Because the first round was selected by KT BAN first, it was the turn of IG to choose BAN first in the second round.

So, Coach Jin asked Han Tian:

"Don't you really need to help you ban some mid lane heroes?"

"Don't look at the fact that you seem to be very easy to beat Sout, in fact, the last one is due to Scout's carelessness. "

"Sout's ability is still very good. "

After Han Tian heard what Coach Jin said, an extremely confident smile appeared on his face and said:

"It's okay, this one doesn't have to target the mid lane. "

"Anyway, I'm the main gamer, Scout can play whatever he likes. "

"Leave BAN to its heroes. "

When Coach Jin heard Han Tian say this, he replied:


"Then it's a last-ditch choice. "

"This way, EDG can see what we really think. "

Subsequently, Coach Kim thought about it a little, and finally BAN one: Rock Sparrow!

After all, if the hero of the rock sparrow reaches level six.

In the case of ultimate, you can still reach the battlefield quickly!

In the consideration of support capabilities, IG finally chose BAN as a hero of the rock sparrow.

Next, it's EG's turn to BAN.

EDG side backhand BAN version of the OP on the single one of the sword demons!

After all, in EDG's opinion, the Orn selected by IG should be reserved for the middle lane of Sapphire Blue.

So I left BAN on the road before "choosing a hero"!

When it was IG's turn to make the last hand of the BAN people, IG Han Tian and the others discussed with the coach, and finally decided that BANHao is a more commonly used monk!

And on the EDG side, it is BAN's one-handed top order: Sword Queen!

At this point, the second round of BAN is over, and it is the turn of the second round of selection!

Coach Kim said to Ning:

"Will I get you a green steel shadow?"

"In this way, after you reach the sixth level, you can better cooperate with Han Tian to arrest people. "

After Nin heard Coach Kim's words, he thought for a moment, and then said with a smile:

"Green Steel Shadow?"


So, IG locked the green steel shadow here!

When it was EDG's turn to carry out, EDG chose a Sindra for the first hand, and then a barrel for the second hand.

Next, it's my turn to be the last to pick someone!

At this point, on the commentary platform:

Wang Duoduo saw that IG was going to make the final selection, so he said:

"Now it's IG's turn to pick people. "

"IG is still one unit away, and I don't feel like I can get a knife girl for Theshy!"

"Teshy's knife girl is still playing very well!"

Haokai also said at this time:

"It's a pity that EDG's side BAN Jace in one game, otherwise I can get a Jace for Theshy. "

"To be honest, Jace, a hero, is still quite easy to fight against Urgart. "

When Wang Duoduo heard this, he smiled and said:

"Hahahaha, if IG can really pick Jace, I'm afraid this Jace won't be in Theshy's hands. "

"If nothing else, IG's coach will forcibly shove Jace into the hands of the Uneven player, and then let the sapphire blue go back to assist, right?"

Rit also answered:

"It can't be helped!"

"Ueven's Jace has all been beaten up like this. "

"As long as EDG's coach doesn't have a hot brain, he will definitely not release the hero Jace to IG!"


Just when the three commentators were still discussing what IG was about to choose to "go on the list", what the three commentators didn't expect at all was that IG actually selected a Luo in the end!

Of course, EDG's side was watching the game in the LPL's official live broadcast room, so the audience didn't expect IG to choose a Luo

Wang Duoduo was extremely surprised and said:


"IG actually took a Luo in his last hand?"

"So what's the current situation of IG's lineup, two supports?"

Haokai tried to analyze:

"Luo, this hero must only be able to take the auxiliary position!"

"Then this Pike can only be a mid laner or a top laner!"

"If you think so, combined with Uneven Pike, he also plays very strongly..."

Haokai tentatively said his thoughts:

"If nothing else, this Pike should be used by Uneven players to play singles!"

Rit answered after Haokai finished speaking:

"Anyway, the heroes on both sides have already been selected, it depends on how IG changes heroes!"

So, under the attention of the three commentators, Parker really changed to Han Tian's hands!

And the last choice of Luo is also finally locked by Sapphire Blue!

The three commentators couldn't help but be surprised when they talked about IG as a change hero!

At this time, in the barrage of LPL's official broadcast room:

"Wow, this coach of IG really has something!"

"Love love, love, this BP not only got Pike, which U is good at, but also let Baolan get Luo, who is extremely good!"

"IG is a Xia Luo combination, to be honest, the combination of playing Tamu and EZ is not the same as a father beating his son, you can play it with your hands?"

"It's too fierce, this BP!EDG coach is probably already collapsing at this point."

"This is probably BP crushing, right?"


At the same time, on the EDG side.

When the EDG coach saw IG's selection and BP, how could he not react: his own round of BP was a complete defeat

EDG coach pinched the book in his hand hard, and his expression was extremely unnatural!

It's not just EDG's coaches

At this time, all the members of EDG were stunned

Because, they also understand that the BP of this game, their side is completely defeated!

Scout saw that the atmosphere on EDG's side was once again problematic, so he said:

"It's okay, it's okay, even if Uneven to Pike isn't a big problem!"

"I'm going to take this one very seriously!"

"What if BP wins?"

"Don't worry, I'll take this Pike to the middle!"

"Come on, fight hard!"

After hearing Scut's words, the EDG coach had to forcibly adjust his mentality, and then comforted the EDG members a few times, then shook hands with the coach and left the playing field.

The second match of EDG Array IG has begun!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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