As soon as Han Tian returned to the city and bought equipment, he heard Ah Shui say:

"Brother, shall we go to the top road now?"

After Han Tian heard Ah Shui's words, he replied:

"Yes, let's go on the road. "

"Teshy, let's go to the middle lane. "

"Then Sapphire went down. "

Ah Shui thought for a moment, and then suddenly realized:

"It's very comfortable to arrange this way!"

"When we and EDG win the canyon pioneer, we can guarantee that the two fattest spots can come to play at any time"


At this time, Theshy also took advantage of Urgart's absence, and had already beaten the blood volume of EDG's top lane tower to about one-fifth!

Then, Theshy heard Han Tian tell him to go down.

So, Theshy got tangled!

Because Theshy can knock down EDG's top lane tower before Urgat returns to the upper route!

However, Theshy only struggled for less than a second, and then directly gave up the economy of this outer tower, and then walked into a bush and went straight back to the city.

It didn't take long for Han Tian and Ah Shui to come to the upper road.

When they arrived at the upper road with Han Tian and Ah Shui, Urgat also came to the upper road alone.

Han Tian saw that EDG's lower duo didn't come to the road, so he guessed:

"Didn't EDG let Casalo come?"

"It seems that there is no reaction, let's get on the road. "

Ah Shui smiled at this time and said:

"Isn't this tower on the road just for us?"

When Han Tian heard Ah Shui say this, he subconsciously glanced at the small map.

Then, Han Tian discovered one thing, that is: at this time, only Kaisha was down and Urgat was alone on the minimap, and the others were nowhere to be seen!

Seeing this scene, Han Tian glanced at the game time again: 8 minutes and 55 seconds.

So, Han Tian shouted directly in his voice:

"Nng, cover up on the road!"

"If you don't go out, this wave on the other side should want to catch the two of us in advance!"

After Nin heard Han Tian's words, he immediately replied:

"Okay Brother Tian, I'll come now!"

Then, Ning rushed straight to the upper side of the road.

In the meantime, on the side of the commentary:

When Haokai saw EDG's Luo, Pig Girl, and Ruiz coming towards the upper road together, he shouted:

"Luo, Ruiz and Pig Sister are all rushing towards the upper road, it seems that they want to pack a wave on the road!"

Wang Duoduo said at this time:

"Actually, I don't recommend EG to spend this position to catch IG's bottom lane duo"

"After all, everyone knows how difficult IG's Uneven is. "

"I suspect that the three of them will be noticed by Uneven and fall short. "

However, just after Wang Duoduo finished saying this, the three people of EDG had already come to the Blue Buff, but Han Tian and Ah Shui did not "perceive" EDG's movements!

So, Wang Duoduo was surprised:


"EDG's Luo and the three of them have all reached the blue buff, but Hammerstone and Xia are still in a very forward position to push the line!"

"Could it be that EDG is going to succeed in this wave?"

Rit noticed that Ning's barrel was also rushing up the road, and then excitedly continued:

"That's not right!"

"This wave of IG may have realized that EDG intends to pack them!"

"Because Ning's barrel is on its way up"

Immediately afterwards, Luo, Ruiz, and Pig Sister appeared in an eye position on the road.

However, Han Tian and Ah Shui continued to push the tower, looking like they didn't realize the arrival of the EDG trio at all.

Seeing this, Wang Duoduo shouted directly:

"IG must have been aware of the movements of the EDG trio!"

"But to be honest, even if it's Kasumi and Hammerstone with this equipment, it's still a bit too unrealistic to want to directly face the four people of EDG!"


Han Tian had already seen the figures of Luo and Ruiz and Pig Sister through the eyes in the middle of the river.

Then, the corners of Han Tian's mouth rose, and then he said in a low voice:

"Do you really think I didn't notice your movements?"

"No, it's just an attempt to get away with it!"

Immediately after, Han Tian shouted in his voice:

"Wait a minute, I'll kill whoever I Q, don't fight randomly!"

"The tower is pushed and retreated!"

After Han Tian said this, he pushed down EDG's top road tower with his last flat A.

Then, Han Tian and Ah Shui quickly retreated.

However, at this time, Urgart saw that his three teammates had come to the upper road river grass.

So, Urgat released a Q skill towards Han Tian's hammerstone, wanting to leave the hammerstone behind.

However, Han Tian successfully twisted Urgat's Q skill with a small move!

At this time, Pig Girl, Luo, and Ruiz have already come to Hammerstone and Xia!

It's just that the order of the three is that the distance between Ruiz and Pig Sister and Hammerstone and Xia is about the same, while Luo's distance is slightly farther than Ruiz and Pig Girl.

At this moment, Han Tian manipulated the hammer stone, leaned directly towards Ruiz and Pig Girl, and then sent a hook towards the location of the two!

Scout thought when he saw the animation of Han Tian's stone when he was hooked;

"I know your hook is hard to dodge!"

"However, I'm not going to give you the space to hook me this time!"

So, Scout directly made his own flash!

However, just before Scout flashed, Scout's Ryeze was pushed by the Hammerstone E skill!

As a result, Scout's Rui did not succeed in flashing!

It turned out that Han Tian pressed his E skill at the same time as he took the bait!

The next moment, Scout's was hit by Han Tian's hammer stone!

When Han Tian hooked Ruiz, he shouted in his voice:

"Kill Ryze, Kill Ryze!"

"Keep the barrel safe!"

After Ah Shui heard Han Tian's words, he turned on the W skill, and then QA the controlled Ruiz, and then began to walk A!

Ergart, on the other hand, came towards Hammerstone with an E skill when the Hammerstone's hook animation came out.

However, just as Urgart was about to touch Hammerstone, Han Tian activated Hammerstone's second-stage Q skill and briefly moved a little distance, just dodging Urgat's E skill!

Because Han Tian's hammer stone was in front of him, Pig Mei adjusted her position and planned to crash towards Xia.

And Luo also turned on his ultimate move at this time, and then E towards the pig girl, planning to E to the pig girl after W Xia!

Just then, Ning's barrel arrived just in time.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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