At the same time, in the official live broadcast room of LPL.

When the doll saw Rookie's wave of single kills, as well as Han Tian's next road to the tower, she sighed with emotion:


"I thought the pace of IG would be a lot slower!"

"I didn't expect that it was only a few minutes, and IG's lower road took another human head with the help of Ning!"

"And Rookie also completed a single kill directly in the middle lane!"

Miller also sighed:

"To be honest, this wave of Yue Tower on the lower road of IG is completely because Morgana and Kaisha have pressed the blood volume of the Xia Luo combination too low!"

That's why Ning came up with the idea of crossing the tower, which should be like this. "

The doll then continued;

"Ice Girl was killed by Ruiz alone, or a single kill by Ruize who is only level four!"

"This can only be said to be a gap in hard power. "

Miller: "This is actually normal, after all, Rookie's laning strength, even in the mid laner used in our LPL, is the top level. "

Doll: "It really can't be helped. "

At this moment, the director also moved the camera to the mid-laner of the 100T, which is Ryu.

At this point, Ryu was scratching his head with a smile on his face, and then he didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Miller smiled and said:


"I think Ryu looks so cute!"

The doll also smiled and said:

"I guess Ryu should be muttering in his mouth: This Ruiz is too strong!"

At this time, in the barrage in the official live broadcast room of LPL:

"It's back, it's back, it's all back, that reckless team IG is back!"

"Chicken Allah cowhide! Ning cowhide! Buffalo leather! Uneven cowhide!"

"IG Rush Rush!"



After Ning helped Han Tian and Ah Shui take Xia's head, he continued to go back to the wild area to brush the wild.

And Han Tian and Ah Shui ate another wave of lower lines, and after eating, the two chose to go home to update their equipment!

Because after killing Xia, Ah Shui's Storm Sword is still more than a hundred years away!

Ah Shui can only make up enough money for the Storm Sword after eating this wave of soldiers who just came from the opposite side!

By the time Ah Shui and Han Tian returned to the line, Xia had already come to the next route!

At this time, Han Tian glanced at Xia's equipment, and Xia only made up an extract and a long sword when he went home this time!

As for Ah Shui's Kaisha, a storm sword and a long sword have already come out at this time!

Seeing this, Han Tian said helplessly:

"It seems that the next road is about to enter the familiar part again. "

Ah Shui also sighed and said:

"yes, the duo on the other side will definitely not fight with us anymore. "

"The gap in equipment is too big, and it is estimated that they will have to completely fight up now. "

Sure enough, as soon as Han Tian and Ah Shui went online, they saw Xia and Luo retreat directly to the rear of the line and began to "go".

Fortunately, before Han Tian and Ah Shui went home, they completely pushed the line of troops under the defense tower on the opposite side.

Therefore, at this time, the army line was advancing towards Han Tian's side.

So, Han Tian said to Ah Shui:

"Let's take the wave control line. "

"Since the hard knife can't kill the opponent, then let's use the soft knife to kill the opponent!"

Ah Shui responded:


In this way, Han Tian and Ah Shui controlled the line for a while.

Suddenly, a notice appears on the game screen that Ning has been killed!

The Frost Witch kills the keg!

Ning shouted in his voice:

"My mine, I'm careless this time!"

Since Han Tian is in the line with Ah Shui at this time, the strength of the line is actually very low!

After all, Xia and Luo didn't dare to step forward to make up for the knife at all, so Han Tian was relatively idle at this time.

So, when Han Tian saw that Ning had been killed, he moved his vision to the river in the upper half of the wilderness.

At this time, Ice Maiden and Nightmare have just killed Ning's keg, and they are walking towards the middle lane together!

Rookie's Ryze, on the other hand, is hiding in the middle of the grass in the upper half of the river where Ice Maiden and Nightmare are about to pass!

Seeing this, Han Tian immediately understood Rookie's thoughts!

Han Tianxin said:

"Rookie wants to this time?"

"Rookie has purification and flashes in his hands this wave, maybe there really is a chance!"

"It's up to Rookie to do this. "

At this time, Ice Maiden and Nightmare came to the grass where Rookie was.

Rookie's Ritzka has a vision and hits a set of QWEQ!

In an instant, the Ice Girl, who originally had six-sevenths of her blood, dropped her blood directly to one-third!

After Rookie finished this set, he immediately retreated and tugged at Ice Girl and Nightmare.

However, Ice Girl still froze Ryze with her ultimate move when Ryze was out!

However, Ruiz directly purified the second and removed the Ice Girl's ultimate!

Then, Ruiz began to turn back and chase after the bloody Ice Maiden!

Since Nightmare is only level five, Ice Girl and Nightmare subconsciously began to retreat.

At this moment, Ruiz hung up another E skill on Ice Girl!

Nightmare had no choice but to turn around and put fear on Ryze, and then turned on his magic shield!

However, Ryze kept retreating when Nightmare's magic shield was in effect, and when Nightmare's magic shield was about to disappear, he hung up the E skill to Nightmare, and successfully hit Nightmare with a Q skill!

The Nightmare, which was originally only two-thirds of its HP, dropped by one-third of its HP in an instant!

At this moment, although the fear of Nightmare Success reached Ryz, because Ryze's pull was so good, the two really couldn't hit Ryze!

So, Nightmare and Ice Girl once again chose to retreat!

The Ice Girl even directly handed over her E skills and ran away!

At this moment, Ruiz recovered from the nightmare's fear, and immediately turned on his ultimate, teleporting to the front of the Ice Girl and the nightmare!

After the ultimate teleported, Ruiz first took away the nightmare of residual blood directly with WEQ.

The Ice Girl turned her head a little because she wanted to try to save the nightmare.

It's a pity, just because of this one turned back.

The Ice Maiden entered the range of Ruiz's attack!

As a result, as Ice Maiden continued to escape under the second defense tower on her own road, she was hit by Rookie with a flat A, and then flashed EQA and successfully took it away!

The Exiled Mage has slain the Eternal Nightmare!

The Wandering Mage has killed the Frost Witch!

The Wandering Mage has completed a double kill!


The wandering mage is on a killing spree!

At this point, Rookie's record has come to 3-0-0!

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