The crocodile's teleportation suddenly came to the next road, and IG was caught off guard.

Their lower lane is pushing the line, and King Ning is cooperating with the lower lane combination, ready to take the opportunity to push out the defense tower that still has a quarter of its blood left.

That way, they'll be able to pull out one of each other's towers.

You won't lose on towers.

They won't be pulled apart.

It's just that...... When they wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to knock down this tower.

Chen Hao teleported down and teleported directly to the position behind.

At the same time, Galio also teleported, and not just crocodiles.

The two teleporters came down together.

This time, it is likely to form a four-on-three situation.

Seeing this, IG also handed over the teleportation.

There are also two teleportations, one for Akali and one for Jace.

That is, theshy and rookie came down at the same time.

It's fast.

This time, all five IG members arrived.

On the contrary, there are only four people here in G2 and the people who have been teleported.

Situation...... Very beneficial for IG.

This is a very rare opportunity.

Maybe IG can take advantage of this numerical advantage and play a good comeback.

A group of spectators saw this scene and immediately became excited.

Equally happy are the commentators, who also feel that the opportunity to belong to IG has come.

"Five against four, this wave of IG has a numerical advantage in the bottom lane. "

"This wave of teamfights will be very beneficial to them!"

Originally, they were worried that IG couldn't find a chance to fight back.

Now's the opportunity.

"I hope that this wave of IG can be played well. "

"If this wave of team battles can be played well, then IG can completely turn the situation around. "

The eyes of the three commentators lit up.

The rhythm they've been waiting for, and now it's finally here.

This wave was originally an opportunity for G2, but now IG also has two teleportations in his hands, which can just break the opponent's attack.

This is their chance for IG to fight back.

"IG's teamfights have always been very good. "

"They're good at fighting, and this wave of teamfights should have a good chance. "

The two of G2 also have to teleport earlier, so they also land faster than IG's people and reach the bottom road.

After coming to the bottom road......

Galio, who blocked the opponent's retreat, immediately opened the W skill.

While accumulating strength, he walked towards the other person.

Looking at the distance, it seems that the skill is used early.

So the people at IG didn't care too much about Galio, they were more worried about Chen Hao's crocodile.

This crocodile...... What the hell will be done?

His development is the most terrifying in the audience, and there is always a little uneasiness in the hearts of everyone in IG.

Lowe also tried to look for opportunities...... Approach.

That's the difference between G2 and IG.

There is only one prince on IG's side who can take the lead, and Bronn is a backhand, and they generally don't take the lead, and plan to wait for G2 to take the lead before playing a backhand.

G2 is different here, and their people can take the lead.

Including AD embers are fine.

It's just that this time, Ember didn't use it to release a big move to keep people first.

He was immediately active when he saw his teammates hand over the teleportation.

After spending most of the game, he suddenly became different.

W flash!

At this time, Galio has not weakened the revision, and can still do taunt flashing operations. If you have to wait for the future revision, you can't use taunts and flash combos, which also greatly weakens Galio's ability.

At the moment when the other party's person landed, Galio suddenly made a W flash attack.

The two who just landed directly were ridiculed.

They're just waiting for this moment.

Chen Hao did not hesitate to make his own big move, but this time it was not aimed at others, but ...... theshy。

Because among the several people, theshy's body is the thinnest.

If the two of them make a move, it is likely that they can directly give each other a second.

It just so happened that Akali was taunted again and couldn't do it.

No matter how powerful Theshy's operation was, he couldn't move.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Hao and Ah P took control, and then a set of skills came down...... Give theshy a second first.

Don't give him any chance to operate.

They are still too optimistic about IG.

When you actually fight, you know...... How high the damage of this crocodile.

With the cooperation of the other party, they can only be beaten passively.

The entry of the crocodile and Galio is very scary.

One hits control, one hits damage.

This can be very disruptive for the back row of the IG.

"I'll ......"

"This crocodile's damage is terrifying, isn't it?"

"Shy just landed and was so seconded?"

Chen Hao's crocodile has just become angry, and this damage can give theshy seconds, which is really terrifying.

His rank is also one level higher than the other party.

This is also another reason why you can get rid of the other party in seconds, level suppression.

The advantage of the crocodile in the early stage is too great, and it is almost a matter of seeing who sleeps in seconds.

With Galio's cooperation, Chen Hao can easily play a set of outputs, and no one can stop him.

King Ning's prince didn't have time to come over to stop it.

The blue Bulon was protected by Ah Shui's side again, and it was too late to rescue.

After giving theshy seconds now, the number of people became four to four.

The number of IGs suddenly did not prevail.

From the taunt flashing to the second thesy of theshy, all of this is just a momentary occurrence, and there is no room for IG to react too much.

What is the most feared by the IG lineup?

It's just that I'm afraid that the G2 people will stick to their fights.

If you can't open the distance, IG's lineup won't be effective.

The prince fought back, and EQ picked up Galio, who was closer to him, in a second row.

He wanted to fight the ember, but this ember just didn't give the prince a chance.

I won't call you.

After dropping Akali in seconds, Chen Hao and Ah P's next target is Rookie.

Luo opened the ultimate to enter the arena in order to control Rookie and not give him any chance to escape.

In the face of such a strong entry, they really have no way at all.

There is a lack of weakness.

Otherwise, the situation with IG can definitely change.

But without this weakness, the crocodile can fight unscrupulously, without any restrictions at all.

Bronn unleashes his ultimate to save his teammate Rookie.

But Chen Hao used his E skill to dodge.

The crocodile and Galio are both highly damaged and fleshy at this time.

They didn't have anything to do, and it was a real headache.

The crocodile is too well developed.

They estimated that they hadn't killed half of the people's blood, and the crocodile would give them seconds first.

And G2 has a first-mover advantage on its side.

After being glued to the three of G2, rookie can't help it.

In the end, he also handed over his head.

The other side has just too much control.

Lowe, Crocodile, Galio...... These are controlled, and they are hard controlled.

This is still Zhao Xin did not come at the first time, if Zhao Xin came at the first time, this situation may be even more different.

How can this be fought?

The situation with IG collapsed all at once.

It's not a gap in their operations.

But after being cut off by such a pack, IG can only be beaten passively.

In the end, G2 and IG played a wave of one-for-four operations.

Galio was killed, but the others were still alive, and the crocodile took two more heads in this wave of team fights, which became more and more terrifying.

Combat effectiveness is not a grade at all.

IG was completely restricted, and the lineup didn't have to play.

You can't play the lineup advantage.

If they had been asked to put out the lineup first, they would have played very well.

But in this wave of team battles, they were forced to take over the group, and they were a little divided into formations, which made it difficult to fight.

Don't look at them because they have a numerical advantage, but when they teleported down, they didn't take the lead, but let G2 strike first.

In this wave of team battles, IG was defeated.

With the advantage of numbers, they didn't have to win this wave of regiments.

It's too hard to fight.

A crocodile who opened a big move, killing it in this position, really made them very uncomfortable.

Sapphire Blue didn't limit the crocodiles either.

Galio has been cooperating with the crocodile to play control.

This makes it really hard for IG to deal with.

Seeing that IG lost this wave of team battles, everyone's hearts ...... It's all half cold.

"It's over...... I'm afraid IG is going to lose, too. "

"Who else can restrain this crocodile?"

"The economic gap has widened all of a sudden, hey. "

"It's so difficult, this crocodile damage is too terrifying, it's too difficult to limit. "

"Even IG has been beaten like this, is this G2's strength so strong?"

Everyone couldn't help but wonder about their judgment of G2's strength.

After all, this time, IG did not take G2 lightly.

They are all very serious about preparing for the game, and it is no different from the previous games.

But even so.

They're playing so hard at the moment.

From this, we can see how strong G2 is.

"This top order from G2...... It's really strong!"

"It's so depressing, such a player is in G2. "

Originally, this was supposed to be a player in their LPL division.

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