Chapter 54 Incense pot, I give you this opportunity! Come, kill me!!! (first more)


RNG’s fangs, the first show of ferociousness!

After Su Chen just returned to the middle route, he only made up two knives.

But this time.

The wine barrel of the incense pot immediately flew out of the shadow of the field of vision!

Sprinkle salt on the wound! !

Let Su Chen never stand up again!

If Su Chen is killed in this wave, then his mid lane will be in a situation where he will be invincible!

Wait until he returns to the middle route again.

that time.

Xiaohu is almost level six, and Su Chen can only have level four at most! !


“All back!”

“Su Chen, die to me!!!”

Seeing Jian Ji in front of her, the incense pot almost roared!

He must die! !

Not only because of the torture of the first two games, but also because of Firefox, even for Su Chen, it is necessary to let Xiaohu sit on the bench! !

Why! !

What a newcomer! ! !

What achievements has he had! !

As Jungle’s incense pot, I feel worthless for Xiaohu! !

To know.

How long has Xiaohu been in the starting lineup of RNG?

Flying birds do their best to hide their bows.

Cunning rabbit and running dog cooking!

Thinking that Casa is about to come to RNG, the heart of the incense pot is even colder!


In the end, it can only be a good bow for RNG, and in the end, it will be hidden by the snow!

“Go on!! This wave of incense pot is really scheming!!”

“Pretending to be playing BUFF, but turning around to catch Such directly. In this wave of catching, everyone in EDG did not react, even the Such player did not react!!”

“They just finished playing Dragon!”

“This limit E is too fast!”

“Such must die!!! It collapsed, the EDG middle road burst!!!”

“The incense pot, what a cruel heart!!”

Miller yelled.

In his eyes, the incense pot was flying in front of him, and Su Chen was walking near the edge grass, and the distance was less than one position.


No one can reflect this distance!

Even the peak faker can only predict the block, and cannot block it with instinct! !

This E can be said to be a must!

Suddenly! !

In Su Chen’s mind, a system sound rang out!

“[Spin ​​Throwing Axe] Talent is automatically activated!!”

After the sound fell.

Su Chen’s hand speed instantly doubled! !

Su Chen had seen the wine barrel of the incense pot as soon as he appeared from the grass, and within a few millimetres, the W skill shot directly!

Laurent is eye-catching! !

Ping! !

A crisp sound suddenly appeared.


The little tiger who followed, naturally saw the incense pot fainted on the grass!

Can this also be reflected? !

When Xiaohu was surprised, Su Chen had already stepped forward and slashed at the flaw!

“What is he going to do!!”, “Is it possible that he still wants to kill? This limit W is already a Tianxiu, this kind of reaction speed is worthy of the reaction of a 17-year-old young man, but what does he want to do now? ”

“Why do you want to be so top!”

Miller yelled out loud.

He even expected Su Chen to leave quickly while the barrel was dizzy.


In his many years of commenting on the game, Solo Mid players like Su Chen who make people shine are extremely rare.


never had!

He didn’t want to see such a good seedling, but because of the above, he was rejected by all the teams.

Cherish talent! !


“The killing intention is too heavy, really too heavy! If this wave of Such is killed again, EDG’s mid lane will collapse completely.”

“And the chain reaction will even cause Jungle of the factory manager to crash together!”, “This kind of result, I believe all EDG fans, don’t want to see it!”

The doll also explained.


He was not as excited as Miller.


At this moment.

On all the website barrage, regardless of domestic and foreign players, everyone was crazy excited!

“Handsome, handsome, handsome!! You can’t describe it in words, but there is only one word: handsome!!”

“This man!! This is worthy of being called a man! In my dictionary, I didn’t run! Only do it!!”

“Kill them all!! Such, come on!!!”

“Solo Mid in the underworld, believe in yourself! Anti-kill, prove it to everyone!!”

“Several cars!! This man is a good locomotive! Why did he know how to run!!”

“God, he must be the devil sent by Satan, I am now worried about Pilsen!!”



Everyone was discussing frantically, while watching Su Chen frantically operating intently.


In the EDG lounge.

Nofe’s face was already red, as if the tide was surging.

“Su Chen! Come on!”

“Don’t fall! The game can be lost, but the will can’t fall!!”

Nofe yelled.

Abu sat on the sofa with his arms folded: “Are you worried about him now?”

“It’s commendable to have such courage as a rookie teenager, but…”

“Excessive bravery is not a good thing.”

Sister Bu said slowly.

“Do not!”

“you are wrong!”

“I don’t want this summer game, but this kind of newcomer, I can’t do it!”

“If this time, his will is defeated, it will be abolished, completely abolished, you don’t understand what this means to newcomers, many geniuses fall like this!”

Nofe’s voice is very firm.

In desperate situations, you must fight.

Either live or die.

There are only two results.

Rather than just want to escape when facing desperate situation.

That’s not EDG, and it’s not the soul of EDG.

The original UZ was just such a god!

All e-sports players rely on hard work and survival, is the will.

This game.

Even if you lose Nofe, you won’t blame Su Chen, but Su Chen must not be let down by this!

If a player dare not show off all the time.


What is the difference between him and salted fish?

“I believe you.”. ”

“I also believe in Su Chen.”

Abu said.

He put down his arm and stared at the screen in front of him very seriously.


Su Chen is struggling hard on the field, looking for opportunities to counterattack in desperate situations!

If you don’t even dare to fight.

I want this system, what’s the use! !

“Scented pot, didn’t you always want to kill me! I give you this chance! Come and kill me!!!”

With Su Chen’s roar.

The factory manager couldn’t help but tremble with his fingers: “Su Chen!!”

“You are on top!!”

A Guang couldn’t support it, because A Guang had returned to the city from the same place, and now he was out of equipment at the spring.

The director even escorted iboy back to the line after he finished brushing the fire dragon.

Where is the distance! !


Su Chen’s killing intent has been decided! !

Ping! !

It was another slash on the barrel. Everyone knew that the barrel and clockwork did not flash, but the barrel was well equipped and had a high level.

You are a sword girl, don’t you just have three long swords and a pair of straw sandals?

how dare you?

“court death!”

Seeing Su Chen not retreating but advancing, the incense pot anger came from his heart.


He was blocked by Su Chen’s limit, Laurent, and he was already the kind of show-off.

Now I saw that Su Chen didn’t run, instead he was fighting with himself.

All of a sudden, I felt humiliated.

“Little tiger, keep up with the output!

No need to shout in the incense pot.

At this time, Xiaohu had already walked behind the incense pot.

Set of shields, flat A!

one time!

Two clicks!

With every level A, Su Chen’s blood volume drops visibly.

The barrel of Tianfei at the beginning of the game has now been out of half a Jungle knife, and the damage has completely exploded. Even if Su Chen escaped the clockwork QW with his skill displacement, his blood volume quickly dropped under the beating of the two. half!

“It’s gone, it’s gone!”

“This wave of show can’t be achieved, if you eat a skill, Such will have to die!”

Whether it is the Q of the wine barrel or the Q of the clockwork, you will definitely die if you eat one.


With the blessing of the [Rotating Flying Axe], Su Chen is like a dancing butterfly, looking for the only way to survive in the double team of the two.

Go hack!

One knife!


Break the weakness!

Blood back, speed up!

Keep walking!

Five times in a row!

Among them, Su Chen forcibly avoided all the skills of the clockwork, and even the Q of the incense pot had never hit!

“Did he hang up?!

“What position is this?! Russian rotation position?!”

Xiaohu couldn’t help but become anxious.

But at this time, Su Chen had already broken through the four weaknesses of the wine barrel. If there is a big move, the blood recovery array will pop up at this time!

“too exaggerated!”

“Go here!”

“Why do I feel that the less blood volume of Such is, the more fierce it is! If this continues, he will complete the counter-kill!”

“What the hell! This TM doesn’t really come from the underworld!!

Everyone was completely stunned, because in the case of the incense pot and the small, the level and equipment are all leading Su Chen, they were even shown off, non-directional skills, one missed!

“Ding Dong! [Breaking the Cauldron and Sinking Boat] The talent is automatically activated!”

When Su Chen’s ear, such a system tone sounded.

Also represents.

His blood volume has dropped below 20%!

at the same time.

In front of Su Chen, everything slowed down.

The flat A trajectory of the clockwork is visible to the naked eye.

The movement trajectory of each skill cannot hide from the insight of Su Chen’s eyes.

at this time.

The barrel of the incense pot only has 20% health!

“Kill it! Kill it!”

“What the hell is this! It’s terrible! I’m afraid I will never think of the incense pot, he can smash the halberd and sink the sand three times in the hands of the same newcomer!”

“This is the first wave!!”

Miller yelled out loud!

When the news of Su Chen’s single kill appeared on the big screen.

In Wukesong Stadium, all the spectators burst into unprecedented cheers.

The cheers almost overturned the entire stadium! !


It doesn’t matter whether Xiaohu’s clockwork can accept Jian Ji.


Su Chen completed the most handsome counter-attack among his three debuts!

From the extreme block to every operation afterwards, it is accurate to the minute, evading all skills, relying on the excellent combat ability of Jian Ji in the early stage, when the equipment and level are backward, he uses one enemy and two to fight against the liquor. bucket! !


“This wave is hot for me! Such a player has unlimited prospects! I even think that the height of faker is not his end, or even his starting point!”

“Solo Mid, such a newcomer!”

“I hope that the domestic players can give him more tolerance!”

“He dares to fight and show! But it is this style that is destined for such players and will be controversial in the future!!”

“I don’t want geniuses to fall!! I want to see the rise of LPL!! Here, I will explain all the teams, thank you!!!”

Wawa and Miller shouted at the same time.

Sincere words!

After looking at Su Chen on the bench, there is even more joy in his expression, which is difficult to hide!

S7 LPL is expected to win! !

“Brother Haier are polite!”

“Solo Mid in the underworld, you know everything!”

“Whoever sprays Such will have trouble with me! I will cut him with a knife!”

“The light of the domestic Solo Mid, 17 years old, he is only 17 years old!!”

All the audience watched with enthusiasm.

Even want to open the League of Legends and play a sword girl by yourself!


It is the charm of the game!


After seeing Su Chen escape calmly in Xiaohu’s hands.

The spicy incense pot suddenly hit the gaming chair with a punch, and the noise was so loud that even UZI was taken aback!


“I lost it!”

Xiaohu originally wanted to apologize, but after seeing the ferocious face of the spicy incense pot, he swallowed the words back.

too frightening!

Like a viper and a beast!

“No need, really no need.”

“Fragrance pot, put your mentality a little better, and then target Su Chen, we all have to cool off!”

Saw the factory manager unscrupulously in the next road.

UZ couldn’t help but say.

“I want to target him?!”

“Do you think I want to?”

“If Xiaohu can play on the line, will I always be in the middle!!”

The incense pot roared.

“Why can’t I fight?”

Xiaohu was also puzzled.

In the first two waves of exchanges, he earned his own blood. Even now, he is still ahead in rank and make-up.

Why is it that you can’t beat it when you get into the mouth of the spicy incense pot?

Didn’t you insist on coming?

Also agreed to catch it.

The result has been running midway squat.

What do you mean?


“Retire if you don’t want to fight!”

UZI snorted coldly. Originally he got off the track and was mixed up by the factory manager. It was very uncomfortable. Now he still sees Nakano breaking and spraying each other. How can UZ resist it?

“Scare who!”

The incense pot gave a cold snort, then picked up the mouse and continued to operate.

“Good job!”

“Niu Pian! This Sword Fairy is really no one, no wonder they dare to choose in seconds!”

“Awesome! I A Guang admire you!”

With a clamor, it fell.


It also came to ten and thirty seconds.

The second fire dragon.


When the second fire dragon was just refreshed, Su Chen’s equipment was also out of Tiamat.

With Tiamat, the clockwork can no longer suppress Su Chen.


Su Chen directly commanded: “Director, the second Dragon!”

“OK, here it comes!”

The factory manager did not give the slightest consideration, and directly and readily agreed.

“I’m coming too!”

A Guang also said.

“No, you are growing up on the road, this wave, letme dare to TP down, we dare to kill him!!”

“4 to 5, win the same!!”

Su Chen’s words are full of hostility.

“Don’t be crazy!”

“Be sensible.”

At this time, the factory director persuaded.

“Just kidding, you guys are too relaxed.”

Su Chen couldn’t help but say.

Who on earth is it relaxing?

You TM, you dare to show off after one dozen or two. Isn’t that called relaxation?

Playing the game as a rank, I am afraid that Su Chen will be the only one.


The director did not say these words.

He immediately operated the prince and walked towards the Dragon Pit. Iboy and Meiko also walked directly to meet him.


It is inevitable.

“Can you answer?”

UZ said in the team wheat.

Don’t think about it.

Seeing iboy and meiko walking directly towards the Dragon Pit, UZ didn’t even need to use the E skill to detect the field of vision, knowing that EDG was going to move the second Dragon.

This Dragon refreshed in less than three seconds.

EDG has already been grouped up.



ten minutes.

The incense pot has made a big Jungle knife.

Xiaohu’s method of wearing shoes and code have also been made.

Letme’s Tiamat and magic resistance shoes are already in place.

If this group is not picked up, RNG will fight too much.

“” “It seems that RNG wants to compete for this Dragon.”

In the commentary room.

Miller said.

“Yes, the second Dragon, it is impossible to allow EDG to take down three Dragons by EDG, which is extremely detrimental to RNG.”

The doll echoed.

“But the sword girl is very well equipped, Tiamat and the vampire festival battle, although the number of deaths in the early stage is a bit, but there are many heads, I feel that the sword girl with this equipment is very destructive!”

“This wave of large-scale teamfights may be difficult for RNG to handle.”

Just as Miller’s voice fell.

EDG is ready to move Dragon.

See this scene.

Letme immediately TP “coming!”

“It’s going to start!”

All five members of the RNG group up, but A Kuang didn’t mean to move. A Kuang didn’t need to make up for development on the road, and even a knife was already ahead of the prince, but because of this, A Kuang didn’t have a TP.

“This wave, is EDG prepared to fight with less!!”

In the eyes of everyone inexplicably.

Letme’s EQ flashed into the arena immediately!

This EQ. successfully picked up Su Chen and the factory manager, but was avoided by iboy.

Su Chen did not open W. Because only the prince entered the game.


Immediately afterwards.

Xiaohu’s clockwork flashes ER! !

When this shield was put on the prince, the sky and the earth were already covered! !

Although iboy escaped the second company, he was still framed by the prince’s big move. While the clockwork was magnified, ibo dodged the big move to the extreme!

At the same time UZ released a key big move! !

Frostbolt! !

This arrow shot straight at iboy!

Once iboy is first killed in this wave of team battles, ED will completely lose the ability to fight!


“UZ is waiting, waiting for iboy to cross over!! This big move, iboy can’t dodge it!”

“Alistair can’t stop it! Alistair was blown up by the barrel, and the EDG wave is over!!”

Just when everyone is not optimistic about EDG.

When this arrow was about to hit iboy.

Su Chen flashed his shot!

And the location where he flashed was exactly where the arrow shot from Frost Ice.

It is even more exaggerated.

While Su Chen flashed, W blocked the ice big move, and at the same time the Q skill moved with W Laurent’s heart and eye knife!

Ping! !

Everyone heard a crisp sound.


After the end of this W, UZ who was standing not far away was fainted! !

Big move.

The Wushuang challenge was given to UZ in an instant!


“What an operation! I’m wet!”

“This is the devil!! The key to blocking iboy is not to say, but UZ is fainted, the QW blocking arrow displacement flashes, and the UZ set of stuns is instantly stunned. This set of operations is so beautiful!”

“This is the charm of Jian Ji! I will block the skills, hurt me to resist, output me to fight!”


Everyone is marveling at Su Chen’s (good) operation.

But they overlooked a fact.

UZ has flashes and Xiaoming! !

Under this circumstance, it is impossible for him to successfully kill UZ1, and he will even be killed by RNG on the spot because of his position too deep! !

“leave me alone!”

“Kill the clockwork, the prince! UZI, I will contain it!!”

Su Chen yelled, and at the same time he operated his hands quickly. On the keyboard, Su Chen’s fingers almost swept away afterimages, which was horrible and suffocating!


Iboy’s eyes were splitting, Verus threw it directly on etme, and then went crazy and output!

The director’s sister pig, immediately slammed her big move and slammed on the clockwork!

With the frankness of the pig girl.

At this point in time, the clockwork is not an opponent at all.

Can’t beat heads-up!

“Iboy!! Don’t even think about it!!”

The incense pot roared behind Longkeng, and he was arched by Meiko’s Alistair.


After seeing the confusing situation of the battle, he immediately roared and an E flash was about to hit iboy’s face. With his current output, if Alistair is not there, he can even kill iboy directly!


Seeing the incense pot flashing up, meiko immediately hit Dragon’s face with a flat A.

With Dragon’s roar.

I didn’t even need to move the iboy himself, Dragon’s breath sent iboy to a safe position.

E flashed to nothing!

Seeing this scene, the teeth of the incense pot all clenched!

What kind of monster operation is this!

at the same time.

Su Chen is still alone with UZ and Xiaoming Hit and Run!

One side is 3V3 and the other side is 1V2, but it is clearly visible.

After UZ was dizzy and awake, in order to prevent Su Chen from hitting the blood return array, he immediately flashed away, using Xiao Ming’s shield to cover his face, and kite Su Chen frantically.

But Su Chen also has countermeasures!

After avoiding all the skills in the position, Su Chen retreated instead of advancing.

I saw it.

He got into the grass above the lower road in the next second. Even if there is a field of vision in this grass, UZ will still lose the field of vision after Su Chen turns on the scan! !

See this operation.

Miller immediately took a breath.

“Too clear!!”

“Uch’s thinking is too clear. He doesn’t need to kill UZI with one hit or two, just drag it! And this scan shields fake eyes…”

“What the hell is in Such’s head! Isn’t he panicking at all?!”


Seeing Su Chen head into the grass, he didn’t mean to return blood.

UZ couldn’t help but panicked!

“Why is this person like this!”

“Why doesn’t he play the cards according to the routine!”

“Who is playing Sword Fairy, who doesn’t return to the blood formation after opening a big move!!”

This is something UZ never expected! !

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