Chapter 59 Welcome to, lpl!! Underworld people welcome guests graciously!! (sixth more)

“Su Chen!”

“Brother Chen!”

“Big news! International news!!”

“Su Chen, you are on the leaderboard!! Overwhelm Xiaohu and sit firmly at the third place in the Solo Mid leaderboard!!”

With the shouts of all the players in the training room.

Su Chen also walked out of the office.

“What ranking?”

“Suppress Xiaohu?”


Su Chen was confused.

I only played three games in total, so is this on the leaderboard? Third?

What kind of ghost news is this?

“Brother Chen, see for yourself!”

As iboy handed over the phone, Su Chen finally understood what they were talking about.

In the S7 season, Riot released the official Solo Mid ranking.

Freshly baked!

And this ranking is also quite controversial.

After all, every team, every Solo Mid, has a large number of fans. After seeing the official rankings given by Fist, they will naturally feel upset when they see their idols being crushed on their heads.

In this ranking, BDD takes the lead and ranks first.

Dragon Ball Solo MidBDD this season.

In the LCK, the SKT ssG Solo Mid crown was defeated, and it was directly blasted through when lining up with BDD.


He was put in the first place by his fist.

The world’s No. 1 Solo Mid!

“Unexpectedly, faker ranked second this year.”

That’s right.

Previously, the faker of Solo Mid, which ranked first in the world all year round, ranked second in S7, ranking below BDD.

And behind faker, everyone saw a terrifying name!

Su Chen! ! !

In just three games, he was directly ranked as the third Solo Top in the world by the fist, and was firmly seated in the third place in the Solo Mid! !

“Brother Chen, it’s amazing! Three games, won third, if this comes to the world, I am afraid that the first one will change hands!!”

iboy was surprised.


“It’s incredible to be able to have this sort of ranking with only three games.”

Even the factory director said so.

“Ha ha!”

Su Chen didn’t know how to answer, so he could only chuckle.

Under Su Chen.

fourth place.

TSM Solo Mid Pilsen, known as a man with four pits.

Brought TSM all the way to the Worlds.

Pilsen’s dominance in Solo Mid is equally impressive.

the fifth place.

ssG Solo Mid, Crown brother, D: Crown!

This year, SSG achieved the third place in the group stage. Although Crown Brother was beaten by BDD, he was still able to resist the wind when facing him, and he could even play a suppressing effect. It is reasonable to rank fifth.

Sixth place.

RNG Solo Mid, little tiger!

ID: Xiaohuo was beaten by Su Chen for three consecutive games, so when Fist announced the Solo Mid ranking, Su Chen’s ranking must not be lower than Xiaohu.

Xiaohu ranked sixth, so Su Chen’s third place is excusable.

In other words.

Su Chen can be ranked third, Xiaohu first class! ! !

General Tiger, you deserve it! !

Seventh place.

He is still EDG Solo Mid, Scout, known as the junior.

After the fat general left EDG, Scout almost became the pillar of EDG, but when facing RNG, his dominance was under the tiger.

“Scout, you are seventh!

A Guang looked at the junior brother and said.

“Well, Scout nodded, he thinks this ranking is still very accurate.

At least.

When facing Xiaohu, I couldn’t be as calm as Su Chen.

eight place.

FW Lightning Wolf Solo Mid, Maple as the overlord of the LMS Division, Lightning Wolf has the strongest dominance. Compared with EDG’s position in LPL, Lightning Wolf is even better.

And Maple, also doing my part, became the No. 1 Solo Mid in the corners.

Ninth place!

G2 Solo Mid, the leader of Perkzo’s optimistic family. When Su Chen showed amazing dominance on the field, Perkz also tweeted for the first time, and began to cheer.

First-class reorganization ability.

At the same time, he is also the king of the European division.

Tenth place!

WE Solo Mid, Xiye.

ID: Xiye WE, as the third seed of LPL, is not optimistic in S7.

Even start from the bubbling match.

As a result, Xiye’s ranking fell directly to the lowest point.

at the same time.

The first time that Riot announced this ranking.


All the players are boiling! !

“Such? What result does he have? Why can he be in third place?”

“God! A young man who played three games, his fist actually gave him third place, ranking just below faker, this is simply an insult to the professional players!!”

“I don’t deny that he is strong, but e-sports, performance talk, an LPL summer championship, how much gold does it have?”

“I think my fist is licking China!”

“Penguin is a holding company, and it is excusable to lick China with a fist, but please don’t lick it so disgusting!”

“I’m going to use my pointed leather shoes to kick my fist in the ass!”

one time.

All foreign netizens spit out in the first place!

In their eyes.

Su Chen is just like the rise of a comet, a young man with a certain talent.

That kind of people.

How could it be ranked third! !


Why is he ranked third? ! !

Even higher than their own Solo Mid?

C9 Solo Mid Jason, even because of Su Chen, did not enter the TOP10, ranking 11th!


All the North American players are mad!


Even the LCK had an inexplicable collective climax.

“This is the fist! The rich is the father!!”

“Why is Such ranked higher than Crown? It laughs me to death, is it just because he killed Xiaohu?”

“Then why not lower Xiaohu’s ranking? I think this is too unfair.” ”

“Xiaohu? That’s the old man who persecuted Solo Mid?”

“Uch still pretends to compare faker’s comparisons. It’s ridiculous. Faker just praised him for his talent. This kid really doesn’t know that the sky is so great!”

“Xiba!! See the end in the World Championship!!”

“A Solo Mid who plays Sword Ji, what can he do! This time in S7, the champion is still our Goryeo!!”

At the same time as the Korea Forum mass explosion.

Domestic netizens.

It’s all crazy! !

Third in the world in three games! I just ask, also! Have! Who! !

“Why is faker on Su Chen?”

“I see! General Tiger kills faker solo, so Xiaohu faer, Su Chen kills Xiaohu solo, so Su Chen Xiaohu, then…

“Su Chen Xiaohu faker, this ranking is not disputed by everyone, right?”

“But there was a collective orgasm on the stick, yelling that Su Chen is not as good as Crown!”

“Who is Crown?”

“Samsung Solo Mid, Crown Brother, the third seed of this year’s LCK.”

“Laughing to death, the third seed is compared to our No. 1 seed? Where does the LCK face?”


The smell of gunpowder across the entire network was instantly detonated by this list!

Fans everywhere.

All quarreled because of this.

If it wasn’t for being on the list, a dark horse suddenly appeared, most netizens would still agree with this list.


It was because Su Chen came out halfway and ranked third.

It directly caused the dissatisfaction of everyone except domestic players! !


Such D is more and more well-known by more and more people.


Was pushed directly to the top of the fishing reel! !

The most controversial professional player! !

Regarding his ranking, there is no accurate assessment so far! !

“They don’t say.”

“I don’t even know, I’m so amazing!”

After reading this ranking.

See the evaluation of yourself again.

Su Chen couldn’t help but said.


Su Chen didn’t know that, before he knew it, he already had millions of fans.


When foreign netizens attacked themselves, their fans also spared no effort to maintain it.


“All the players in the competition area are ranked at the top of the canyon.”

The director said suddenly.

Because this year’s World Championship is a local battle, in order to get familiar with the environment in advance, these players also chose to log in in advance and compete in the top of the valley in the China area.

Korea Division.


Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan competition area.

European division.

EU. North America Division.

NA. China Division.


Five major divisions, plus eight wild card divisions!

A total of 13 competition areas will participate in the journey of this S7 World Championship.


The factory director suddenly said that all the players in the competition area are qualifying at the top of the canyon.

What does it mean?


“Since we are the host, we naturally want to let the guests have a taste of LPL.”

The factory director said faintly.

There was also a cold taste in his voice.

“to be honest.”

“Welcome, LPL!”

iboy said suddenly.

“Yes, welcome to LPL!”

Tian Ye also smiled.

“They say you are not as good as faker.”

“I’m not convinced.”

The primary school brother was the first to say.

“Yes, faker, I have played against him a lot, in fact, his current state is too far from his peak period, and Su Chen, now you have just risen from the comet, just in terms of personal ability, I think you stabilize the faker- One end.”

“On the Solo Mid ranking, it is definitely not only the third one!”

The director also said.

He highly approves of Su Chen, even though Su Chen is very poor in terms of the overall situation.


His personal ability completely made up for this shortcoming.

But now?

The netizens on the LCK side are actually constantly clamoring that Su Chen is not as good as Crown, and is not even worthy of comparison with faker.

How can the factory manager not be angry?

Korean people.

Too arrogant! !

How far the faker state has fallen, visible to the naked eye!

Why do you want to force yourself to deceive yourself?

Just like myself.

The factory manager asked himself, his current strength is not even half as good as at his peak, can faker not be so?


All will grow old.

“Why should I compare with him?”

Su Chen spread his hands.

This kind of thing is simply meaningless.

“As long as I prove myself in the World Championship, won’t I be able to stop the stick?”

Su Chen said.



Just at this time.

Nofe suddenly walked out, his eyes calmly looked at Su Chen, and slowly said: “You five are separated and lined up together! Now almost all the professional players are on the top of the canyon, the probability of you meeting each other is very high.”


“If someone is queued to faker, immediately give up the position to Su Chen!”

“Everyone, rank Solo Mid!”

The sound ends.

Nofe moved a stool and sat in the middle of the training room.

War superintendent! !

“Coach Kim! Two years have passed, but I still want to compete with you!!”

The SKT coach detained the horse, whose surname was Jin.

Nofe also kindly called him Coach Kim.

However, the competition between the two began from the LCK.


Nofe has a genius Solo Mid like Su Chen, so he naturally wants to compete with the duo to see whose Solo Mid is, even better!

“All right!”

Since it was the coach who spoke, Su Chen reluctantly agreed.

It just so happens.

He has an account of the top of the canyon, the king’s segment.

This account is assigned to me by the club and I rarely log in.


Logging in to the account again gave Su Chen a long-lost intimacy.

“This will not be broadcast live, after all, it is a sniper, and it is not very good to say it.”

After logging in to your account.

Su Chen said.

“Yes, there is no need to live broadcast. During the World Championships, Shark will not ask for live broadcast time.”

Said the factory director.

“No problem! Open and open!”

“Open the whole!!!”


iboy, Tian Ye, Aguang, the factory manager, even Audi and Scout have logged in to their accounts! !

Seven people in a row!

The probability of being a professional player is 100%! !

The top of the canyon now is different from usual.

At the top of the current canyon.

There are as many masters as dogs, kings are everywhere, and professional players can be seen everywhere.

When Su Chen and others clicked on the ranking.

In just two seconds, Su Chen lined in.


He immediately discovered that he was not lined up with faker.

“Brother Chen! Here I am!”

“I’m queued to faker!!”

iboy yelled immediately.


Su Chen’s eyes suddenly sank.

To be honest, he himself wanted to know whether he could ever beat faker now, and if he couldn’t, how much difference would he have.


In the face of a normal qualifying game, it will not open.


After a qualifying match, if there are too many operations in the underworld, the system will compensate the attribute points as appropriate, and only one attribute point will be awarded for about ten matches, so Su Chen hates ranking.

This did not substantially improve myself.


He will not give himself any talents, and the talents he has already obtained cannot be brought into use.

When I walked to the iboy computer.

Su Chen’s eyes suddenly opened: “Damn! AD position?”

That’s right.

iboy ranks in AD position!

“Yes, the system has made up the position, and it has been made up to AD.”

iboy said helplessly.

“Forget it, AD is AD, the same!”


Su Chen operated the computer and quickly selected his hero in the field.

Hayate Swordsman.

Yasuo! !

After Yasuo confirmed, the first floor, the second floor, the third floor, and the fifth floor collectively sent their blessings! !

“Just seconds if you don’t want to play! How many random selections mean?!”, on the fifth floor, “Faker on the first floor opposite, can you play seriously? Yasuo get off the road? Just as an orphan?”

“Fourth floor, what do you mean?”

See this greeting.

Su Chen said very politely: “Keg Support, I C.”

The voice fell to the ground.

Support immediately typed on the fifth floor: “My wine barrel f*ck! Stupid!”


The fifth floor, the speed of light, selects the leather city policewoman in seconds! !

iboy: “…

Factory Director: “…”

To this.

Su Chen just smiled faintly: “It’s okay, just get used to it. This is the atmosphere of the top of the canyon. Someone will miss this.”

Then the five older brothers are waiting for others.


The game has been read, and there is no one second.

The game started smoothly! !

iboy: ”

“Brother Chen, isn’t Draven okay?”

Brother Chen.

Is it bad to be a person?


In the live studio of faker.

He was a little confused on the spot.


“What does the opposite mean? Do you play around? Why is there no Support on the opposite side?”

Just when the faker was stunned.

Su Chen has already moved Yasuo to the middle route.


Seeing the message from the opposite Solo Mid, faker laughed: “It turns out they were quarreling! But the atmosphere at the top of the canyon should also be changed. The game experience is really bad.”

at the same time.

In Brother Ba’s live broadcast room, there was also a wailing! !

“This Yasuo is fucking up!”

“Look at me choosing Stoneman, he will choose Yasuo!! I won’t cooperate with him!!”

“The environment at the top of the canyon was destroyed by this kind of person!”

Brother Ba said and licked Solo Mid wildly, hoping that Solo Mid could play normally.

“Brother Solo Mid, please! I can’t live without you!”

“Please! I’m advancing to the tournament!!”

“I’ll transfer the money to you, can you make a normal payment?”

But soon.

The sound of Solo Mid’s exit from the game still sounded.


Brother Ba is also typing on the public screen.

at the same time.

After seeing this scene, a string of black lines appeared on iboy’s forehead.

Although faker uses cards.

Yasuo plays cards, a natural advantage.


Su Chen hangs up after all! !


After four minutes of opening.

The voice of a blood in the middle of the road came immediately!

at the same time.

Su Chen’s Yasuo, Zhangang flashed out, and a string of bells lit up in an instant! !

Ding Ding Ding! !

The bell sounded. At the same time, Su Chen controlled Yasuo and walked out an S-shaped curve on Faker’s corpse.

Standard single kill start!


“This Yasuo is very strong! I’m going to be serious!!”

Just now.

Faker is a little careless.

He didn’t expect that after he was consumed two waves, Yasuo would choose EQ to flash over the tower to kill, and at the same time the reverse wind wall blocked his flashing yellow card.


The worst is to die with Yasuo.


After faker said to be serious, he went online for less than three minutes.

The news of being singled out again! !

Single kill again!

And after the end of this single kill.

Su Chen’s Yasuo, the bell lit up again!

Ding Ding Ding! !

Accompanied by the sound of the bells, Yasuo’s S-shaped steps once again walked out of the feeling of ignorance of the six relatives.

“Nice, Brother Chen! This wave of solo kills is so handsome!”

iboy stood behind Su Chen and spoke immediately.

Surprise! !

At the moment when the faker yellow card disappeared, he cut in front of the tower four times in a row, and instantly approached faker. In the time before the yellow card, he cut steel flash and tied the A, finished with the E skill, and cut faker under the tower again!


In the live studio of faker.

All the audience is boiling! (Good job)!

“Fuck! Who is Yasuo? The prodigal son Yan?”

“Master Lang is live broadcast, this Yasuo is a passerby! But the proficiency of this Yasuo is too high, so he killed faker twice in a row!!”


“After killing, ring the bell, and then move in an S shape. Is this implying anything?”

“I don’t understand, I don’t understand!!!”


After being single-killed twice in a row, Faker also got a headache.

He and Yasuo’s economy has been stretched a lot, and they are slightly behind in rank.

“Jungle, help!”

Mastering one of the few Chinese, faker typed and chatted on the public screen.

“Do not!

Jungle praying mantis, the square is wild!

No time to help online!

After getting a negative reply from the praying mantis, the faker got even more headache. After a while, Yasuo reached the sixth level, and might even kill himself by jumping over the tower!

Snowballed by Yasuo and no one helps, it is almost impossible for the cards to handle laning.

“Let’s go for a walk!”

Faker said helplessly.


Just when the faker made straw sandals and was about to walk away.

When he walked outside the river grass.

Suddenly a Yasuo killed out!

Cut the steel flash!

Ping A! !

In an instant, the card lost a third of its blood.

Cut the cards! !

With this yellow card, if you can’t hold Yasuo, you will definitely die. Faker knows very well in his heart, and the praying mantis is beside him, if he can hold Yasuo, Yasuo will die! !


After the yellow card was cut out, faker directly raised his hand! !

Seeing this gesture of raising his hand.

Su Chen actually refused to give up, did not open the wind wall, but continued to flatten A.

This time it was not a yellow card, but a Q skill!

Q skills raise your hand to deceive the wall of wind!

If Yasuo’s experience is not sophisticated enough, it is very likely to succeed.

But this Yasuo’s experience surpassed Faker’s imagination.


He raised his hand again.

Su Chen is still unmoved! !

This gesture of raising the hand is a classic dance movement of the card. In an instant horse dance and then cancel the dance and then shake, it will cause the illusion of raising the hand.

This trick.

In the face of heroes such as Jian Ji and Yasuo with blocking skills, it worked very well, even unsatisfactory.

But he didn’t expect it.

Yasuo still doesn’t let the wall go!

And this time.

Only one third of his blood is left! !

Can’t hold it anymore! !

Faker knew that if he didn’t throw a yellow card, he would be dead!

Snapped! !

Yellow card thrown out!

And at this moment, the praying mantis also jumped out from the dark corner of the field of vision! !

“This time, you must die!”

With the voice of faker falling.

Su Chen’s expression became more and more silent!

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