After Ah Shui was killed by Xiao Cannon, he apologized in his voice:

"My mine, I'm careless this time!"

Han Tian also said at this time:

"It's not all your responsibility, and to be honest, I didn't expect Xiao Cannon to be in that position. "

"In this way, when the vanguard was fought on the opposite side just now, the small cannon must not have gone. "

Rookie heard the conversation between Han Tian and Ah Shui, so he comforted:

"It's okay, it's okay, take your time, take your time. "

At the same time, in the live broadcast room of the LPL side:

After Miller saw Ah Shui's Xia being taken away by a set of small cannons, he said in the live broadcast room:

"It's a pity!"

"This wave of Jackeloe was given seconds by the small cannon!"

"Strange, didn't Jackeloe see the cannon there?"

As soon as Miller finished speaking, the director gave you a wave of replays just now:

As soon as the time for the eye position in the grass arrived, Xiao Cannon walked around alone.

It just so happened that the creeps in the middle also exposed the vision of Kaisha.

So, Xiao Cannon jumped up directly, and then took Kasumi away!

After watching the playback, the doll said in a loud voice:

"It can't be helped, it really can't be helped. "

"The little cannon just came around when the eye position disappeared, and Ah Shui wanted to do the vision, which was also helpless. "

Miller also sighed at this time:

"The small cannon at this point in time is still strong!"

"Jump up directly, in the case of 1V1, there are really not a few ADCs that can go head-to-head with small cannons!"

"IG has broken its rhythm this time!"

FNC cannon,After defeating Kasumi,And then go to your own Ueno area to get a red buff.And then go back to the middle route here.。

At this time, all five of the FNC are in the middle of the lane and a tower!

Seeing this, Han Tian said in his voice:

"It seems that FNC wants to use the Canyon Pioneer to push this wave!"

"The outer tower can be placed, try to consume the vanguard's blood, and don't let the vanguard hit the high ground!"

"Sy will come too, don't let the other side get on the high ground. "

As soon as Han Tian's words fell, everyone saw Zhao Xin, a jungler on the FNC side, directly unleashing the Canyon Pioneer under his own defense tower!

At this time, only Han Tian, Rookie and Ning were under a tower in the middle of their house.

After Han Tian finished speaking, Theshy pressed the B button on the spot, and was in the middle of counting the seconds back to the city.

However, when Jian Ji had just finished his countdown back to the city and then returned to the city, the Canyon Pioneer had already crashed headfirst into the middle lane tower on Han Tian's side!

Since Jian Ji is still on the way to come, and Ah Shui's Kasumi has not yet been resurrected.

Han Tian said very decisively in his voice:

"Withdraw it, withdraw it, be careful not to get opened!

Rookie also shouted in his voice at this time:

"Withdraw it, withdraw it!"

Ah Shui looked at his own reply, and shouted in his voice:

"Don't worry, don't worry, wait for me to live, wait for me to live"

So, Han Tian and the others directly let go of the middle lane tower!

After the FNC side pushed down the middle one tower, he did not choose to retreat, but followed the canyon pioneer towards the second tower in the middle lane!

However, Theshy's Kenji had only just arrived near the two incisor towers in the highlands at this time, and Ah Shui's Kasumi was still 3 seconds away from resurrection!

There was no way, Han Tian and the three of them had to retreat to the high ground!

With the help of the canyon first, the FNC side quickly knocked down the second tower in the middle lane!

It wasn't until the explosion of the second tower in the middle road that Ah Shui's Xia rushed to the high ground in the middle road

However, when the five people on the IG side finally gathered in the middle lane, the five members of the FNC team retreated instead!

Thankfully, the Canyon Vanguard released by the FNC team did not hit the Highland Tower, but disappeared from the map because of the depleted HP before hitting the Highland Tower!

Even so, Han Tian's side lost two defense towers in vain because of this

When Miller saw this, he rejoiced:

"Fortunately, the Canyon Pioneer didn't crash out of this wave of highlands. "

"I feel like if the Canyon Vanguard crashes out, IG will lose all the way to the highland defense towers this wave."

The doll also sighed:

"This wave is acceptable!"

"As long as IG stabilizes, this one still has a chance to win!"

"I'm afraid IG won't be able to stabilize now!"

At the same time, in the barrage in the live broadcast room of the LPL side:

"IG come on, just let go of the fight, don't be afraid if you lose, anyway, you will definitely get the qualifying place!"

"Fight slowly, there is still a chance, don't worry!"

"IG is still too big, the lineup is too biased towards individual ability, and if the personal ability is not played, this is the case. "

"IG still suffered a loss from the lineup. "


That's right, at this time, the audience in the live broadcast room already feels that IG is a bit hanging!

However, no audience was sprayed because of this.

Because no matter what IG says, they have already qualified for the knockout round of the S8 Finals.

Even if this one loses, at most it will be the second place in the group stage.

At this time, Rookie and the others in the game were not chatting anymore.

Everyone is playing this game with full attention, and they are all trying to make up for it as much as possible.

Because they haven't given up yet!

While doing his best to see, Han Tian said in his voice:

"Don't worry, don't worry, develop a little longer. "

"Anyway, there is no big dragon now, fight slowly and fight slowly. "

Nin glanced at the second dragon that had refreshed: it was a fire dragon!

So, Ning asked:

"What about this fire dragon?"

"Do you want to put it on?"

After Han Tian heard Ning's words, his eyebrows furrowed, and then he continued:

"Put it on. "

"We'll fight until we're about 25 minutes old, don't worry!"

"If we hit it now, it's likely that we'll really collapse!"

Although Han Tian can't see the economic difference of the panel, Han Tian can be sure that the economic difference between the two teams at this time is definitely not that big gap!

Han Tian estimated that the economic gap between the I and FNC teams at this time should be around two thousand to three thousand!

Now that someone is in command, then Rookie and the others will directly release the map resource of the fire dragon, and then seize every opportunity that can be developed to supplement the economy!

After the FNC side also finished taking the dragon, the group pushed down the lower road tower on Han Tian's side, and then invaded the wild area on the IG side.

However, the IG side directly released the wild area resources.

There was no way, FNC took away the resources in the wild area, and then took the second tower of the lower road, and then went back to the city to supply and update equipment.

At this point, the game time has come to 19 minutes and 15 seconds!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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