"Got it!! Cherish, the prince, got this red!!"

"OMG…Cherish!! How did he do it! The Prince actually got it, he bypassed two visions, God, did this guy open the Eye of God?!"

Wuhan Sports Center scene.

Watching the Prince walk over, directly blocking the vision, sticking to the wall and stabbing with a Q, accurately taking away the red buff that was hit by the blind man and was reduced to a trace of health, there was a burst of screams at the scene.

The commentators from major regions around the world were also dumbfounded.

This wave of the Prince's counter-red was really too"alternative", it can be said to be full of twists and turns.

The most outrageous thing is that he still got it!

After reacting, Miller glanced at the situation:"The Prince got the red... What should I say, can this wave go? Shen has come to surround it, this position... Even if Cheirsh gets the red, it will not be easy to leave!"

On the field.

The Prince's layout to grab the red buff was amazing, but it was a pity that this was deep in TSM's jungle. If he grabbed the red buff, would TSM let him go?

Shen in the top lane had already rushed over here as soon as possible. Seeing this, Blind Monk was so angry that his forehead was filled with blood and he rushed straight to the prince.

This wave... how to go?

"Go away, keep fighting, this blind man is going crazy!"Bai Qiu and King Ning complained, and the prince on the field did not retreat but advanced, directly wrestling with the blind man who rushed towards him!

No running!

Go straight in!


"Prince! Ouch... What do you mean? Aren't you going to run this time?"Everyone outside was stunned for a moment. Wawa said with a look of astonishment on his face:"This wave... This... Damn it!" Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly stunned.

Because on the field, the Prince who was wrestling with Blind Monk... was actually in an advantage! No matter how hard Blind Monk pulled when he started with the red buff, his condition was always not as comfortable as when the bottom lane helped him. In addition, TSM had no idea that Prince was coming before, so Blind Monk's condition was not as good as expected.

Of course, more importantly... Prince got the red buff!

Blind Monk's skill CD, both of them are level one, but Prince has a red buff with bonus damage!

His condition is even full of blood. Now he is 1v1 with Blind Monk. In just a moment, Prince's condition has dropped to half, but Blind Monk's condition has also become more debilitated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

""Fuck you!!"

TSM jungler Svenskeren couldn't help but curse when he saw this.

"I can't beat him?!"

"You pull first, I'll be there soon, and he'll be dead by then!" said the top laner Hauntzer quickly.

Hearing this, Blind Monk also thought it made sense and wanted to turn around and pull for a while to avoid the sharp edge.

But when he wanted to leave, he forgot that the prince had taken the red buff!

With the red buff sticking to him, Blind Monk was slowed down and couldn't move!


At this time, Shen had already walked to the bottom of the red buff pit, and it seemed that he would definitely come over within three seconds.

But these three or four seconds became the death warrant for Blind Man at this moment, and he could not afford to delay even a second!

"I flashed! I'll use Q on him later!!"The state has been reduced to one-fifth, and Blind Monk dared not hesitate any longer. Otherwise, if he flashed, he might be killed by the opponent's flash. He gritted his teeth and pressed his flash directly to the side and front!


The yellow light lit up, and Blind Monk was forced to flash in his own jungle!


"Flash! Lee Sin flashed away... Cherish! This time in TSM's jungle, he actually forced the opponent's jungler to flash at level 1?!

Miller was stunned and said,"Oh my god... What the hell is this? Can you play it like this?"

"But there was nothing wrong with this wave. If Lee Sin flashed away, Prince would not have the chance to exchange heads. Shen had already arrived, and Lee Sin's Q would be ready soon. This wave... Cherish might still die."Shen Chao calmly analyzed.

On the field, after Lee Sin flashed, Prince had already lost the chance to exchange heads.

Shen had already rushed behind him, and there was another Lee Sin in front of him.

With people blocking him from the front and back, Prince was trapped in the small space of his own jungle by TSM.

"I'll control him first, you just use Q, Fuck, make him spit out everything he ate!"Shen looked at the fresh and hot red daddy under the prince's feet, and when he thought that this person had snatched the red right under his nose, he shouted angrily.

"OK!"The blind man nodded

"I'm on it!"

As soon as Shen finished speaking, he was already close to the prince. Without saying anything, he used his E skill to taunt the prince.

He had learned this E skill specially. He came online too early just now and kept the skill. He didn't expect to use it now.

With the taunt, the prince couldn't escape even if he had wings!

"Die for me!"

"So straightforward?"At the same time, Bai Qiu had been paying attention to Shen behind him after Blind Monk flashed. When the opponent's E just started, he reflexively twisted to the right. The next moment, Shen's E skill passed directly and barely passed by the twisted Prince!

Moved, twisted away!

"Fuck?!"Shen was stunned for a moment.

But before he could react, he saw that after Shen's E skill was just twisted away, the prince did not stop at all, and moved directly to Shen's position again.


The next moment, the blind man's Q skill, the sound wave, came from the side and hit the prince's previous position accurately.

Now the result... naturally, nothing was hit!

He dodged again!


"Move! Move again! Prince! He dodged again!! Oh my god…!"Wawa was completely stunned.

Miller next to him reacted quickly, and said with ecstasy:"Then we can escape this time! Can the prince escape? TSM's two skills - both missed!!"


"Chase! Kill him! Kill him!!"

Shen reacted and wanted to chase him immediately.

But the prince kept a small distance from him. This distance looked very close, but Shen, who was only level 1, couldn't hit the opponent!

And looking at the prince's current state... Although he was very weak, he shouldn't be able to kill the opponent even if he flashed over.

""I can't catch up anymore." Shen sighed, and the blind man who was farther behind also looked frustrated.

This time, the prince really ran away!

"He ran away! TSM stopped chasing him... Oh my god!"

Looking at the back of the prince calmly leaving the field, now that it was confirmed that he could leave...

The commentators from major global regions looked at each other.

Then... it exploded!

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