When Han Tian and the others entered the loading interface.

When Miller saw the lineup selected by IG, he explained:

"Doll, you just said that IG is moving closer to RNG's four guarantees, you must not have expected the slap in the face to come so quickly, right?"

The doll smiled bitterly and replied:

"Who would have thought that IG would still have to play the trident system after taking Pikexia and Ruiz first!"

"Oh, no, it feels like IG is a pentadent system, right?"

"IG: They can play output in any position!"

Miller laughed and said:

"Hahahaha. "

"Maybe this is IG, right?"

"A trident system is not enjoyable enough, so let's just give everyone a whole hand of the pententacle system!"

"This is simply a reckless man!"

At the same time, in the barrage in the live broadcast room of the LPL side:

"Hahahaha, the pentadent system is really showy!"

"Sure enough, IG still smells like that, so I won't reason with you, and I'll be done!"

"IG: Only the living are qualified to mend the knife!"

However, the barrage of complaining did not last long!

In less than 5 seconds, the barrage became uniform:

"IG come on!"

On the other side, the game of Han Tian and the others has also been loaded!

Thus, this IG vs. FNC group top spot battle has officially begun!

The heroes of Han Tian and the others have just been spawned in the game.

Rookie and the others immediately bought the equipment!

Just then, Rooki asked:

"Brother Han Tian, do we want to fight a first-class regiment?"

When Han Tian heard Rookie's voice, he replied:

"We don't fight this one. "

"Because there was a Bronn on the other side, plus FNC probably saw the way we did in the last game. "

"So this one, FNC will most likely get together at the first level, and then find an opportunity to play a first-level team with us, instead of going to the standing position. "

"Let's be careful and have a good view, and if the other side invades, we can just retreat. "

After Rookie and the others heard Han Tian's words, they felt that Han Tian's analysis was very reasonable!

So, Rookie and the others went very carefully to where they should stand.

When everyone came to their respective positions, the scene resounded with the cheers of fans of their respective teams

"IG come on!"

"IG come on!"

"FNC come on!" (translated into Chinese)

"FNC come on!"

The sound is so loud that even the IG people who are very far away and still have headphones can hear it clearly!

Ah Shui heard the voices of the audience cheering for them, so he said excitedly to Han Tian:


"The fans who cheered for us on the spot were really amazing!"

"To be honest, this makes us feel a little sorry for the fans' cheering!"

The corners of Han Tian's mouth were slightly hooked at this time, and then he snorted:

"I feel the same way as you!"

"Since that's the case, then let's fight a little more irritable and directly kill the opposite side of the lower road!"

Rookie heard Han Tian and Ah Shui's extremely "dangerous" speeches, so he hurriedly persuaded them:

"If you two can't beat it in the early stage, be steady. "

"This combination of Bronn and Xiao Cannon is still a bit strong!"

Nin smiled and said to Rookie:

"Brother Tian is doing things, are you still not at ease?"

"To be honest, I've been a teammate with Brother Tian for so long, and I really haven't seen Brother Tian go up once!"

"I'm afraid that in our team, the most stable person is Brother Tian!"

Rookie nodded and didn't continue.

Because what Ning said is true!

Since Han Tian came to the IG team, whether it is Ning or Theshy, or even himself, he has been on top.

However, Han Tian really didn't go up once

On the other side, the five members of the FNC team, indeed as Han Tian said, came directly to this grass in the middle of the lower road river together!

However, the five NFC people waited in the grass for a while, and still didn't see anyone from Han Tian's side invading the Lower Wild Area!

So, the five FNC only returned in vain, and each walked towards the line where they should go.

All the army is attacking!

The bases of both sides are starting to send troops at this time!

This IG side is on the blue side, which is the bottom half, and NC is on the red side, which is the top half!

So, Han Tian and Ah Shui helped Ning hit the red buff a few times, and then went straight from the wild area to the next route!

As for why Han Tian and Ah Shui dared to pass directly through the river grass on the lower road when there were Bulon and Xiao Cannon on the opposite side, the reason was also very simple!

Because Han Tian was very careful to insert a fake eye in this river grass before!

And at this time, there is no sound and shadow of Bloom and small cannon in this river grass!

Naturally, Han Tian and Ah Shui didn't have to make a detour, so they came to the next route from here!

However, when Han Tian's Pike and Ah Shui's Xia came to the next route, Han Tian and Ah Shui didn't see Bulon and Xiao Cannon!

Han Tian thought for a moment:

"The jungler on the opposite side is Zhao Xin, so he will definitely choose Hongkai!"

"And if Bronn and Xiao Cannon are not on the line, it must be somewhere I don't know and want to squat for me and Ah Shui!"

Thinking of this, Han Tian set his eyes on the first bush on the right side of the lower road near the two of them!

So, Han Tian said to Ah Shui:

"Be careful, Bronn and the cannon must be in this bush!"

After speaking, Han Tian pinned the first bush on the right side of the lower road.

Subsequently, Han Tian immediately said:

"Let's just lean up a bit, it's not a big problem!"

Ah Shui, who was originally thinking about the location of Bronn and the small cannon, immediately understood after hearing Han Tian's words

So, Ah Shui manipulated Xia and Han Tian's Pike to move a little above the line of troops before starting to mend the knife.

The small cannon and Long of the FNC team, seeing Han Tian and Ah Shui's upward action, instantly understood that their thoughts had been perceived by Han Tian and Ah Shui!

So, Bron and the little cannon returned to their side.

That's it, the two sides started to line up normally!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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