He really became a big hit.

If the impression that Cherish gave to all domestic audiences before was: a new player with strong skills. But he has no honors, no qualifications, and little competition experience. He is a very good newcomer.

Then, when IG advanced to the quarterfinals with a strong 6/0, and Bai Qiu carried the game, everyone's evaluation of him became: this is a freak of skills, a carry player with a very high ceiling!

We are not blind.

Even though Bai Qiu was unknown before IGS7, but... since the start of S7, Bai Qiu has been able to create one or two famous scenes in almost every game.

This kind of player... especially on the biggest world stage like S7... it's hard not to be popular!

#Cherish Jess#、#Cherish Big Bug#、#Cherish fast push flow system# and so on... various hot search terms about Bai Qiu began to explode at this moment

#The news that IG advanced to the quarterfinals# was still at the top, but the hot search terms about Bai Qiu had also followed closely. In less than half an hour, six of the top ten on Weibo, including the IG team, were related to Bai Qiu!

It exploded!

It exploded completely!

Countless viewers turned their attention to Bai Qiu, to this player who had not been very popular before.

Tuwan Esports was the first to release various news about Bai Qiu, such as his rough life before joining IG, his hand injury after joining IG, and his high-spirited performance at S7... He was just like the protagonist of a novel about a male protagonist in e-sports, so inspiring and legendary. As soon as this Weibo was released, in less than ten minutes, the number of comments directly exceeded 20,000, the number of likes reached 50,000, and the number of reposts reached 60,000!

The popularity is so high that it is not much different from some celebrities who rely on traffic to make a living!

It can be seen that the popularity of S7 is terrifying. With the superposition of the two, it really has the potential to explode.

Click on Weibo, the highest number of likes for the reply below has reached 50,000

"Qiu Daddy!!"

"Oh my god, I got goosebumps watching this. Was Cherish so miserable before?"

"I can't say it's miserable, I can only say... it hurts to see"

"I feel so sad. As a fan who has been attracted by Qiu Dad recently, after reading these resumes, I suddenly want to cry."

"To be honest, a resume is only a few dozen words, but from these few dozen words, you can feel how much sadness is contained in it."

"Yes, it was a hot day, but my hands and feet felt cold, and I was so angry that tears came down. Hell was empty, and the devil was on earth.……"

"? ?! Did we go to the wrong set upstairs?"

"I'm really moved. I'm one of the first fans of Cherish. I've been following him since he joined WE. At that time, he didn't even have a verified Weibo account. We set up a super topic on our own with only 6 people, one of whom seemed to be his own smurf account... I originally thought he would retire this year, but I didn't expect that... Thanks IG!"

"Although I was not a fan of Qiu Dad in ancient times, I became his fan after he joined. It hasn't been long, but I always feel like a treasure has finally been discovered.…"

"+1. I also became a fan of Qiu Dad after the bubble game!"

"I envy the fans in the ancient times. There were only six of them... These six people can really go out and brag about it in the future..."

The picture on Weibo shows a gorgeous stage and lights, and Bai Qiu waves to the audience with high spirits.

Tens of thousands of viewers responded excitedly.

It looks beautiful and brilliant.

But behind this high spirits, who knows how he got here and what kind of experiences he had?

The LPL region is really never short of geniuses. Geniuses are too common in the LPL. Such a genius was buried for four or five years. It is distressing and can only sigh at the cruelty of reality.

Facts have proved that even a pearl is covered in dust and a good wine is afraid of being hidden in a remote alley!

"But now it’s good, it’s finally popular!"

"IG advanced with all wins. No matter how they perform in the quarterfinals, at least Cherish's personal value has been demonstrated... Happy!"

"I will always support Cherish!"

"+1! I will always support Cheirsh! Kill my father Qiu!"

"Come on IG! IG is awesome!"

Bai Qiu's personal explosion exceeded many people's expectations.

No one expected that after IG won all the games and advanced, the first to explode was actually the individual players.

But sometimes it is like this. Don't complain about the unfairness of fate. As long as you are good enough, you will have the opportunity to rise at any time.

Now Bai Qiu's rise is unstoppable, and everything is so natural.

For IG, the journey of the S7 group stage has ended, but their story has just begun!

The focus returns to the game scene.

After all the IG members finished the interview, they packed up their things. Today's games are all over. The end of the battle in Group D also means that IG will enter the off-season and wait for the other two groups that have not yet determined their qualification to finish the game and go to Guangzhou!

Qualifying with all wins shocked the outside world. In fact, IG itself was also confused.

But it's a good thing that happened. With such a good result, Principal Wang couldn't sit still.

Instead of returning to the hotel, carrying a backpack, Principal Wang went directly to his friends in Wuhan to book a room and a banquet at the best hotel. As soon as the IG team came out, they were pulled into a luxury convoy and rushed to the hotel to prepare for the celebration banquet!

When they were in the car, everyone had time to go online to check the situation. As a result, they were all shocked when they saw it.

""Fuck, Qiu, you're so hot!" Ning Wang and Bai Qiu sat together, staring at CheirshID, who was leading the trending search list.

"Oh my god, how much popularity is this... more than 600W? Oh my god, brother, are you going to fuck the sky?"

"I was stunned. What was going on? Is it such a big deal to advance to the quarterfinals?" Others were also confused.

After clicking in and seeing the trending content, everyone suddenly realized. After a moment of silence, Ning Wang patted Bai Qiu on the back and said,"Everything is fine now... Play well. We have done well this year and we will never be in that situation again."

"……!"Bai Qiu looked at his teammates.

He was not deeply touched at first, but Ning Wang's words still touched him.

"Good brother!"

Bai Qiu hugged Prince Ning

"Don't worry, just keep pushing forward, I'll be behind you..." King Ning grinned, and a foul smell hit him in the face.

The mood that had just been brewing was destroyed. Bai Qiu covered his nose and retreated, staring:"Fuck, did you eat garlic today?!"

""Ah? What's the matter?" Ning Wang scratched his head and said,"Didn't we eat together? Noodles with soybean paste, I added some garlic, it's really tasty!"


"Get out of here, I'm dying of suffocation"


There was a noise of fighting on the bus.

As the bus passed the night scene full of lights and feasting, the noise gradually became smaller... until it disappeared.

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