
"Are you sure? IG revealed Jayce……"

"Locked, it’s Jayce, top lane Jayce!"

Wuhan Sports Center.

As IG locked the last top unit in seconds, the scene burst into cheers.

Many spectators from other regions were also surprised.

Jayce, this hero is considered an evergreen in the top lane of the S game. As a line-dominant hero that the carry-type top laner must know, his popularity has always been very high.

This is for other regions, especially the LCK region. Every famous top laner must be good at playing Jayce.

But... in the LPL region, is there anyone who plays Jayce well?

"Cherish's Jace is worth looking forward to."Wawa explained:"Maybe many viewers don't know that Cherish has used Jace."

"That’s right… and he performed well. Although he was not used in this year’s S game, this hero is indeed suitable for IG’s lineup in this game. If Jayce performs well, he can also take on the responsibility of being the core in the early stage…" As they talked, MSF saw IG’s choice and finally decided on the last pick.

���Son, be cautious.

After this choice was made, the lineups of both teams were finalized.

The game started loading, and the cheers and support from the audience were already rising one after another.

"Okay... Then the lineups of both sides have been determined. This big brother battle of Group D has officially begun. Let's enter the Summoner's Rift together!"

After that, the game officially began!

In fact, in this game, MSF's final top lane selection was beyond many people's expectations.

After all, although Shen is also a versatile hero, in the early stage against Jayce, one has long arms and the other has short arms. If they don't perform well, they may have to bear the pressure.

But looking at the overall lineup of MSF, the choice of Shen has given them more flexibility and adaptability in their team, which is already very aggressive in team fights.

IG looks very monotonous.

Even until now, no one can see where the highlight of IG's lineup is.

Top lane Jayce, jungle blind monk, mid lane Galio, bottom lane policewoman + wind girl...

This lineup has some early stage meaning, but not all, and it is seriously lacking in team fights. The only one who can start a team fight is blind monk. The remaining four big brothers feel that they rely entirely on their personal abilities to play, and there is not much room for cooperation.

"Maybe...IG has its own ideas. Miller didn't quite understand, but he still supported his team:"After all, with this lineup, except for the mid lane, we are strong in the early game."

This is true. Jayce and the policewoman and the wind girl are very strong in the online game.

At this moment in the game, IG's lineup is seriously lacking in teamfighting, so there is no intention to fight at level 1.

Both sides are lined up in a normal long snake formation, and it seems that they should be able to transition smoothly before level 1.

"In this case, we don't have any intention of fighting, we just fight in the laning phase, which is good for us. Miller said with a smile:"In the early stage, our lineup must rely on laning phase to gain an advantage, especially top lane Jayce. This hero must have an economic lead in the early stage, so... this is also good."

"Yes...but why do I feel like there's something wrong with MSF?…"


In the game, the jungler of MSF chose to start with red buff. He did not go to the bottom lane. After making a profit in the upper jungle, he naturally came out of the jungle and moved towards the upper lane.

At the same time, Syndra, who had just appeared from the middle lane, also blocked the vision and moved towards the upper river.

Many people smelled something unusual when they saw this movement.

"This... Does MSF want to take action against Jayce?"Miller was puzzled.

They were going to attack Jayce!

As opponents who had studied countless IG game videos in private, they knew this opponent better than other powerful teams who didn't care much about IG.

This team's strength is not to be mentioned, but in every game they won, they would definitely gain an advantage in the early stage of the top lane.

That's why they were surprised to target IG's top lane.

After countless observations, they found that IG's top laner Cherish was not without shortcomings. Especially at the beginning of the game, this person always liked to squat in the bushes to ambush others.

Anyway, you can get unexpected results at the beginning, but once you use it more, the opponent will definitely take advantage of it.

MSF is going to make trouble now. After the top laner Shen came online, he squatted in the triangular bush below his home.

After the prince arrived, he immediately stopped moving. When Syndra came over, the three people in the top, mid and jungle of MSF were all squatting in the bushes.

The intention couldn't be more obvious, that is, to attack this Jayce at level 1!

Of course, the premise of attacking him is that Bai Qiu dares to continue to rush over.

"As expected, they are going to attack Jace!" Wawa took a breath:"MSF…Do you think so highly of Chreish?"

"It’s not that I look down on him…" Miller said:"If a hero like Jayce can be killed once or twice in the early stage, then he is basically useless. IG’s lineup is very dependent on Cherish in the early stage, and MSF is very clear about this.…"

"This position... Will Cherish come back? The opposite triangle grass, Jayce shouldn't be so reckless... Uh…!"

Before he finished speaking, Jayce, who had just come online, walked out of the defense tower not long after the three MSF players crouched down, and slowly approached the triangle grass on the opposite side...

Really coming?!

Seeing this scene, the audience was immediately shocked.

The three commentators at the LPL commentary booth also turned green.

"How…how did he really get through…this, this is the opponent’s jungle, Jayce, this shouldn’t happen!" Wawa was anxious:"Three MSF players are inside, if Jayce gets through, he might be dead!""

"Cherish's style seems to have always been like this. When he plays a hero with long arms, he prefers to ambush people.…MSF…This is prepared. Miller frowned and asked,"Do you want to keep going? Can you be aware of it?"

Of course, he couldn't be aware of it.

A hero like Jayce, with a long range at level 1 and playing as a Shen, continued to approach the opponent's triangle grass without knowing it.

"Get ready, I'll go first!"MSF had seen Jayce approaching, and the three of them were instantly excited.

Shen called out, and was ready.

""Wait until he gets closer, then taunt him directly. He won't be able to escape even if he flashes." The prince said, and subconsciously moved forward.

Two seconds later, when Jayce officially entered their control range, the prince decisively said:"Now, kill him!!"


But just as he said this, a yellow eye suddenly lit up in the triangular grass where the three of them were hiding.……

"What the hell?!"

Jace realized it?!

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