As a result, the candidate for the post-game interview on IG's side was finally decided to be Han Tian!

Just when IG had just finished deciding on the candidate, Coach Kim's assistant returned.

The assistant said to the crowd:

"The post-match interview on the LPL side is about to start. "

"Who's being interviewed this time?"

After hearing the assistant's words, the IG crowd turned their attention to Han Tian.

Han Tian also said at this time:

"This time I went for an interview. "

The assistant glanced at Han Tian, then said with a smile:

"Sure enough, is it Brother Tian's interview?"

"Brother that day, you follow me, I'll take you to the LPL's interview area. "

Han Tian also smiled and said:

"Okay, then it's troublesome brother. "

Assistant: "It's a small thing, it's a little thing, it's as it should be." "

However, just as Han Tian and his assistant were about to go out, Coach Jin stopped Han Tian again!

Coach Kim reminded:

"Han Tian, when you wait for an interview, you can basically say anything. "

"But be careful, don't say anything rhythmic. "

After Han Tian heard Coach Jin's words, he said:

"Coach rest assured!"

"I know what to say and what not to say. "

After Coach Jin heard Han Tian's words, he patted Han Tian on the shoulder, and then said:

"Alright, then you can go. "

In this way, Han Tian followed his assistant to the place where the LPL player was interviewed.

After arriving at the place, Han Tian found that the interview with him today was actually an old acquaintance, and that was Rita!

When Rita saw Han Tian coming, she smiled lightly, and then said to the camera next to her:

"Hello everyone, today I'm here to bring you the post-match interview!"

"Today, we have the pleasure of inviting an interview with IG's assistant: Uneven!"

"Uneven, come and say hello to the audience in front of the screen. "

After Han Tian heard Rita's words, he turned his gaze to the camera, and then said with a smile:

"Hello everyone, I'm IG's auxiliary Uneven!"

After Han Tian finished greeting the audience, this interview officially began!

Rita asked:

"Hello, Uneven, how do you feel about today if it's your first time playing in a professional tournament or such an important S Series Finals?"

"Nervous or not?"

Han Tian said very calmly:

"I don't think it's too much of a feeling. "

"Because I treated this game as a normal Rank, I wasn't so nervous when I participated in the tournament for the first time. "

"This may also be the reason why our team's big brother, Rookie, has adjusted the atmosphere so well. "

"Actually, I'll tell you secretly, Jacklove's hands were shaking all the time at the beginning of this game!"

After Han Tian said this, in the LPL official live broadcast room:

"Really, it's fake? Brother Shuizi still has trembling hands after playing for so long?"

"Actually, it's normal for Brother Shui Zi to have trembling hands, after all, this is the first time that Brother Shui Zi has participated in the most important S competition in LOL. "

"I really didn't expect Brother Shuizi, who killed so fiercely in the game, to be nervous, hahaha!"


Ah Shui, who was sitting in the team lounge drinking water, suddenly choked when he heard what Han Tian said!

Ah Shui coughed a few times, and then finally eased up.

So, Ah Shui thought silently:

"Can this brother of me and Han Tian still do it?"

"How can there be such a person who explodes his brother's black material!"

In the interview here.

Rita then asked:

"Speaking of Jacklove, what do you think of your partner Jacklove?"

Han Tian replied:

"Actually, Jacklove won the MVP, and he should have been interviewed. "

"But I couldn't help it, because I gave everyone the head of the team, and then Jacklove rushed over for an interview. "

"Alas, newcomers have no human rights!"

Rita almost couldn't hold back a laugh when she heard what Han Tian said.

Han Tian then continued:

"Jacklove, he's actually a very talented player!"

"To be honest, it's a great honor for me to be able to walk down with Jacklove!"

"Maybe, the ADC I assisted is still a world champion ADC!"

Rita laughed:

"It seems that Uneven has a lot of confidence in himself and Jacklove. "

Han Tian also smiled and said:

"That's for sure, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier!"

"Dreams still have to be had, what if the sight is gone?"


"Now there is one last question, and it is also the one that everyone is most concerned about!"

"That's when Ning went to the lower Gank, Ning successfully deceived the midfield of the GRX team, so who was the commander of that big rhythm?"

"Is it Ning?"

When Han Tian heard Rita describe this, he immediately understood which wave Rita was talking about!

So, Han Tian explained:

"That wave was Ning's own idea, not my command. "

"I was just pointing to where the GRX team might be on our side. "

"I remember we didn't have a hero microphone?"

"You can also learn the specific situation from the hero microphone when you're done. "

At this time, the audience in the LPL live broadcast room was in an uproar when they heard Han Tian say this!

"Wow, is Uneven's consciousness so terrifying?"

"One thing to say, to be able to guess the position of the opposite side when there is spare time in the line, I'm afraid I won't be able to do this operation in my life!"

"Brothers, have you found a detail? That is, Uneven dares to say it, Ning dares to believe it!"

"Really, if that's the case, doesn't this detail show that Ning is very much in favor of Uneven's consciousness?"

"It seems that IG is really going to take off this year!

Rita finished asking the last question, and then turned to Han Tiandao;

"Thank you, Uneven, for this post-match interview. "

"Goodbye, I hope IG can achieve a good result in this S8 World Finals. "

Han Tian also thanked him:

"Thank you! We IG will work hard to fight for the World Finals this time!"

In this way, this LPL's post-game interview was also announced to be over after the end of this conversation between the two!

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