MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 542: First kill?

"Hahaha, this guy has become a polished rod." Hitomi smiled.

"Damn it, you think you can win this way, it's really naive." The ancient tree leader said, a portal appeared beside him.

"Bedside table, you go to pull the monster." They have seen the shadowy figure appearing in the portal, obviously there are many monsters.

"Group pull me is the most suitable." The guardian angel rushed directly to the portal.


Five treants came out of the portal, and the five treants were directly held by the guardian angel.

"No, there is a Treant from the Healing Department." The Shadow Dancer identified the attributes in the first time: "They are all three-star Yinying."

Li Yao frowned and said, "Turn directly to Huo Xiaoguai."

The people of Xinghuo quickly turned to the fire, and the treants of the treatment system were dropped in seconds.

But when they killed three treants, the portal once again walked out of five treants.

Everyone once again healed for a second, and then another portal appeared on the other side of the ancient tree leader.

"Quietly, I will let the spider tank assist you." Li Yao said.

"Understand." I thought to rush forward quietly, blocking another portal.

"I can't go on like this, I can't kill it at all." Peerless Demon Ji said.

Li Yao nodded and said: "All melee turn around to output the leader of the ancient tree, and the long range also turns to fire."

"What about these mobs?" said the guardian angel.

Li Yao quickly said: "All the remote attention, the portal is out of the strange, all the remote look at me mark, activate the trance of the healing system to set the fire for a second, can not give him a chance to heal."

Everyone on the team understood that Li Yao was going to be tough, but it was not impossible. After all, this ancient tree had only half a million health, which was actually not much.

Li Yao quickly said: "This plan is to test the tank, it depends on whether you are hard enough."

Two portals, each time there will be a wave, five silver Ying, now only kill the treants of the treatment system, then there will be four remaining.

Summoned once a minute on average, but after a while, a large number of mobs gathered around Jing Jing and the guardian angel.

"Tomi pupil, direct bloodthirsty."

With the opening of bloodthirsty, the blood volume of the boss is madly dropping.

But with the increase of monsters, especially the increase of balance type Treants, many thundercloud storms overlapped, even if they were so powerful, facing such intensive attacks, they would eventually be unable to withstand them.

"No, I can't add it." Da Vinci's face was sweaty.

"I can't hold it anymore."

The guardian angel's body continuously sputtered a large number of sacred thunder and lightning, and the lightning was densely packed, causing damage to all the tree people.

But the thunder and lightning on his head no longer knows how many layers are superimposed, and still can't hold it, but he is not like Jingjing, there is no hard resistance at the beginning.

He was suppressed in a blind spot, and he couldn't resist or had to resist.

"After another treatment, the boss's blood volume is only half." Li Yao's eyes flashed light.

The people of Xinghuo were all desperately trying their best, all of them were outputting crazily. They all knew very well that if they couldn't persist, all their efforts would go away.

At that time, the second stage of the boss cannot be solved, and I am afraid that even the leader of the ancient tree will not be seen.


The guardian angel still fell.

"Zhan Fu." Li Yao said.

Immediately the guardian angel was resurrected, and with the buff, the guardian angel rushed up again.

Although Jingjing is not as hard as the guardian angel in terms of hardness, the advantage of Bear T is that it has a lot of blood and super high dodge.

Coupled with more flexibility, even though it is dangerous now, it still persists.

Of course, as the number of trees grows, his range of activities is constantly decreasing.

Quietly, it is impossible to pull the Treant down in the middle. In that case, the Treant’s attack can cover the output, which will cause a full-scale crash on the Spark side.

"Scumbags, you can't defeat me." The ancient tree leader is also anxious, his blood volume is decreasing.

And his attacks were constantly blocked by the Fruit Knight. Although the Fruit Knight was small, he had already eaten dragon meat cooking and the Winter Spring Fire Wine that Li Yao gave her.

His body size has also increased by a large circle, and his strength has also become huge. With the reflection shield, his single attack is more than blocked by her.

Puff puff……

The ancient tree leader began to spray purple-black toxins, and the toxins fell on the ground, directly forming an area that would corrode a yard.

As long as you step on it, you will lose blood, and the ancient trees are constantly squeezing their space for activity.

Both sides will be attacked by tree people, and because of the constant spraying of toxins in the middle, their range of activities is getting smaller and smaller.

Single stake!

"This is just the beginning." Following the words of the ancient tree leader.

A wooden stake appeared on the ground without warning, this skill had no warning at all.

Appears directly at the feet of the rookie Muzi, usually with omen skills, and the flash of the wizard can dodge the past.

But when the output is intense, this kind of unpredictable skill is even more difficult to evade.


The huge wooden stake directly smashed the newcomer Muzi into flight, and the newcomer Muzi's body appeared white light in mid-air, and he was directly killed in seconds.

"Fuck, what kind of scream is Hearing the miserable screams from the newcomer Muzi, and seeing where the wooden stakes appeared, everyone felt the chrysanthemum tighten, your sister, Everyone is crazy, this skill is too shameless.

Five seconds later, another stake took away the Variety Baby.

All the girls' faces turned pale when they heard the voice of Variety Baby changed their tone. Uncle, this skill is too shameless.

When everyone was nervous, they saw a purple light flashing under Li Yao's feet.

Everyone who saw him let out an exclamation, if Li Yao fell, then they would be finished.

But at the moment when the purple light twinkling wooden stake appeared, one step was taken, and a purple wooden stake rose directly into the sky, but did not touch Li Yao's vellus hair.

"Big brother, how did you hide?" Hitomi asked quickly.

"Look at Gu Shu's eyes. His eyes flashed red to summon the stakes." Li Yao didn't delay output at all while speaking.

"It's impossible for a bastard." The ancient tree did not believe in evil, and once again released the stakes at Li Yao, but Li Yao still took a step.


The leader of the ancient tree could not kill Li Yao, and then shifted the target to others.

But even though they knew the mechanism, but with so many goals, they didn't know who the boss would be.

And only by avoiding yourself, it is not that simple to avoid the stakes.

Only a few people evaded, and the others basically took away a member of the team, and then they shouted in other channels.

"No, I can't hold on." I think Jingjing's blood volume is already in danger.

The guardian angels are not much better, and the output is not easy. Pay attention to avoiding skills and stop healing in seconds, which is really not an easy task.

Xinghuo's team members are desperate. Did they just pass the first kill like this...

(To be continued.)

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