After a few seconds of silence, Bai Qiu gradually accepted this strange name.

It seems... that he met a fan?

Thinking of this, Bai Qiu nodded without changing his expression and said,"Of course you can"

"(That’s really great!)" Hearing this, the young lady uttered a string of Korean excitedly.

Bai Qiu didn’t expect that he would have fans in LCK.

And he’s a host...

At this moment, the director’s camera came over.

Miss Jin Minna’s professional ability is still good. She smiled brightly at the camera and the audience:"Hello everyone, welcome to the post-match interview. This time we have invited IG team’s top laner, Cherish!"

"Cherish, can you please say hello to everyone?"

Bai Qiu understood this sentence without any translation, and picked up the microphone:"Hello everyone, I am the top laner of IG team, Cherish!"



"A Yasuo player? Is that the same player who played Yasuo before?"

"He looks so handsome...but why does his temperament seem a little different from the Yasuo on the field?"

"Ahh, Cherish is so my type!"

"Oppa is so handsome!"

"I remember the one who ranked first in the Korean server with 85% win rate was Cherish, right? Isn't he from Korean G?"

Unexpectedly, the cold treatment that Bai Qiu imagined did not appear.

The fans of LCK treated him very warmly.

He didn't even know if it was an illusion. Why did he feel that compared with the domestic audience, his personal fans in LCK were...more?

Was it an illusion?

"Wow, Cherish played really well in this game, and he is very popular."Miss Jin Minna didn't expect Bai Qiu to be so popular in her own division. She was a little surprised, but at the same time, she felt... could it be that people's aesthetics are so synchronized?

Well, he is very strong too.

"Then let's first ask player Cherish, it is said that this is your first time to participate in the S game, but your performance is very stable, even... explosive!" Miss Jin Minna looked at Bai Qiu, because he was a little tall, she had to half-raise her head:"Today is also the second time you have won the MVP of the S game group stage."

"IG has only played two games so far, and you have won all the MVPs. Including the previous qualifying games, you are the real MVP harvester. Do you have anything to say about this?"

The flattery in this question is too obvious.

Bai Qiu himself felt a little embarrassed. After thinking for a while, he said,"Actually, my teammates played very well too. Maybe it's just that my data looks good... I'm still very happy to have won so many MVPs, um."

"The teamwork and the relationships between teammates seem really good."

Miss Jin Min-na nodded, and then asked:"You performed so well in your first S game, what's the secret?"

"The secret is to keep a calm mind. Our IG is only the third seed in the LPL region this year, so the pressure is not that great. I think this is the reason."

"So that's how it is."Jin Min-na said:"But I think IG is really good. In the LPL region in recent days, only IG has the best performance..."

This is not a problem. The translator didn't even translate it. It can't be translated. Who is he hinting at?

How should Bai Qiu answer? Wouldn't the outside world explode?

After all, Jin Min-na is not from the LPL region. She didn't realize this at all and continued to ask:"From the performance of several games, the global players and audiences have a deep impression of you, especially your laning style, which is very aggressive and brutal... This seems to be the first time that a player with this style has appeared in the LPL region. Do you usually maintain this style?"

"Or... do you usually play heroes like Jayce and Yasuo?"

Bai Qiu heard this and said seriously,"I want to say here that I like to develop myself. So I actually prefer to develop myself!"

"Huh?"Miss Jin Minna looked at Bai Qiu in confusion, thinking she had heard wrongly.

Like to grow?

The translator next to him couldn't help laughing when he translated.

Bai Qiu was telling the truth, because the top lane is like this. If you have a little experience lead, you can even suppress the opponent for the whole game.

Growth comes first, and economy comes first.

"Well, I didn't expect that."Miss Jin Minna was quite straightforward and quickly accepted Bai Qiu's"strange answer". Finally, she said,"Then the last question... um... do you have a girlfriend?"

I was confused.

Bai Qiu, who was listening carefully with his head tilted, looked at the translator with an expression as if to say: Buddy, did you translate it wrong?

The translator was also speechless, because that's what people said, he couldn't translate it randomly, right?

"Ah... this... because you are very popular, you can see that many viewers are very concerned about this. If it involves private privacy, you don't have to say it." Miss Jin Minna explained with a red face.

Bai Qiu was just surprised, but still told the truth:"Not yet."



"Oppa, look at me!"

"ZhongG people, are you sure?"

"What's wrong with the Chinese G players? The Chinese G players are the most handsome!"

There was already a burst of cheers from the audience, and Miss Jin Min-na also smiled with a hint of meaning.

"Well, thank you Cherish for accepting this post-match interview... Congratulations to IG again, I hope they can keep up this record!"

After that, the post-match interview ended.

Bai Qiu and Miss Jin Minna said goodbye and returned to the lounge under the attention of the audience.

At the same time.


When IG defeated FW and helped the LPL region, which had been in a slump for two days, to make a comeback, countless LPL viewers and fans outside were also crazy. After two consecutive days of depression, it was unexpected that IG stood up and saved the current decline of LPL.

After the depression, there was an explosion.

With IG's victory, major forums and media outside were also boiling.

On the Weibo hot search list, #IG team first# ranked at the top, with millions of popularity. This was a treatment that IG had never enjoyed before the start of S7.

Clicking in, most of them were praises and flattery for IG.

At the same time, there was also disappointment with EDG, and a tiny hope.

The popularity was very high, and the impact caused by IG's victory was also great.

But no one expected that not long after, an inexplicable hot search would jump onto the Weibo hot search list.

And the popularity did not decrease all the way, directly... reached the top!

#Chiersh doesn't have a girlfriend#

What the hell is this trending search?!

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