Chapter 19 I have a tiger sniffing the rose in my heart! ! (3/7)


of course not! !

Su Chen finally left the water dispenser. How could he bury all the advantages accumulated in the early stage of the game for the sake of a system reward and for his own personal benefit?

on the contrary.

He wants Carry, and Carry is from an extremely tricky angle! !

When the RNG people moved forward in the dark, Xiao Ming had already begun to arrange his surrounding vision.

In this game.

Eye position is crucial!


Definitely will not give Su Chen the opportunity to lie in the Three Wolf Pit, and then sneak attack from behind!

Everyone is a professional player, so why can only you find opportunities?

RNG is obviously not a third-rate team and will not make such low-level mistakes.


It is also a shocking place for the commentary!

How dare he lie in wait here? !


In full view, Su Chen dropped a Q skill rolling wine barrel in the Three Wolf Pit. When the rolling wine barrel was banging, Su Chen had already walked out of the Three Wolf Pit and walked towards the wall step by step.


If anyone can hear EDG’s team microphone, they will definitely hear Su Chen’s countdown.




“Come and have a drink!!”

At the end of the countdown, flash through the wall!

“Wow!! What is he doing!!”

“are you crazy?!”

“There is no vision! This person, wouldn’t he really come from the underworld?!”

“All the members of RNG are outside the wall, what does he want to do?!”

“One dozen four?”

“Such: I let you have a Q skill, and I can also kill the four of you!!”

“It’s a locomotive! Ximen Ye said that LMS’s hope is! What kind of stinky fish and shrimp is such!!”


When the barrage was frantically swiping, Su Chen’s flash had already crossed the wall.

boom! !

The blasting barrel suddenly exploded in the crowd!

The pure output barrel is also the first time that everyone at RNG knows what damage is called!

In 20 minutes, the Lich added to wear a great wine barrel. A big move directly blew up a small half of UZI’s health, but this blood was not enough to kill UZI. At this moment, everyone saw that UZI and letme were affected by this one. The attack went to the sky, and then turned into an arc to blast directly through the wall!

“Happy hour is about to begin!!”


Q skills explode! !

At the moment when the Q skill exploded, UZI and letme both wanted to surrender their displacement skills and escape, but before the freezing time had passed, Su Chen had already worn the E skill back!

Meat bomb impact! !

boom! !

Two people were upset with one belly, and the W skill was drunk and violently punched down at the same time! !


doublekill! ! !

The double-kill sound effect sounded in an instant! !

When the double-kill sound effect sounded, everyone only felt a tremor in their body, followed by a cold back and a scalp trembling! !

Extremely shocked! !

The visual impact of this scene on humans is tantamount to floods opening the gates and flooding the dykes.

It is tantamount to the collapse of a snow-capped mountain and the destruction of the world! !


“Axi…what the hell is this hurt?!”

“This is a second?!”

“Director, I didn’t see it clearly, how is this second? How did it blow back? This bucket… won’t it be the legendary geometric bucket, right?!”

“Blind vision geometric barrel! I have a hunch that LPL is about to give birth to a peerless genius who is rare in a century!!”

“Yes, it’s under!”


At this moment! !

UZI! ! !

Fingertips tremble, lips trembling! !

“Isn’t it driving and scanning!!! How did he come here!!!”

The spicy incense pot roared, his face full of anger and unwillingness.

Even though he and Xiaohu have already killed Su Chen, the culprit, in the Three Wolf Pit, how can he swallow this breath in his heart! !

This is a shame! !

Xiao Ming lowered his head with a guilty face, just now he was looking around the blue BUFF, but he could not find Su Chen lying in ambush in the Three Wolf Pit.

What a damn it is!

What a humiliation! !

“Don’t blame you!”

UZI squeezed the mouse, his eyes calmed down quickly.

He has never encountered such an opponent!

It’s as tough as faker!

No, faker may be able to do this kind of operation, but he definitely doesn’t dare! !

It takes so much courage to dare to lie in ambush in the Three Wolf Pit alone, blind vision flashes across the wall, and blast through the two with a big move!

For Su Chen, it doesn’t matter who he bombed. As long as RNG can reduce its staff in an instant, this Baron will definitely be captured by EDG!

The heart has the Tigers, fine sniffing the rose! !

UZI can describe Su Chen only when he thinks of this word.

“Solo Mid…”

Letme also muttered to himself, his Kenan didn’t release any skills, and he was immediately dropped by Su Chen. This feeling was more uncomfortable than eating fly shit.

“This TM is the Solo Mid of the underworld? This TM is Satan!! I’m gonna!!”

The spicy incense pot also roared.

From the very beginning, he has been engaged in various ways by Su Chen, and he has been engaged until now!

If it’s a bad heart, I’m afraid it would have been taken off the field long ago.

“Now it’s useless to say anything, this one is gone, adjust our mentality, we still have two games to play.”

Xiaohu comforted him.


To be honest, I couldn’t suppress Su Chen’s barrel with Syndra, and it was a bit embarrassing to say it.

The prestige of General Tiger is probably about to be taken off after this one.

at the same time.

The audience, the commentary, and even the thousands of League of Legends players watching the live broadcast read out such an ID at this moment.

EDG, Such!

Su Chen! ! !

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