However, after this fire dragon was killed by Han Tian and the others, the attributes of the second little dragon were also revealed!

Han Tian glanced at the attributes of the second dragon, and then couldn't help but smile!

Not only Han Tian, but also Ning and Ah Shui and the others couldn't help but laugh after seeing the attributes of the second dragon!

Because, after a while, the attributes of this dragon are still a fire dragon!

Meanwhile, on the commentary podium:

When Wang Duoduo saw this scene, he couldn't help shouting:

"Due to the excessive explosive damage of Jace on the IG side, EDG's side can only give up the idea of fighting for this fire dragon!"

"However, after IG accepted the first fire dragon, the attributes of the second dragon have also been brushed out!"

"The second little dragon is still a fire dragon!"

Haokai also went on to say at this time:

"I feel like the second dragon, EDG has to grab it!"

"This developing Jace, if you get two more dragons, I feel like EDG won't have to play anymore!"

Just when a few commentators were still discussing the matter of the fire dragon.

At this time, the director suddenly moved the camera to the upper road!

At this time, Theshy Sword Ji suddenly came up and wanted to cross the tower to kill Scout's Enchantress.

However, there was a slight mistake in Theshy's operation this time, and the last flaw in the ultimate was not hit.

Because Scout's Enchantress has now adjusted her position, Thehy has the last flaw in A!

Then, Theshy's sword queen followed the flash, and still didn't A make the last flaw, and then she was drown-to-death by the damage of the defense tower!

In the end, Scout Enchantress survived less than five percent of her HP and completed an extreme counter-kill!

At this time, here at IG.

Theshy touched his head awkwardly, then said:

"My, I made a mistake!"

After Han Tian heard this, because he didn't see the location of Theshy's death, he comforted him casually:

"It's okay, fight slowly, it won't affect you if you die once!"

However, if Han Tian didn't see it, it doesn't mean that Ning didn't see it.

At this time, Nin couldn't help but say helplessly:

"Sy, slow down, don't cross the tower!"

"The demon queen is a hero, it's still quite difficult to cross the tower!"

After the demon queen killed the sword queen, she made up for the level and economy a little.

At least when compared with Han Tian's Jesus, it won't be so "miserable".

At this time, after Han Tian finished fighting the dragon, he returned to the city to update a wave of equipment, and then returned to the middle route.

After returning to the line, Han Tian went directly to the place of vision, a QE passed.

A "cannon" hit Kree directly.

However, Kree is not like the other crispy one.

However, Kree still lost one of the largest amounts of HP!

On the stage:

When Wang Duoduo saw this injury from Jace, he shouted:

"This Jace's damage is really high!"

"I think EDG needs to think about how to target this Jace now!"

As soon as Wang Duoduo's words fell, he saw Haro's spider, which was scanning at this time, had already gone around the river on the left side to the wall near the 6th floor.

Moreover, not far from where the spider stayed, there was a prosthetic eye belonging to IG!

Commentator Hao Kai said excitedly:

"Is EDG finally starting to do something to Jace?"

"However, this position of the spider has been seen by IG's eyes!"

Rit went on to say:

"Yes, the location of the spider has been discovered by IG's side, and at this time, the IG team members are crazy Pin Spider here!"

However, Rita then asked, slightly confused:

"Still, it seems that Uneen didn't react to this?"

"At this time, Uneen is continuing to press the line!"

"I feel like this wave of Uneen is in danger!"

In fact, the first time the spider came around, Han Tian had already seen the location of the spider.

However, Han Tian's first thought was not to retreat, but to think about whether there was a chance to fight back!

"Because of the reason for Kree's dismount, even if Kree's state is not full at this time, it is still impossible to want to second Kree. "

"But spiders aren't as fleshy as Kree!"

"The equipment at this time, plus the thunder, should be enough to drop the second before the Spider E skill ascends to the sky. "

Thinking of this, Han Tian's eyes sharpened.

At the moment when Han Tian made up his mind to fight back, Keree directly opened his ultimate move and rushed towards Han Tian's location!

At the same time, the spider also went around the back of Jace from the side of the wall, trying to cooperate with Kree to kill Han Tian's Jace.

On the other side, Ning, who was brushing stones, saw that Han Tian did not leave, although he was slightly puzzled in his heart why Han Tian was caught by EG's jungler when he had eyes.

You must know that even if you don't have a vision, it is very difficult to catch Han Tian to death!

So, Ning directly gave up the half-brushed stone man, and immediately set off towards the middle lane!

As he came, he shouted anxiously in his voice:

"Brother Tian, hold on, I'll be there soon!"

However, then Ning saw that the spider that had just emerged was directly hit by Jace's enhanced Q!

In addition, before strengthening Q to hit the spider, Jace directly switched to the hammer form to activate the W skill and rushed towards the spider!

The spider subconsciously threw an E skill at the place where Jace rushed over, wanting to imprison Han Tian's Jace.

Just when Spider's E skill was about to reach Jace, Jace dodged Spider's E skill in a flash.

And, after Jace flashed, he directly set the spider on fire, and then smashed the Q skill in the form of a hammer directly on the spider!

Immediately after, an E-skill repelled the spider!

Because the skill was released too quickly and suddenly!

After Han Tian released this set of skills, the spider changed into a spider form, and the E skill rose into the air.

Although the spider was not seconded by Jace's set of skills.

At this point, the spider's HP is about five percent or so left.

But don't forget, there's a light hanging from the spider!

So, when Kree rushed to Han Tian's Jace, the spider had already been burned to death by ignition!

The Future Guardian has slain the Spider Queen!


The Guardians of the Future are on a killing spree!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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