known each other since we were little, and we even slept in the same bed when we were little, right, Qiuqiu?"


Bai Qiu's mouth twitched twice, and he said nothing.

"So…" Miss Xi Ran was stunned for a moment, then she reacted and said with a smile:"Then she must be your childhood friend. I didn’t expect you to have such a pretty childhood friend."

Bai Qiu smiled awkwardly, feeling that he couldn’t stay any longer.

"Hey, aren't we going out? Let's go?"

King Ning is really a brother. Seeing Bai Qiu like this, he couldn't bear to see the kid embarrassed any more.

In this regard, he has experience! He has it all the time! He quickly stood up and greeted him, helping his good brother out of the situation!

Others also reacted and nodded immediately.

Rookie came up to Bai Qiu and pinched him:"You're so good. Why didn't you tell us that you have such a beautiful... friend?"


I'll tell you, tell you.

Bai Qiu complained, and suddenly he heard Ah Shui scream beside him:"Ah!"

"You, you, you... aren't you that... that little Tuantuan?" Ah Shui pointed at Tuantuan and asked excitedly,"Is it you? The voice is exactly the same!"

"Huh?" The others were startled when they heard the voice.

Bai Qiu was also stunned.

Ah Shui actually knew Tuan Tuan?

Tuan Tuan was not surprised at all. She tied her hair up like a lady and glanced at Bai Qiu. She didn't pretend to be mysterious and admitted generously:"It's me"

""Oh shit!" After getting the confirmation, Ah Shui took a breath and said,"We are... meeting a celebrity!"

"Who is Yitiao Xiaotuantuan?"During this period, all five starters of IG were busy playing intense games or doing crazy devil training. They didn't even bother to read the public opinion about themselves, let alone what was happening outside.

Only Ah Shui, an"extra staff member", had time to understand.

"You don't know?" Ah Shui looked at everyone in surprise, and then he realized:"Oh... I forgot, you are all eligible to compete... Oh, when can I play?…"

"Can you get to the point?"King Ning couldn't help but say, and the others, including Bai Qiu, were already curious.

"Tuan Tuan!" Ah Shui stared,"You really don't know? It's so popular recently!"



Bai Qiu looked at Tuan Tuan who was smiling at him in confusion, and became even more confused.

When did Tuan Tuan become famous?

How come I didn't know?

"A little girl has become popular in the past half month, since half a month ago, when the S game just started!"A Shui looked at everyone with a caveman look and explained speechlessly:"Now he is the most popular person in Dousha, and his live broadcast has tens of millions of fans every night.…"

"Moreover, Douyin is full of her live clips. I heard that her Douyin fans have just exceeded 20 million recently... 20 million fans in one week! She is the number one anchor on both Douyin and Dousha platforms. How could you not know this?"

Everyone listened to Ah Shui's words and stared at Tuantuan, who looked like a child. Besides being beautiful, she is also the number one anchor on both platforms?

Bai Qiu opened his mouth wide and looked at Tuantuan.

"No, that's all fake. I've only been famous for a short time, only in the past half month... the heat has passed and it will soon fade away." Tuantuan waved her hands with an embarrassed look on her face. People who don't know her would really think that this little girl is embarrassed.

In fact...

Damn, can you be more fake?

Bai Qiu complained in his heart, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

He thought to himself... Could it be that because of his appearance, Tuantuan became famous earlier than in his previous life?

"Damn, it's true!"

At this time, other people on IG also opened Douyin and Dousha, and as expected.

On Douyin, Tuantuan is still on Douyin's hot search list, what is #Tuantuan navigation voice package#、#Interesting soul #wait…

I clicked on the homepage and saw that the fans had just exceeded 20 million!

On Douyin in 2017, this is really the number one anchor!

Although Dousha is not as exaggerated as Douyin, it also has millions of followers, and the gift list is very high. It can be seen that it is a well-known anchor.

Generally speaking, those who are in the e-sports circle know those big anchors, but the IG people don’t know Tuantuan now, obviously the other party became popular too quickly, and what Ah Shui said… is true!

"Oh my god."Everyone in IG was amazed and shook their heads.

They were not amazed by how popular Tuantuan was. In fact, as professional players, even if IG did not go out in LPL and internationally, ordinary anchors and Internet celebrities were still qualitatively different from them.

The main thing was... Bai Qiu actually knew such a person.

And judging from the girl's expression, it was obvious that she was interested in Bai Qiu just like Xi Ran!

This was so interesting, this scene... wasn't it the legendary Shura Field reappearing?

"You...why didn't you reply to me?" Bai Qiu came back to his senses at this time and looked at Tuan Tuan speechlessly.

"Didn’t I tell you that I’ve been making short videos and live broadcasts recently…" Tuantuan spread out his palms innocently, just like when Bai Qiu ranked first in the double server


Seeing her like this, Bai Qiu also remembered the past, his eyes softened a little, and he couldn't help laughing.

""Okay, okay, let's go. Didn't we say we were going shopping? Let's go shopping." King Ning couldn't stand this kind of look anymore and started shouting.

Everyone in IG also stood up. Xiran, Xiaoyu and Tuantuan didn't leave either. A group of handsome men and beautiful women walked out of the hotel together.

It's a pity... After such a high-level incident, no one was in the mood to go shopping. After going through the process in a hurry, everyone in IG returned to the hotel with their own ideas.

The three girls definitely couldn't go back with them.

Before parting, Tuantuan was obviously a little depressed, staring at Bai Qiu eagerly.

"I... will come back to see you after the S game." Bai Qiu touched his nose.

"No, I mean... you have to work hard, I am now - more popular than you!" Unexpectedly, Tuan Tuan suddenly laughed, looked at Bai Qiu and said:"You must not perform poorly in the quarterfinals, so many people are watching you... I'm waiting for you to surpass me!"

"Otherwise, if I, a woman, am more popular than me, do you want me to support you in the future? How bad must your stomach be?…"


"We’ll leave first…" At this time, Xiran and Xiaoyu, who looked as usual, also walked forward. It was obvious that the two were in the same group. Miss Xiran looked at Bai Qiu with shining eyes:"You…good luck in the quarterfinals. I will always cheer for you from the audience!"


After waiting for the three pretty girls to leave, all the IG members turned around and looked at Bai Qiu.

King Ning couldn't help but said,"You are the legendary - Aquaman?!"



Amidst the laughter and joy, the night fell and the night passed quietly.

The next day.

October 19th.

The 2017 World Finals quarterfinals officially began!

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