Chapter 42 Classic tp jess

Chapter 42 Classic tp Jace

As the plane took off, Yu Sheng looked at the blue sky outside the porthole.

Sitting next to Yu Sheng is mafa. He is in the Abuyo training game with edg next to him. The seats of two people are only separated by an aisle.

ig and edg are divided into two semi-regions and will not meet before the finals. It is suitable to come to several training games to maintain their feel.

Edg was also worried that Koro would not be able to practice well, and Abu was overjoyed, and soon agreed to a training match.

mafa: “That’s great! Then we’re settled.”

Abu: “Our brothers team, work together.”

Yu Sheng smiled, not to mention how sincere Abu said this, but at least this sounded quite pleasant.

Yu Sheng is a person who has watched the next three intercontinental games and is still positive about the cooperation between the lpl teams.

And s5 has a lot of small routines, and it is definitely necessary to play training games.


When we arrived in London, Riot had arranged accommodations for the players. After everyone had settled, ig and edg started their first training match in the afternoon.

The training game begins.

The fog outside the window was quite heavy, Mafa looked at the fog for a while, holding a small book to watch the battle.


What surprised Yu Sheng a little is that edg did not hide moves in the training match. It seems that they also know that their schedule is dangerous. It is not the time when they hide moves, but when they practice moves.

As for why Yu Sheng knew that they didn’t have any hidden tricks, the reason was very simple.

Because Yu Sheng saw that deft had selected Jace and brought a tp…

When Yu Sheng saw this thing, he almost laughed.

Shot Keke was by the side. He didn’t understand Yu Sheng’s smile a little bit, but said unexpectedly: “Why does this deft bring a tp?”

Yu Sheng smiled and shook his head.

Historically, edg and fnc played in the quarterfinals.

At that time, in the first game of bo5, edg chose the Jess belt transmission routine, preparing to let the deft transmission support all roads and change their fate against the sky.

The early stage also really gave edg some advantages, but it was mainly pawn’s cards that played rhythm, and deft played very little.

Then a wave of key team battles, fnc’s huni prince found a chance to add r to eq and drove to deft.

At that time, Meiko’s Thresh threw the lantern into the prince’s pit, trying to pick up the deft.

Originally, deft lighted the lantern and left, and there was nothing wrong with that wave. As a result, deft forgot that he was carrying a teleport flash instead of a healing flash, and used “transport” as a “healing”, and the result was that teleportation. Passed directly to meiko’s lantern.

Deft therefore delayed the precious escape time and was lost by fnc. Edg exploded in a wave of team battles. The advantages accumulated in the early stage disappeared and soon lost the first game of bo5.

Because of deft’s surname, Jin, deft has had a nickname since then.

“Golden Light.”


But if it is fair, the adc belt transmission can be regarded as an understanding that is two years ahead of the times. Later, since s7, many adcs have begun to belt transmission, and jklove likes belt transmission very much.

This routine cannot be said to be problematic. If there is a problem, it means that the proficiency of deft is not enough.


Yu Sheng took out the ice and prepared to start this training match.

Yu Sheng has another question to verify, that is, can the experience points be increased by playing training games against other teams? This morning, Yu Sheng has tried ranking. It turns out that ranking can trigger the skills of the system, but it does not increase the experience value.

According to Yu Sheng’s understanding, the system will evaluate the increased experience and consider the importance of the game.

In theory, training matches are still more important than rankings. I wonder if I can add more experience points to myself?

When the training game came up, Pawn’s cards were extremely active, and rookie was practicing ice bird, but the effect was not very good. He was caught twice by the factory manager’s excavator in six minutes and died both times.

Deft’s teleportation Jace played an effect, the excavator and the card opened up, and Jace also handed in the teleportation. The three people flew on the road together. The posture of the sword girl blocked the card’s yellow card. Just after it was blocked, he was blocked by Koro’s prince eq. Picking up, the director also received a shock wave.

Finally, Deft Jess fired a QE enhanced cannon and instantly took away his posture.

Clearlove also flashed the edg brand, which was still a novelty at the time, just made by Fist.

Posture: “It’s too much to show the dog tag.”

With his fingers clasped in his gesture, he would die if he had three lives in this wave.

Yu Sheng’s ice proficiency is not very high, mainly to practice, this training game edg is advancing.

In front of the front tooth tower, the edg attack that dismantled a front tooth tower came to an abrupt halt, and was pushed back by a wave of three kills by Yu Sheng, breaking the edg highland…

Yu Sheng’s pupils were cold, and the edg players looked at each other in one wave.

Although in the end edg played witty.

Pawn took the lead to open up and look forward, Jace, the prince has teleportation, and the excavator has also opened up.

The four of edg flew over to steal the home together, ig had no blood in the second front tower, and the prince Koro threw e to speed up the attack and let them forcefully demolish to win.

Although he won the training match, Clearlove pursed his lips while looking at the screen, still feeling lost.

clearlove: “We can’t beat it up front. We have used our full strength, but we can’t beat their full strength.”

Yu Sheng felt the third skill, and then roughly knew the ability of the third skill to “reverse the universe”.

“Reverse the universe”

When the base crystal of the host’s side is attacked, the host will acquire a “double mindset” within 5 seconds.

“Double thinking”

This is a weird skill. The moment Yu Sheng was attacked at the base, he only felt that he had two lines of thought, one pair of eyes and another pair of eyes opened quietly, which is hard to describe.

But edg steals the house very quickly, so Yu Sheng hasn’t felt it carefully yet.

Clearlove is not happier after winning than losing, typing: “come again.”

Yu Sheng looked at the typing bar, the factory manager was indeed a persistent person.


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