When the narrator saw Ning's blind monk kill Bron, she shouted excitedly:

"Nng crossed the tower in this wave and successfully took the first head of the whole game!"

"Now it's up to Ning to use this head advantage to drive the rhythm of the normal game!"

Miller took the doll's words and continued:

"Getting Ning to get Bloom's head is indeed the best result so far. "

"As long as Ning continues to do something, IG will basically be stable!"

At the same time, in the barrage in the live broadcast room of the LPL side:

"King Ning got a blood, is this King Ning going to have blood C?"

"It's worthy of IG, it's really a Carry ability in every position!"

"I feel sorry for a wave of FNC, and the second place in the group round FNC will be won with tears. "



When Han Tian saw Xiao Cannon jumping away from the wild area, he said regretfully:

"It's a pity that the small cannon jumped out of the wild area. "

"If the small cannon jumps directly towards the second tower, this small cannon at least has to be flashed, and even the flashing may not go away. "

After Ah Shui heard Han Tian's words, he smiled and said:

"This wave is already okay, you have to know how to be happy, brother!"

"The FNC team is still quite good, not those cats and dogs. "

When Han Tian heard this, he also smiled and said:

"To be a human being, you still have to have dreams, what if they come true?"


Nin also said in his voice at this time:

"This wave is already okay. "

"By the way, should we fight Xiaolong?"

"Although it is a wind dragon, it is still a dragon no matter how you say it, and it is better to have something than nothing. "

When Han Tian heard this, he shook his head and said:

"Don't fight the dragon yet, Nakano on the other side is quite strong at this point in time. "

"To be honest, the risk of fighting Xiaolong is too great. "

After Nin heard Han Tian's words, he replied:

"Okay, got it. "

"Settle down that day, brother, I'll help Rookie and Theshy. "

After saying that, Ning's blind monk went straight back to the city.

Han Tian's Pike and Ah Shui's Xia took advantage of the time when Bronn was killed to consume the HP of the opposite lower road defense tower.

When the two of them consumed the blood of the defense tower to two-thirds, Xiao Cannon took Zhao Xin back to the first tower on the lower road.

Seeing this, Han Tian and Ah Shui gave up the idea of continuing to push the tower, and instead went back to the city to update their equipment.

After returning to the city, Han Tian glanced at the FNC team, and then pondered:

"Is this one online or swimming?"

"The mid-lane sword demon has a big move that is not easy to catch, and the top lane is an Ergat. "

"The aid for the lower road is still a...."

Just when Han Tian was struggling, Han Tian saw the following announcements displayed in the game:

The governor of Debang killed the blind monk!

When Han Tian saw that Zhao Xin had killed Ning's blind monk, he thought strangely;


"Nng is dead?"

"What's the situation?"

Thinking of this, Han Tian moved his game camera to the middle lane.

At this time, a wave of small team battles broke out in the middle lane!

After the death of Ning's blind monk, Rookie's Ruiz wants to flash and kill Zhao Xin, who is already dead.

However, after Rookie's Ruiz flashed, his casting distance couldn't reach Zhao Xin!

At this moment, Thesh and Urgat arrived at the middle battlefield at the same time!

Arriving on the battlefield, Urgart threw his ultimate move at Rookie: Beyond the fear of death!

Ruiz, who was beaten to the point of blood by the sword demon, was directly sent by Egatla!

Dreadnought Chariot kills the Wandering Mage!

However, Theshy's sword queen also took Zhao Xin's head in a flash when Ergart and the sword demon gathered fire on Ryze, ookie!

Peerless Sword Ji killed the head of Debang!

After Ergart and the Sword Demon take Rookie Ruiz's head, they also want to kill Theshy.

However, Theshy managed to twist out Urgat's Q skill and Sword Demon's Q skill with a nimble little move, and then successfully escaped!

In this wave, IG played a 1-for-2!

The current aggregate score has come to 2-2!

Seeing this, Han Tian thought:

"This Nakakaueno may be quite difficult to beat, so forget it, let's play it. "

So, Han Tian silently sold the three long swords he had just bought, and instead bought a five-speed shoe!

After buying the equipment, Han Tian's Pike walked down the route with Ah Shui's Kasumi.

At the same time, Han Tian also comforted in his voice:

"Don't rush, don't worry, fight slowly. "

"The opposite lineup was still too strong in the early stage, so we dragged it back a little bit. "

"It's not hard to win. "

Nin apologized in his voice at this time:

"My mine, I didn't fight this wave!"

Rookie also said regretfully:

"It's okay, take your time, my mistakes are quite big this time!"

At the same time, in the live broadcast room of the LPL side.

When the doll saw that IG came to this wave of one-for-two, she said regretfully:

"IG's wave is still too reluctant. "

"At this point in time, it is still FNC's Nakano who is a little stronger. "

"Rookie's Rhy is still going to be developing for a while!"

Miller then said:

"Actually, it's acceptable, this wave of Theshy Sword Ji still got a head!"

"IG dragged this one back, and then let Theshy take it alone, this one is still quite easy to win!"

When the doll heard Miller's words, she nodded in agreement:


"There is a hero on the FNC side in the late stage who can lead the line against the sword queen in the late stage. "

"Stabilize in the early stage, you can put the economy that should be put down, just wait for the later sword Ji to go to the single belt!"

In the barrage in the official live broadcast room of LL:

"It's a pity, Ning's operation is a little more delicate, maybe he can kill FN's Zhao Xin. "

"This wave of Rookie's flash problem is also very big, and the flash penalty stands!"

"The main thing is that this Zhao Xin came too timely, Rookie and Ning originally planned to be the second sword demon, but it's a pity. "


In the game, Han Tian's Pike and Ah Shui's Kasumi are finally back on the next route!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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