
With the Final Four approaching.

The atmosphere is getting tense.

The further you go, the more the atmosphere of the game is not comparable to the front.

Look at the championship trophy that is getting closer and closer to you......

Everyone's hearts were nervous and excited.

This is perhaps the closest they can get to this trophy.

Everybody wants to win this trophy.

Just ...... Who can have the last laugh.

The remaining four teams are gearing up and getting ready.

In this World Championship, there were more than 20 teams fighting all the way to the present, and now there are only four teams left.

These four teams are not the strongest, but at least they are the four teams in the best form in this World Championship.

The teams that can enter the World Championship are not weak.

It's up to who's in better shape.

It depends on how the game is played.

The faces of the players are also much more serious, and they are all waiting for the battle.

Prepare for the next game.

The further you go to the back, the more stressful it becomes.

Don't dare to be careless.


The first semi-final.

It's a match between IG and G2.

This game, before the start of the game, has gathered a lot of attention.

As the only remaining seedling in the LPL division.

Now IG has extremely high hopes on it.

Originally, this high hope was given to RNG......

But now that RNG is gone, only IG can inherit this will.

Expectations are high for them and they all want to see how they can win against G2.

After winning RNG, no one will ever see G2 as an underdog anymore.


Even after the quarterfinals, everyone's views on Europe and the United States have changed.

It is no longer the image of Europe and the United States in the past.

The performance of the European and American divisions greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

In the past, teams in Europe and the United States were like experience babies for teams in the LPL and LCK regions.

The two major regions are not worried at all.

Times are changing.

My lord, times have changed.

It's no longer the same as before.

Now it's a bit of a competition for hegemony, and the taste of a hundred flowers is in it.

Until the last minute, I really don't know who the final championship will be.

Spectators in their respective divisions are also supporting the teams in their own regions.

At this time, the people who support IG are not only their own fans, but also the hope of the region, and the entire region is supporting them.

From an unpromising team, it has now become the hope of the whole village.

"Come on little IG, let everyone see your efforts!"

"Over this mountain, you are one last step away. "

"Little IG Rushing Duck !!"

"Don't say anything, just do it!"

"This World is the best opportunity. "

"The royal family is already in the past, and the future belongs to IG. "

"Little IG must not learn from a certain team, despise his opponent, and capsize in the gutter. "

These are all fans of IG, who have accompanied them all the way, never abandoned, and silently supported behind them.

"Damn, who are you talking about? Eighteen consecutive victories over the general palace army. "There are fans of that team who don't want to.

On the side of the barrage, the fans of each team fought first.

"Okay, when is it still noisy. "

"Now that everyone is in the LPL division, can we unite a little?

But fortunately, there were some calm people who came out to stop it, and quickly stopped this scolding battle.

IG is now the only hope left for all.

"Yes, support IG together!"

"IG come on, take out G2 and make it to the finals!"

"Please IG avenge RNG and EDG!"

"IG come on, defeat this traitor Chen Hao!!"


Many people began to shout, hoping that they could kill G2, defeat Chen Hao, and avenge RNG and EDG.

EDG have lost twice to G2 in the group stage, so some people have counted this.

But it's more RNG fans shouting.

They all hope that IG can abuse G2 hard and take a bad breath for them.

RNG fans also characterize Chen Hao as a traitor!

It's a shame that RNG lost so badly and was swept 3:0.

It is also a thorn in the hearts of many fans, constantly stinging them.

If G2 were to win the championship, their faces would be even more embarrassed, and they would feel guilty about losing the championship.

Unless IG can take revenge, the situation will be better.

At least the champion is still in their own LPL region, and they don't have this burden in their hearts.

It is...... It would feel a pity.

This year, RNG is in such good shape, and its strength is also very strong.

Everyone agrees that this year's RNG is the most likely to win the championship, pinning everyone's hopes on it, and it is the face of the LPL.

But the result is ...... So disappointing.

They just made it to the quarter-finals and put up such a disappointing result.

Disappointed the expectations of a group of people.

If it's not strong enough, it's okay to lose.

But RNG loses, not because of strength, but because of his own attitude.

They despise G2 too much.

was beaten very badly by G2, swept directly, and had no power to resist at all.

Can you believe this is the strength of a favourite?

It's definitely a big sight.

The more I look at it, the more aggrieved I become.

That's the most depressing.

Make all sorts of low-level mistakes in the game.

In such a game, you say you lost...... Are you willing?

Definitely not reconciled!

For many, this is their youth!

I just want to draw an end to my youth.

However...... Only disappointment was ushered in.

Some people even speculate that it is not RNG spinach behind the back and deliberately loses.

Otherwise, how could this game be so outrageous.

Anyway, after the end of this World Championship, RNG was sprayed miserably.

The funniest thing is......

After the quarterfinals, there was also some infighting within the RNG.

The player's girlfriend suddenly came out to tear up, attracting everyone to watch.

Originally, some fans were lamenting Xiaohu's performance, saying that his performance in the world championship was also indescribable.

It's not just UZI's pot, Xiaohu's pot is also not small.

The whole world championship was invisible, and there was almost no performance.

But Xiaohu's girlfriend couldn't help it, and came out to tear it up, thinking that it wasn't Xiaohu's problem.

and posted "I lost this time, Xiaohu doesn't take the blame!".

The spearhead is pointed at UZI!

When the player's girlfriend got off the field, she naturally tore up.

None of their girlfriends are worry-free people.

The back spray is probably that RNG is all playing four guarantees and one.,Don't give Xiaohu C a hero.,Just let him play a functional mid-laner or something.。

The various disputes between the two sides have caused a lot of excitement on the Internet.

Let the already muddy waters be muddied even more.

The original RNG girlfriend group also broke down at this moment.

A group of people joined in.

There is also a part that takes the opportunity to bring the rhythm.

And also...... Some people are in a state of watching a play.

Anyway, I'll just watch you perform quietly.

There were several days of arguing.

When it was time for the IG competition, it gradually sank.

This is a small episode.

Speaking of which.

Why did they all stop in the quarterfinals this time, and why everyone was spraying RNG instead of EDG.

That's because EDG's presence is already very low.

EDG loses, everyone is used to it.

Anyway, they are just phantom gods in the civil war, and their results in the foreign war are not good, and everyone doesn't expect much.

This is another way to lie flat.

Besides, now EDG can't even do the Civil War Phantom God.

They are no longer dominant in the LPL league!

I didn't have any expectations, so how could I be disappointed?


Over time.

"Competition...... It's about to start. "

The first semi-final match is between IG and G2.

All eyes are on you.

"Whew...... I'm so nervous, I feel even more nervous than the players. "

A group of viewers all raised their hearts at this moment.

There are also many people who are in solidarity.

Both inside and outside the circle.

The circle is full of professional players, commentators, and hosts.

They also posted their support for IG on their Weibo.

Outside the circle are some celebrity fans, who are also cheering for LPL and IG.

The momentum is huge.

"IG should be in good shape. "

"I've heard they've been playing really well in their last training matches. "

"Looking forward to ...... IG's performance. "

"Hehe, I want to watch Brother Shy's game. "

"It's a pleasure to watch IG play. "

IG, as the only seedling in the LPL division, is also rising in popularity.

There are a lot more people supporting them than before.


G2 is also much more popular here than before, and many viewers from various regions also like this team.

The extranet is very lively.

There are some LCK viewers who also support G2.


"This Oba is so handsome!"

Some female fans looked at Chen Hao's eyes glowing.

"Oba seems to be very powerful. "

"I'll always have your back, Oba!"

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