The game is about to begin.

At this moment, everyone paid twelve points of attention.

Nervous, yet excited.

A semi-final match, but the atmosphere is even more tense than the final!

This is the real competition!

The atmosphere is completely different.

In the previous match between RNG and G2, the game was too casual, where is there such an atmosphere.

"Whew...... I felt the atmosphere of the final. Colonel Guan exhaled.

Longhair nodded in agreement, "This is indeed a bit of a final atmosphere, it's not the same as before. "

"You say...... Will this year's S championship be born in these two teams?" Colonel Guan suddenly thought of a possibility.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that this possibility was very high.

G2 is the No. 1 seed in the EU region.

At the same time, they also won RNG in the last game, although there are reasons why RNG is careless and despises their opponents, but they also have to admit that their strength is really strong.

Especially Chen Hao, a G2 top road player, this strength is definitely top.

Not to mention IG, the fully integrated IG has won 19 consecutive league wins.

The overall strength between them and RNG, between the two and the middle, RNG does not dare to say that it can win IG 100%. If the two teams play each other, the win rate is probably between 5.2:4.8.

Especially in this World Championship, they also defeated Team KT, one of the favorites to win the championship, and everyone saw their strength.

If there is one of the top four teams that are most likely to win the championship, it seems that these are these two teams.

It depends on this game, who of the two teams can rush out.

"As long as G2 doesn't win the championship, anyone can win the championship. "There are fans of RNG, and there is still a lot of resentment.

This time, RNG planted such a big heel in the World Championship, and some people blamed it on G2.

Treat G2 as an enemy.

Naturally, I hope that as an IG team in the same division, I can avenge them!

"IG come on, kill G2, you're the champion!"

"Looking forward to winning the championship with IG!" After listening to the commentary, a group of viewers in the live broadcast room were also looking forward to IG's performance.

In the live broadcast room of the game, it was unusually lively.


"Good ......"

Soon, the commentary drew everyone's attention back.

"The game is about to begin. "

"The two sides have entered the BP phase. "

"IG is on the blue side and G2 is on the red side. "

"The first three hands on IG's side are Big Head, Nightmare and Tamu. "

Great Inventors, Nightmares, and ...... Tam!

These three heroes are the BP strategy that IG has set before.

Needless to say, the big inventor is the signature of the AD player of G2, and the ban is to make the opponent not feel so good in the lower lane.

Nightmares are a key part of G2's tactics and can be both hit and jungled.

IG also said that it was not good to target.

In addition, King Ning rarely uses nightmares, and he hasn't used them much, so he will simply ban them at will.

The remaining hero, Tamu, is also a key link for the other party.

If you don't grab it yourself, then just ban it.

The first three BPs have their own strategies in them.

The only time that it was different from other teams was that IG didn't choose to ban the top laner heroes, they didn't target Chen Hao.

This is their trust in the strength of their own top orders.

They believe in theshy.

The top laner who started the first game was the one who sent theshy who was in better shape.

And theshy's style of play is also closer to IG.

It can be said that it is the most suitable top order for IG style.

Duke's strength is very strong, but it still doesn't match IG's style a bit.

There is no hero pool for Chen Hao, just because these top list heroes are also theshy's signature.

They felt that there was a way to deal with Chen Hao's journey.

After seeing the heroes banned by IG in the first three hands, G2 was able to react at once.

"Chen, IG didn't target you on the road. Ah P said.

"The top order on the opposite side is very confident. "

"Well, the opposing side is very strong, everyone be careful. Chen Hao admonished again.

IG's laning strength, except for the lower lane, the other two lanes are stronger than RNG.

Including the jungler Ning Wang's side, he is also in good shape at this time, and he is not the shoe king in the future.

He was in another parallel time and space, but he won the honor of FMVP.

The response on the G2 side is also aimed at the bottom of the IG.

Banned Kasumi and Kaisha, and then banned a hand of Enchantresses.

As soon as the first three hands were banned, IG took the lead in snatching Akali.

Akali is a hero who can be hit or hit, and it's hard to say which way it must be.

Both Theshy and Rookie are good at this hero.

They are not easy to judge, so they can only choose a Luo first.

This support, which was previously selected when playing RNG, is back this time.

Don't look at G2's bottom lane strength, but ...... If you play with other teammates in the lower lane, you can also play a good effect.

Another ...... It was the AD Ember that was chosen.

The next road is basically no tricks, or play the AD of Ember and take the functional route.

At the same time, they will not expose their tactics too early.

Chen Hao also put his choice behind.

Seeing G2's choice, IG actually guessed it.

Then the latter two hands picked Bronn and Lucian, respectively.

It's also a combination of the lower lanes, which doesn't reveal their tactics, it's just playing on the line.

But Lucian's appearance lifted the hearts of a group of audiences.

Their hearts jumped.

It's a bit of a heart-pounding feeling.

The main thing is that RNG has beaten Lucian twice before, but the effect is ...... It's all average, and they all lost the game.

"Why Lucian again......"

"Haven't had enough of RNG's lessons?"

That's where they worry.

I'm afraid of repeating the mistakes of RNG, and I also fell on top of this hero.

"Don't worry, IG is not playing four guarantees and one Luthian. "

"Lucian is still very strong on the line. "

That being said...... Everyone's hearts are a lot calmer.

Everyone's eyes are also looking at IG's third hand, what will this choose.

Third ......

After the nightmare is gone, everyone also wants to see what kind of jungler G2 will choose.

Or what heroes to choose in the middle and upper two positions.


The third hand, G2, decided to choose Galio and use it to play the mid laner position.

Respond to change with the same.

They plan to put the burden on Chen Hao and let him deal with the changes in IG.

In this way, the first three hands were chosen.

Then two more heroes were banned.

The first of these is a wine barrel, and the second is a green steel shadow.

IG is also afraid that G2 will grab the green steel shadow here first, and play a green steel shadow Galio's entry combination.

So I had to ban it first.

And G2 also banned two heroes here, namely the Knife Girl and the Dark Head.

The knife girl is also a hero that IG is good at.

It's not good to release it, so it's better to simply ban it and not give the other party a chance to take it.

These are all heroes who can be used as swing positions, and they are not easy to give to the other party.

That's it...... G2 grabbed a Zhao Xin jungler first.

On the IG side, the prince and Jace were elected.

The prince is a jungler, Jace...... He is also a hero who can swing.

IG's middle and upper are still good at it.

That's the horror of IG mid-to-top.

There are too many heroes they are good at, and many of them can be used universally, so you can play a swing.

But judging from the choice of these heroes, the swing of IG is a little different from the swing of RNG.

The heroes of IG Swing are all extremely strong heroes online, and they are difficult to deal with.


I don't know who got on and who hit Jace and Akali on IG's side.

These two heroes are also extremely strong online.

IG's style of play is also out.

They're going to play on the line in this game.

So far, Chen Hao's choice has not yet come out.

What will he choose to deal with?

Before he chooses, he has to judge who is the top laner and who is the middle laner on IG's side.

"Hehe, the sword sister is banned, don't worry about him choosing, do you guess he will choose the sword demon?"

A group of viewers are also speculating about Chen Hao's choice at the moment.

As the last Kante position, what kind of hero will he choose to deal with.

"This person's sword demon is very strong, when he played RNG before, he played one person to four people, and the operation of the gods descended to earth. "

"If you give him the Sword Demon, isn't IG ...... It's going to be hard to fight, huh?"

"It's hard to say. "

"After all, it's not clear who is on the IG right now. "

Everyone is speculating.

Before looking at G2's last-hand choice, they had to guess what IG thought.

"Hey...... Look at the attitude of other people's IG, and then look at the attitude of RNG before, it is simply a world of difference. "


"If RNG has such an attitude, I'm afraid it ...... Won a long time ago. "

"So...... RNG doesn't deserve to win!"

"By the way, have you read those things that Xiaohu's girlfriend said? It seems that RNG still has a big move in his hand, ready to prepare it for IG in the later game. "

Someone mentioned the recent incident of Xiaohu's girlfriend tearing up for Xiaohu's back.


"Poof, the funniest thing in the world is to hide the big move, and in the end I actually hid myself. "

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