On the other side, Han Tian saw that G2's lower lane duo would rather not even eat experience than step forward, so he helplessly said to Ning, who was rushing towards the lower lane:

"Let's go straight to the dragon. "

"With G2's posture, there is definitely no chance to go down. "

So, after Ning's Qinggang Shadow arrived near Xiaolongkeng, Han Tian and Ah Shui also just pushed the line towards G2's lower defense tower, and then followed Ning's Qinggang Shadow to meet near Xiaolongkeng.

Subsequently, the three of them began to fight Xiaolong "openly".

In the meantime, here at the commentary stand:

Haokai saw Han Tian's fire man and Ah Shui's EZ when they pushed the line near the enemy defense tower, so he explained:

"Uneven and Jacklove have now chosen to help Ning's Blue Steel Shadow fight the dragon!"

"That's fine, Ning's Qinggang Shadow is still too injured to fight the dragon in the early stage!"

"To be honest, even if Ning gets a human head, I have a little doubt that Ning is very likely to be unable to destroy this fire dragon by himself!"

I remember that at this time, I also analyzed:

"In fact, the line of the lower road is pushed to this extent, which is just right. "

"Now G2's bottom lane duo is facing a problem, that is, will this wave be pushed or controlled first?"

"If they push, they will face a situation where they can't even eat experience. "

"But if you wait for Ning's Qinggang Shadow to come directly after fighting the dragon, then they won't even dare to stay under the tower!"

"After all, IG's Shimono is quite fat!"

In the barrage in the official live broadcast room of LPL:

", one to support the fight against the dragon, can there be so many twists and turns, this is too thin!"

"Fine, worthy of U sauce and Brother Shuizi, it's really thinner than an embroidery needle!"


At this time, Han Tian, who was helping Ning fight the fire dragon with Ah Shui, didn't expect that the commentator and the audience would be able to blow even a line of troops on his head.

If Han Tian knew, Han Tian would only say:

"It's not as outrageous as you think!"

"The reason why Ah Shui and I went to fight dragons at this point in time is entirely because Ning happened to come at this point in time, and Ning really can't brush the fire dragon alone..."

The truth was indeed as Han Tian had predicted.

Until Han Tian and the three of them took the fire dragon in their pockets, no one from G2 came over to try to grab the fire dragon!

This is also normal, the jungler Ning not only ate the barrel once in the jungle, but even pressed the barrel for a whole level, almost two levels of experience!

Although Rookie didn't kill Perzk's knife sister alone, he also used the enchantress to press 15 knives!

Theshy's top lane also completed a single kill, and the number of supplementary knives also suppressed the sword demon by 30 swords!

As for the lower road...

Let's not talk about the difference in heads, at this time, EZ's mending knives are already 40 knives more than the embers!

That's right!

By the 6 minutes and 40 seconds of the game time, EZ had already made up 64 cuts!

And G2's ADC is only 24 dollars up at this time!

With the three of them taking the fire dragon into their pockets, Han Tian's fire man and Ah Shui's EZ returned to the next route again.

At this point, G2's bottom lane duo opted to push the line as much as possible.

Therefore, at this time, the junction point of the lower lane line is near the defense tower on Han Tian's side.

And the G2 bottom lane duo certainly know that the green steel shadow is nearby!

So, G2's bottom lane duo "hung up" directly on the bottom lane after pushing the line over!

No way, G2's bottom lane duo can't even eat the stone people in the wild area!

Because the barrel has already brushed the stone man away.

So G2's bottom lane duo can only choose to "hang up" under the tower at this time!

At this moment, Ning glanced at the line on the lower road, and then asked in his voice while brushing the toad that had not been brushed just now:

"Can you cross the next road, I can get to six after eating this toad!"

"And my flash has already turned!"

The reason why Ning said this was because he saw G2's barrel just appear on the road and successfully captured Theshy's Jace!

That's why Ning asked this question.

After Han Tian heard what Ning said, he replied:

"Although we didn't reach six, we could cross!"

Ah Shui also said at this time:

"Then we'll push the line directly. "

"You just have to go down the road. "

Ning nodded, and then brushed off the toad, successfully rising to level six.

Then, he rushed directly to the lower side of the road.

However, when Han Tian and Ah Shui pushed the line under the lower road of G2.

Han Tian and Ah Shui did not see the G2 bottom lane duo!

Seeing this, Ah Shui couldn't help but ask:


"Where are these two people, can't they be home?"

When Han Tian heard this, he smiled lightly, and then replied:

"Definitely not. "

"With their current economic situation, they can't come up with any equipment when they go home. "

"So these two people must be waiting in this bush for us to push down a tower down the road!"

When Ah Shui heard Han Tian say this, he immediately figured out the "ins and outs".

"Makes sense. "

"Normally, if we don't catch the opportunity to cross them, we will indeed pull out a tower on the lower road. "

Han Tian answered at this time:

"No, no, no, we don't push this wave!"

"Anyway, the economy of one tower is fixed!"

"It's going to be a long time before the other roads break a tower. "

"So, why bother with us pushing a tower and then giving the G2 bottom lane duo a better development?"

When Ah Shui heard this, he immediately smiled and said:

"Great idea!"

"Then let's let the towers eat all the lines!"

Ning, who had just arrived at the lower lane, was a little sympathetic to G2's lower lane duo after hearing the conversation between Han Tian and Ah Shui...

Because these two people are so miserable!

So, Ning glanced at Ember and Luo's records, and then said silently:

"Maybe it's cocooning. "

After that, Ning left the lower road and continued to find a rhythm.

So, after Han Tian and Ah Shui brought the line of troops to the defense tower, they did not rush to push the tower, but waited for the defense tower to eat all the soldiers on Han Tian's side at once!

Although Ning's green steel shadow has left the lower road.

But G2's bottom lane duo still didn't dare to step forward and eat the tower knife!

Because they're not sure if Ning's green steel shadow is gone!

In this way, the G2 bottom lane duo could only hide in the grass near the second tower of their bottom lane and "watch" as the defense tower ate all the minions.

By the time of the game was 8 minutes, the gap between the two sides had reached a full 54 knives!

That's right, EZ's number of knives has come to 78, but the number of Embers' knives is still stuck at 24 knives and has never changed!

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