Han Tian saw that Coach Jin was entangled, so he added a fire:

"Coach Kim. Now this is the only way to go!"

"Besides, you know that I'm never a person who is unsure of everything!"

"Since I can say it, it proves that I am sure enough!"

Coach Kim thought for a moment, then asked:

"How good are you in the middle of the lane that you were in the bottom lane?"

Hearing this, Han Tian made a fist at Coach Jin, and then said with great confidence:

"As long as the hero is there, it's 10 percent!"

Although Han Tian said the truth, Coach Jin didn't think so.

Coach Jin just thought that Han Tian's mid-laner was also playing well.

At least much stronger than Ning and Sapphire Blue!

So, Coach Jin nodded and said:

"That's okay, then Han Tian you hit, and then Baolan will assist, and the other people's positions will remain the same!"

"Let's just decide!"

"Li XX (assistant), you also take Rookie to the hospital to see if there is any way to reduce fever quickly. "

"Let's go, let's go to the arena!"

In this way, Han Tian and the others set off to the arena with Coach Kim, and Rookie also went to the hospital under the care of his assistant.

It didn't take long for Han Tian and the others to arrive at IG's team lounge!

Han Tian sat in the lounge with Ah Shui, Coach Jin and others, and discussed a few sets of lineups to be used when Han Tian played singles, and took the time to submit the list of people who would play the first game today!

Soon, the time came to 12 noon!

At this time, Han Tian and the others had already come to the competition stage!

At the same time, in the LPL's official live broadcast room:

"Hello everyone, I'm Wang Duoduo. "

"Hello everyone, I'm Haokai. "

"Hi everyone, I'm Rita. "

Wang Duoduo: "Today, the three of us will bring you the first group of the League of Legends S8 World Championship Knockout Matchup: IG vs. EDG!"

Rita answered:

"To be honest, I don't even know which team to cheer for in today's game, this IG on the left and an EDG on the right, it's really embarrassing!"

Haokai: "Yes, the palms and backs of these hands are full of meat, so let's do it casually!"

"Come on IG, come on EDG!"

Wang Duoduo: "By the way, Rita, aren't you the new assistant of the IG team: Uneven?"

"I thought you would cheer for IG!"

Rita smiled and replied:

"There's no way, the main thing is that I have a very good relationship with the director of EDG, so I can only cheer for both teams. "

At this moment, Wang Duoduo said:

"Let's take a look at who played in the first game today!"

"First of all, it's EDG's side: top laner Ray, mid laner Scout, bottom laner iboy and Meiko!"

When Wang Duoduo saw the personnel on IG's side, his brows instantly wrinkled!

However, Wang Duoduo quickly adjusted his mentality, and then continued:

"However, IG is a substitution today, and the support is Baolan!"

When Rita heard Wang Duoduo say this, she smiled and said:

"Today's first match, do IG and EDG want to have a friendly match?"

"None of the aces of their respective teams are playing!"

As Rita's words came out, the barrage in LPL's official live broadcast room instantly rolled:

"EDG and IG are really their own family, and they started to test each other?"

"Temptation is temptation, but IG is not Uneven but on Sapphire Blue, which is really a little inflated."

"After all, it is the first in the group stage, the second seed in the LPL, and it still has a bit of a hand!"


Just when the audience was still discussing the personnel on both sides very easily, Wang Duoduo continued:

"Uneven players are also on the field..."

"The members of the IG team in this game are: top laner Theshy, jungler ning, mid laner Uneven, and bottom laner Jacklove and Baolan!"

As soon as Wang Duoduo's words came out, the barrage in the LPL's official live broadcast room was already even more explosive!

"What? U-chan hits the middle order? What's going on?"

"Hey, no, what the hell is IG doing?U-chan is very powerful, to be honest, I don't refute it, but just let U-chan hit the mid-single, it's really a bit too much, right?"

"IG: Is this a gift?, what about Rookie?"


At this time, Haokai followed Wang Duoduo's words and said:

"Rookie players are suddenly unwell, so only Uneven players can be on top!"

"It is said that Rookie is now losing bottles in IG's team training room. "

After Haokai explained, the director also cooperated and turned the camera to the lounge of the IG team!

Sure enough, Rookie was sitting on a chair in the team lounge at this time, with an infusion hanging bottle next to him!

The audience in the LPL official live broadcast room, although they understand why IG is on Uneven, but understanding is understanding, and the mood still can't calm down!

"Wow, IG, this is so unlucky, Rookie actually dropped the chain at such a critical moment!"

"Rookie is unwell, this is a natural and man-made disaster, this can't be avoided, I question why Coach IG doesn't let Baolan go to the middle lane, but let the more capable Uneven go to the middle?"

"Indeed, I don't know what IG's coach is thinking in his head, even if I am the coach, I will choose to let U-chan assist, and then fight through the lower road with Brother Shuizi, so that I can play!"

"If IG plays a weaker mid-laner team, this arrangement is fine, but is EDG's mid-laner Scout weak?"

"No, no, no, isn't it? The IG coach can't even figure out something as simple as a superior horse versus an inferior horse?"

However, although the audience in the LPL live broadcast room was very emotional, Han Tian and others sitting in the live broadcast room at this time were not affected by the audience in the live broadcast room at all!

BP begins!

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