Chapter 87 I was careless, I was kissed by a banshee, and little Chang’an was promising!

The fox demon looked startled, and it seemed that Chen Chang’an would not have expected that Chen Chang’an would say this suddenly.

She fixedly looked at Chen Chang’an.

The pupils of the fox demon are a kind of mysterious red, with a bewildering and human aura, extremely beautiful.

At the moment, she smiled madly.

“If the Xianggong wants me to die now, then I will listen to the Xianggong’s words and go to die now.”

“However, if this is the case, I don’t want to commit suicide, but rather die at the hands of the father.


Although she was pointed at by Chen Chang’an sword.

But the fox demon demon didn’t care at all, scattered his physical defenses, and stepped forward.


The sharp blade of the Dragon Slashing Immortal Sword pierced the black dress of the fox demon so easily, revealing the white jade skin inside.

And then.

The blade pierced the skin like snow, and blood suddenly overflowed.

Chen Chang’an frowned.

【Budo Tongshen】Next.

Allow him to see through and distinguish the authenticity of this fox demon.

Unexpectedly, the fox demon at this moment really has a will to die, and regards death as home.

This makes Chen Chang’an never think of it.

Naturally, he didn’t take a duel seriously.

But I didn’t expect this fox demon to take it seriously.

Anyway, you are also the supreme giant.

If I want you to die, how can you be so willing?

Chen Chang’an suspected that the fox demon in front of him was crazy, sick, and unclear.


Chen Chang’an glanced at her indifferently, and put away the Youyang Sword and the Dragon Slashing Sword.

The fox demon stared at him in a daze, and then “puffed” with a smile, and his smile moved.

“Couldn’t Xianggong give up 193 to let the slave family die?”

“There is no reluctance, but the intention to kill is not serious, and there is no grudge against you, but if you threaten me, then I will take your life without hesitation.

In the heart of the fox demon, that knife mark has not healed, and is still bleeding, especially in the black dress that the fox demon is wearing, it is even more dazzling, and it adds a bit of seductive temperament to the fox demon.

The corner of the fox demon’s mouth is full of affection.

“The slave family has already conquered than you. In the future, the master will be the master of the family. How could the slave family threaten you? The big deal, your master is ranked first, and I am second. This time I lost and the slave family admitted.

Chen Chang’an was indifferent and interrupted. He didn’t want to entangle the woman in front of him more.

After all, once the barrier of [Equality of All Living Beings] fails, the fox demon restores the Cultivation Base. It is not easy to defeat and conquer her again.

“Remember, fox demon, I have never met you, please respect yourself.”

“It doesn’t matter if you call me Tianzi Yun or Chen Chang’an, just remember one thing, I am not your mate. Since I have lost, tell me the location of the treasure house and leave.

In front of the fox demon, Chen Chang’an is as strong and domineering as ever.

Let the fox demon heart sink.

She smiled.

“The grandfather in the family is the oldest, and the slave listens to what the grandfather says, but not everything is listened to. Isn’t that different from the maidservant at home?

“The slave family has recognized the sibling in this life, and the word xianggong will never change. If the sibling is not happy, you can kill the slave family.”

Chen Chang’an was expressionless, and the Dragon Slashing Sword reappeared in his hands, with a fierce killing intent.

“If this is the case, then I will no longer be merciful.

The fox demon couldn’t help but smirked, sweet and charming.

“Msang Gong is not a cultivator of the magic way, he is entangled with magic thoughts in his heart, and he falls into the magic way, and he is bloodthirsty.”

“On the contrary, Xianggong is open and bright, with righteousness and kindness in his heart, how can he kill for no reason? If he wants to kill the slave, he just killed it. Xianggong is really cute.

“Cute you big-headed ghost.”

As far as Chen Chang’an is concerned, there is no magnanimity in his heart, and there is no righteousness and kindness.

Only believe in your own ideas.

If people do not offend me, I will not offend others. If anyone offends me, I will offend others.(Read more @

If necessary, destroy his whole family and eliminate the roots.

Fox demon, if you offend me, I will naturally not save your life.

And he, naturally, would not rise up and kill people just because the fox demon called him amicable.

at the same time.

The five-minute time limit of the function card has arrived, and the barrier of equality of all beings is shattered and dissipated.

And the suppressed Cultivation Base was restored in an instant.

The tyrannical and terrifying breath of power that belonged to her appeared in the world, extremely shocking!

Feeling this power fluctuation, the expressions of Lingshenghai, Xia Chan, and Ziyue suddenly became solemn while watching!

To Lingshenghai, his expression was the most solemn, and he said solemnly.

“This power fluctuates, I am afraid that this woman’s Cultivation Base will far outperform the old man. If they fight, the old man will definitely not be her opponent!”

“Unexpectedly, such a great figure suddenly appeared in Yunzhou!

After hearing the words of Lingshenghai, Xia Chan and Ziyue’s hearts became heavier.

Unexpectedly, just after killing the ancestor of the chaotic demons, another extremely powerful enchanting woman came.

I don’t know what method Chen Chang’an used before to suppress this demon-burning woman to the realm of Jin Dan!

At this moment, the enchanting woman’s Cultivation Base was restored.

They can’t help but worry about the safety of Chen Chang’an’s life!

The Cultivation Base of the fox demon is restored, Chen Chang’an still looks cold and doesn’t care.

Because he is confident, he still has the last hole card on him.

Even if the Cultivation Base (agca) of the fox demon is restored, if you don’t know what is good or bad, you still have to do it on him.

Then, Chen Chang’an will naturally not be polite.

Seeing Chen Chang’an, the fox demon couldn’t help but feel sad.

“Why does Xiang Gong hate slaves so much?”

“I wish to accept the bet, the treasure house, you should leave.”

The fox demon couldn’t help sighing and bitterly.

“Msang Gong, the treasure house you want is under the spiritual peak behind me.

“Oh, since the grandfather asked me to go, then I will go.


The fox demon turned and left.

The decisive departure of the fox demon made Chen Chang’an a little puzzled, and instinctively told him that something was wrong.

Chen Chang’an couldn’t help but use [Budo God Eyes], wanting to see Shattering Void, to know what the fox demon is doing.

next moment.

Chen Chang’an felt something.

Go back.


The fox demon appeared next to him, with a playful smile, showing a demon, charming, charming, charming.

“Xiang Gong is really cruel, so I don’t want to stay.

At this moment, as a supreme giant, she is almost at the extreme in terms of strength and reaction speed!

Just Chen Chang’an.

The bright red lips of the fox, demon and demon, suddenly reflected on Chen Chang’an’s left cheek.

(づ 3 )づ~

Chen Chang’an is really sorry.


It was even attacked by someone!

After a kiss.

The fox demon smiled, charming and charming.

She even couldn’t help but stretched out her long jade finger and pinched Chen Chang’an’s face.

At this moment, the fox demon has a beautiful face with a smile.

Where is the sorrow and sorrow before, a miserable look.

“My husband, I will go back to Yaozhou first. You are the oldest at home. When I come back, we will get married in Yunzhou. Wait for me~”

After speaking, the fox demon did not give Chen Chang’an a chance to answer.

The body turned into a light smoke to dissipate, without knowing what kind of secret technique was used, and quietly left.

At this time.

Ziyue, Xia Chan, and Ling Shenghai rushed over.

Looking at the red lipstick on Chen Chang’an’s face, I didn’t know what to say.

Why did you kiss me just now when I was in a life-and-death battle?

But I have to admit that the fox demon is very strong.

If you really want to deal with Chen Chang’an.

They can only stare at them, and they can’t help much at all.

Xia Chan couldn’t help asking.

“Little Chang’an, who is she, feels like a female fairy, she still kisses you secretly.

On the side, Ziyue looked at Chen Chang’an curiously and swept him from top to bottom.

Chen Chang’an was speechless and couldn’t adapt to a little loli looking at her like this.

“Head Teacher, can you not look at me like this.”

Ziyue smiled happily, happily.

“Not bad, Chen Chang’an, being secretly by such a beautiful enchanting woman. Kissing, how does it feel?

Chen Chang’an cast a blank look.


“I don’t believe it.”

Xia Chan touched Chen Chang’an’s head and praised.

“Little Chang’an is promising. He is obviously just a young boy with no full hair. Unexpectedly, with such a charisma, you will conquer even the most powerful and stunning woman.

“Sure enough, I have a good vision. Little Chang’an is very promising in the future. I am optimistic about you~”

ps: Thanks [159 1046] 100 points reminder..

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