At this point, on the commentary platform:

When Wang Duoduo saw that Kai'Sa was indeed killed, he said sympathetically:

"Alas, iboy is still too greedy. "

"At the moment of assisted death, iboy should go!"

"Well, now, not only did the soldiers not eat a few, but even their own lives were taken on the line. "

Haokai also answered at this time:

"That's not all!"

"IG's jungler Ning has also come to the bottom at this time!"

"It seems that not only is there a tower, but even this fire dragon EDG can't compete with IG!"


Han Tian saw that Ning's wine barrel had come to Xiaolongkeng, so he said to Ning:

"You can open the dragon directly, Ah Shui and I will come as soon as we take a tower. "

After Nin heard Han Tian's words, he suddenly stopped thinking that he was walking down the road and turned his head to fight Xiaolong.

At the same time, Ning also said in his voice:

"It's a pity, I also said that I would come over by the way to rub a tower of money. "

When Han Tian heard this, he immediately replied helplessly:

"Don't do it. "

"A tower of money is divided between two people, and it is already very little!"

"If you add one more, it's really a bit too much!"

At this moment, Ah Shui said weakly:

"Brother, can you go over and help Ning fight the dragon?"

"I want to eat this tower alone. "

After Han Tian heard Ah Shui's words, he replied directly in a flat voice:

"What do you say?"

Ah Shui: "..."

Ah Shui thought bitterly:

"Why do I feel like I, the ADC, have such no place in this team?"

At this time, Ah Shui had not yet realized a problem.

That is, in the following games, he is not just not as simple as not having status!

In this way, after Ah Shui and Han Tian took the first tower of EDG's lower road, they came to Xiaolongkeng to fight Xiaolong with Ning's wine barrel.

When the fire dragon's blood volume was still about 1800 blood, Theshy, who was on the road, suddenly began to frantically signal the enemy to disappear on the small map, and at the same time shouted anxiously in his voice:

"Miss Ergat, Miss Erte!"

After Han Tian heard Theshy's voice, he immediately thought:

"Ergarth won't come down the road, will he?

"Probably not, EG shouldn't be able to pick up the group this time

However, just as Han Tian thought of this, a small area of blue circles appeared in the small dragon pit!

Seeing this, Han Tian shouted:

"Damn, EDG really plans to put this dragon!"

"Sapphire Blue!"

"Sy, you two P!"

After speaking, Han Tian directly put a fake eye in the dragon pit.

Immediately afterwards, the fake eye that Han Tian had placed just now lit up with TP!

However, at this moment, Theshy shouted in his voice:

"I don't have TP!"

After Han Tian heard Theshy's words, he was stunned.

However, Han Tian didn't have time to care about Theshy at this time!

Because at this time, the effect of Ruiz's ultimate has ended.

Immediately afterwards, three figures appeared in the blue circle in the small dragon pit!

The next moment, the figures of Urgart, Pig Girl, and Ruiz appeared in the small dragon pit!

However, the moment the three of them appeared in the Little Dragon Pit, Scout's Ruiz was hooked by Han Tian's hammer stone!

It turned out that just as the figures of the three of them appeared, Han Tian hooked towards one of the three shadows.

And this shadow happens to be the shadow of Ruiz!

At the commentary desk here:

Haokai shouted excitedly:

"EDG doesn't seem to be planning to give up on the fire dragon this time!"

"Ruiz took the Ergart who came directly to the small dragon pit!"

"And Theshy just used TP to rush away, and I feel that this wave of IG is a bit dangerous!"

However, just as Hao Kai had just finished saying these words in one breath, Hao Kai saw that as soon as Ruiz teleported over, he was hooked by Han Tian's hammer stone!

So, Haokai continued to shout in surprise:


"IG's Uneven player hooked Ryze directly the moment Ryze came down!"

Just when Han Tian hooked Ruiz, Han Tian shouted in his voice:

"Kill Ryze, Kill Ryze!"

At the same time, Han Tian also directly opened his R skill, and then a set of standard hammer stone combos: Q connected to R and E skill was ignited, and directly knocked out nearly half of Ruiz's HP!

Nin also has an E skill at this time, and it crashes towards Ruiz.

However, just as Ning bumped into Ruiz and successfully knocked Ruiz into the air, he was hit by Urgat's E skill!

As a result, Ning didn't have time to throw his ultimate, and he was temporarily controlled by Urgart!

Immediately afterward, Urgart threw an R-energy and a Q skill at the keg, and then began to output around Ning's keg.

The factory director on the side did not hesitate, and threw his big move directly towards Ning's wine barrel!

So, just as Ning's barrel was about to resume action, it was frozen by Pig Girl's big move!

Immediately afterwards, the factory director's pig sister hit the barrel with a Q skill, and A hit flat A.

Then, Ning's barrel health instantly dropped to less than twenty-five percent.

As a result, Urgat immediately activated the second stage of R energy!

At the same time, Ah Shui's Xia has also finished a set of damage, and then the E skill is finished, and Ruiz's head is taken!

Reverse Feather kills the Wandering Mage!


Reverse Feather is no longer unstoppable!

It didn't take long for Ergat's second stage R Neng to also execute Nng's barrel!

Dreadnought Chariot kills the keg!

At the very moment when Urgart killed the barrel, Sapphire Blue had already successfully TP down.

However, as soon as Sapphire Lan's Sain came down, he was passively frightened by Urgat's ultimate!

Because before Urgarte executed the barrel in the ultimate, he came to the center of the three in a flash!

Not only Sain, but Han Tian's hammerstone was also frightened by Urgart's ultimate move at the same moment!

Only Ah Shui's Kasumi dodged a big move when Urgat flashed over. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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