Chapter 99 Does little Chang’an want to sleep together? No, I still refuse!

Ziyue compromised.

Chen Chang’an then put her down.

But Ziyue looked upset.

Thinking of my own dignified Head Teacher, I was picked up by someone.

It feels so embarrassing!

Chen Chang’an touched Ziyue’s head.

“Hey, don’t be angry, don’t be angry, turn around and give you some good food.

Ziyue quickly avoided, sulking, and said with shame and anger.

“Chen Chang’an, I am Head Teacher, not a child!”

“Whoever makes you a loli really can’t associate you with Head Teacher, knowing that I respect the teacher and love children.

Ziyue hummed lightly, not wanting to talk to Chen Chang’an.

I swear silently in my heart.

You must break through the Tribulation Realm as soon as possible, step into the Immortal Movement Realm, and restore your original appearance.

オDon’t keep the appearance of such a kid forever.


Chen Chang’an shrugged.

In order to avoid the occurrence of the purple moon, the fruit on the [True Dragon Immortal Medicine] was picked and eaten.

Chen Chang’an still decided to set up a formation to isolate him.

Seeing Chen Chang’an actually start to arrange a formation for a medicine king, Ziyue was stunned.

Then I became even more unhappy.

“Chen Chang’an, what do you mean?

Chen Chang’s “2000” is puzzled.

“what do you mean?”

Ziyue’s little face was full of displeasure.

“What’s the point of saying it, I don’t say you should understand!”

Chen Chang’an was a little confused, and continued to arrange the formation, speechless.

“You are not a fortune-teller. How do I know what you mean? If you don’t tell me how I understand, you just make it clear, Head Teacher.

Seeing Chen Chang’an still arranging the formation, Ziyue grinded her little tiger’s teeth and hummed.


“That’s what I mean!”

“Insane, go playing in the mud.

“Ahhhhh, you are just crazy, you go playing in the mud!!!”

Ziyue became even more angry and raised her little feet, really wanting to give Chen Chang’an a kick.

Chen Chang’an shook his head and stopped paying attention to her.

Obviously it was fine just now.

Sometimes, I really don’t understand women like animals.

Chen Chang’an evolves the formations one by one and arranges the formation very carefully.

This formation method of protecting [True Dragon Immortal Potion] can’t tolerate any carelessness.

I’m so angry, I see Chen Chang’an is still setting up the formation, and this formation seems to be very difficult.

This was so angry that Ziyue stomped her feet straight, bit her lip, grieved and wronged, as if tears were rolling in her eyes, as if she was about to cry.

“My Head Teacher said that he would not eat your fruit, but you, you, you, you didn’t believe me, and even laid a formation to prevent my Head Teacher from stealing it. Is my Head Teacher that kind of person?”

At this time.

Chen Chang’an also finally arranged the surrounding defensive array of [True Dragon Immortal Potion], showing a relaxed smile.

Chen Chang’an was speechless when he heard Ziyue’s words.

“Head Teacher, what are you thinking about in your head all day, this formation is not designed to guard you.

“Not against me?

Ziyue was startled.

“All in all, you have to know that this medicine is very precious. Even the entire Longevity Sect cannot be compared with this medicine. In case it is accidentally eaten by other people, such as Elder Xia Chan, or it is taken off for alchemy and destroyed. What should I do?”

After hearing Chen Chang’an explain, Ziyue Tsundere turned her head away.

“Huh, you didn’t say it earlier.

“Where do I know how angry you are.”

“I don’t care. You messed up Ben Head Teacher. Ben Head Teacher is hungry. If you want to eat something delicious in the morning, you have to make up for me.

“Okay, then I first ask my master what to eat.

Ziyue stopped.

“No, listen to me this time, I’m going to eat steamed buns and fritters today.

Breakfast time.

Small courtyard dining table.(Read more @

Chen Chang’an, Feng Wanxi, Jiang Lingling, Xia Chan, and Ziyue sat around the dinner table.

The sea of ​​spiritual life was not there, because last night, after a night of cultivation, he felt the avenue and found a breakthrough opportunity. He told Chen Chang’an early this morning and left Changshengjia to find a place to break through. NS.

Eating breakfast.

Ziyue was depressed, holding a large bowl of noodles.


Feng Wanxi, Jiang Lingling and Xia Chan were puzzled.

Xia Chan said.

“Head Teacher, what’s the matter, who is bullying you? I was glum in the morning.

Ziyue said in sorrow while screaming.

“Sure enough, the world is big and the master is the biggest. I, the Head Teacher, is nothing in Chen Chang’an’s eyes. I haven’t eaten steamed buns and fritters for several days. Why is Feng Wanxi just eating noodles? , What’s so delicious about the noodles, wow~~~~”

Feng Wanxi smiled.

“Head Teacher, I ate steamed buns and fried dough sticks every day a few days ago. I ate too greasy in the morning. I changed my taste and had noodles. I was obedient.

Jiang Lingling said.

“I can do it. The noodles made by the younger brother are also delicious.”

Xia Chan got it and smiled.

“Are you angry about this?

“Can’t it? I’m the Head Teacher, the biggest in Changsheng Education. Chen Chang’an should listen to me.

Xia Chan gave her a white look.

“Do you think Little Chang’an will listen to you? He only listens to Master, and secondly, he listens to me.

Chen Chang’an glanced at her.

“Elder Xia Chan, what are you thinking about? Secondly, I don’t listen to anyone. Master is the greatest. What I want to do is to filial piety to Master and to be an apprentice should do the responsibilities, so I only listen to Master. ”


As soon as this remark came out.

Xia Chan was sore, and those beautiful eyes looked directly at Chen Chang’an.

“Little Chang’an, let me be your second master, I must be better to you than Feng Wanxi, even better! Really!”

“If you have me as a master, you will not lose it!”

“Buy one get one free, and a free bed warmer Jiang Lingling is included.”

Jiang Lingling was dissatisfied and stopped talking about noodles.

“Hey hey, Master, you eat as soon as you eat, why do you have to take me with you every time?

Xia Chan blinked at Jiang Lingling, “What’s the matter? You must earn blood, and I must not lose.

Jiang Lingling gave her a white look, and didn’t want to talk to her, and continued to chat with Ziyue.

However, Chen Chang’an did not hesitate to think about Xia Chan.

“I reject.

Xia Chan stared at her moving eyes, dissatisfied.

“Why refused, and still so decisive, you can’t think about it!”

Chen Chang’an glanced at her, “I always feel that you are unreliable, and I have already said that one master is enough.”

Feng Wanxi was aside, shaking her head and smiling, “Xia Chan, it seems that you can’t do it, don’t waste your effort, my disciple, you can’t go if you want to, so let’s give up as soon as possible.

Xia Chan was not angry, she smiled and sat next to Chen Chang’an, next to Chen Chang’an 0

Chen Chang’an smelled the rich charm of Xia Chandan. Ren Danxiang, stay away from her.

“Elder Xia Chan, you are too close to me.”

Xia Chan chuckled lightly and leaned over again, but when she smiled, she always felt bad intentions.

“Little Chang’an, you said that our relationship is so good, the medicine you gave to Feng Wanxi last night, do you have any more?

Xia Chan’s words came out.

Suddenly, Ziyue, Jiang Lingling, and Feng Wanxi’s eyes fell on Chen Chang’an.

last night.

In the hot spring, Feng Wanxi took the face-retaining pill given to her by Chen Chang’an.

For a while, Feng Wanxi’s already stunning and beautiful face became even more dazzling, just like the bright moon that day, she was so beautiful that no one could compare.

Let Feng Wanxi’s appearance and body be kept in the best and most beautiful state.

There was almost no trace of time on her face.

Let her appearance be fixed in the most beautiful style forever!

Whether it was Jiang Lingling, Ziyue or Xia Chan, when they saw Feng Wanxi’s changes, they were all stunned.

And Xia Chan, as a master refiner, can even feel the extraordinaryness of Feng Wanxi.

Guess this is the legendary beauty-preserving pill, which can make the stunning beauty immortal and always be in the most beautiful state.

For women, even if they have a life span of several thousand years, although they can maintain their appearance with magic power, they will always leave some traces of vicissitudes on their faces.

Who doesn’t want to get a beauty pill, who doesn’t want to be beautiful forever, who doesn’t want to be forever young, forever eighteen years old.

Looking at the eyes of the four women, Chen Chang’an finished the noodles in the bowl.


“I got this Shenyan Pill by chance and I gave it to Master, but there are still a few more. It was originally planned to be auctioned.”

“Is this really a pill for keeping face???” Xia Chan asked at random, and was shocked when he heard it at the moment.


Chen Chang’an nodded.

Then, Chen Chang’an glanced across Ziyue, Xia Chan and Jiang Lingling.

“Do you want it?”

Xia Chan quickly said.

“I want to be a woman, why don’t I want it.”

Ziyue and Jiang Ling 2.0 Ling both blinked at Chen Chang’an.

Feng Wanxi had already taken one, but she didn’t care, she just looked at Chen Chang’an with curiosity in her eyes.

Unexpectedly, after I finished taking it, I was actually the Zhuyan Shendan.

I don’t know where the disciple got it?

Xia Chan looked at Chen Chang’an eagerly.

“Little Chang’an, don’t auction it, can you just sell it to me?

Chen Chang’an shrugged.

“Actually, it can be given to you.


The three women’s eyes brightened.

Chen Chang’an suddenly said again.

“But these few face-retaining gods are hard-earned, so if you give them to you like this, then I won’t suffer a big loss.

After speaking, Chen Chang’an smiled.

Looking at Chen Chang’an’s smile, the three women were a little uneasy.

Ziyue said dullly.

“Chen Chang’an, what do you want to do then?”

“Treasure house in teaching, if you want anything, just take it.

Xia Chan blinked and teased.

“Da. Being the same, do you sleep? I don’t care, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to eat it here!

Jiang Lingling’s face suddenly turned red, and he shook his head quickly.

“No way, no way, it won’t work like this”.




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