Chapter 69 A seductive woman, is Tianzi Yun qualified to be my mate?

Chen Chang’an looked calm, his eyes were as deep as the deep sea, watching this scene quietly.

Ten superb masters were slashed with a large array of apologetics.

It didn’t surprise him.

Everything was in his expectation.

And this is the horror of [Array Dao Tongshen].

Ziyue and Xia Chan were even more shocked by the scene before them.

Xia Chan swallowed and said in shock.

“Chang’an, you really didn’t lie to me, your previous life was not only a saint of refining tools, but also a saint of formation!”

Ziyue even took a deep breath.

“You don’t need to use anything, just raise your hand, you can lay the formation pattern. It is rumored that this is the method of the formation sage. It’s up

In the hands of Chen Chang’an, the power exerted by this apologetic array.

He used 【Array Dao Links God】 to break into the powerful and ancient formation pattern.

I don’t know how many times the guardian formation has been increased. It was originally a main defense formation.

But in his hands, he changed his body and turned into a large battle array!

All of this is so shocking!

To know.

The formation method, like the magic weapon, has the same level division.

【Huang, Xuan, Earth, Heaven, Spirit, King, Holy, Emperor, Emperor, and Immortal, different from magic weapons, they have a division of one star to nine stars. 】

And this family guardian formation in the Longevity Sect is a seven-star king-level formation!

But now.

In the hands of Chen Chang’an.

The formation patterns in the big formation of the “One-Five-Zero” clan he entered.

Actually directly advance the guardian formation to the one-star holy rank!

It is necessary to know that the holy rank formation is one of the few in Yunzhou, and it is still a large formation handed down in ancient times.

And the holy rank formation is terrifying and unparalleled!

Even these extremely strong people, when faced with this apologetic array.

Can’t stop it at all!

And the power of this formation, the thousand-wen sword that turned into an unstoppable force, killed ten extremely powerful men.

For the other superpowers present, they were shocked, and their expressions were even more shocked!

And now.

They are in this apologetic array.

Trapped in this apologetic array.

There is no way to escape!

Chen Chang’an is indifferent and ruthless.

For these people who want to kill him.

Nothing to be polite.

With a thought in his heart, a large array was triggered.

The apologetic array broke out completely.

The vast array of might, like a huge wave, swept the entire Changshengjiao!

In the longevity education, everyone felt a tremor, and there was a chill that penetrated into the soul of the soul!

And Changshengjiao outside.

Except for those who are extremely strong.

There are other cultivators in Yunzhou, demons and demons, these three forces, they are all watching.

However, I don’t know what happened to the specific situation in Longevity Education.

Because this great array of apologetics suddenly broke out, it shrouded the entire longevity teaching, shaped like a mist, covering it.

No one can see through the big array, naturally they don’t know what happened inside.

Have those top powerhouses succeeded in stifling the imminent Yun Tianzi of the Changshengjiao?

they do not know.

However, when they felt the majesty of this formation suddenly appeared.

The entire world, the holy step array patterns are flickering, releasing boundless power.

They were all shocked and couldn’t help but exclaimed, all showing an expression of seeing a ghost!

“Is it the holy rank pattern?!”

“Damn, this longevity sect’s guardian formation is actually a holy rank formation, how come I have never heard of it!”

“Oops, those super strong!

Some people look ugly.

“Holy rank formation, once the power of crossing the tribulation realm is trapped in it, it will die for nine years. Damn it, I didn’t expect the Longevity Sect to hide so deeply!”

“It seems that no one can stop the birth of Yunzhou emperor, Damn it!”

Many of these powerhouses on the sidelines are full of unwillingness!

But, what can they do?

This kind of sacred formation is a top-level formation in Yunzhou and even the entire Jiuzhou Continent.

At present, there is no formation Taoist who can lay a holy rank formation.

Almost, all the holy rank formations that currently exist in Yunzhou are handed down from the ancient times.

Damn it!


Longevity education.

With the great array of guardians erupting completely.

The power of the terrifying formation has evolved a variety of attacking methods to kill those extremely strong!(Read more @

The screams of the most powerful people sounded!

It was hit by a large hand that evolved from the holy steps in the power of the formation.

Suddenly, his body was torn apart and his life was lost in Huangquan!

There are even more waves of destruction of the aurora, killing the world, and completely locking in these extremely strong people in the Longevity Sect.

Let the cold hair of those extremely powerful people suddenly stand upright, and feel the extremely terrifying and awe-inspiring danger!

And then.


Destroy the Aurora Hole!

This is a terrifying blast.

Unleash the boundless killing intent, like a galaxy pouring down.

No one extremely strong can resist.

They are locked in the Qi machine, and no one can avoid it!

One after another, they were killed directly by the destroyed Aurora, and their souls were destroyed!

Blood wine splashed into the sky, and the entire sky was almost stained with blood red!

The icy corpses of a super strong man were smashed from the sky

Originally, the peak master elders who were going to help Chen Chang’an resist those top masters among those longevity teachers, couldn’t help but stop, his eyes widened, his expression was shocked, and he even felt his scalp numb.

This scene is simply shocking, and even more shocking.

Almost everyone in the Changshengjiao was suppressed.

They could hardly believe what they saw before them.

These are all superpowers, each of them at least has a Cultivation Base in the Void Refining Realm. They are superpowers on the side, and their strength is terrifying.

But now, in the guardian formation, they are like grass and mustards, one by one, they die tragically!

When did the longevity sect’s guardian formation be so terrible??


In this large array of guardians, more than 30 extremely strong men died completely.

No one escaped, all died!

The world was dead silent, everyone was still in shock and loss, no one said anything.

As for Chen Chang’an, there was no accident.

He didn’t rush, and absorbed the purple energy that the last five qi luck real dragons turned into.

After absorbing the purple light that the last Qi Luck real dragon turned into.

this moment.

In Yunzhou, the heaven and earth vision broke out again.

It was a brilliant golden light, turned out to be, shining nine heavens and ten earth!

A big golden cauldron slowly condensed above the nine heavens.

The golden cauldron is huge, just like a mountain.

Towering and magnificent, shocking.

On the top of the tripod body, there are countless Dao patterns densely spreading out, exuding extremely strong power.

Jinding is pulling Yunzhou’s power of heaven and earth, which can be described as mysterious and unpredictable, containing a kind of great power of heaven and earth!


The whole Yunzhou.

Countless people were startled again, and they raised their heads to look at the golden tripod above the nine heavens!

“Oh my God, it is the Yunzhou Ding, one of the legendary Nine Dings!”

“It seems that the emperor Yun has finally been born, and he has successfully survived the catastrophe!”

The Sacred Land son was watching this scene, his face was gloomy and ugly, and he was very unwilling.

“Why is it like this??? Why don’t I show up later!!! This way I will definitely become the son of the emperor Yun, this Yunzhou tripod must also belong to me, Damn it! I hate it!! !”

There is a magical realm, not belonging to Yunzhou.

There is a seductive woman. She stands on top and is wearing a black dress. She is very charming.

With hair fluttering, her beautiful face is even more charming and charming, and on her forehead, there is a red mole, which adds a bit of alternative temperament.

Her gaze is like a star in the sky, dazzling and deep, with a pair of very charming eyes, as if traveling through several states to Yunzhou.

She stared at the Yunzhou Ding that was slowly falling from above the nine heavens, and couldn’t help but smile slightly.

She smiled very charmingly, charmingly, very moving, and her voice was very pleasant, with a kind of crisp-soft 0

“Yunzhou, is it Yuntianzi or Yuntiannu?’

“This first emperor born, is curious about what kind of person it is? It’s a female, um, then I will kill her. If it is a male, I want to see if he is qualified to be my mate?


When the woman stepped out, her graceful or human body was visible in the thin black dress, a pair of white and flawless jade. The legs were straight and slender, revealing.

She moved her jade feet lightly, seemingly beautiful…the swirling scenery was extremely beautiful, she headed towards Yunzhou.


At this moment, countless powerful men looked at Yunzhou Ding, their expressions were extremely complicated.

About the birth of Yun Tianzi.

They are all discussing, they have different expressions, sighs, shocks, unwillingness, and curiosity…

And the other side.

Feng Wanxi hurried back to the Changshengjiao with the longevity blood pool after leaving the realm of the magic road.

Time is too late.

Therefore, Feng Wanxi no longer worried about Chen Chang’an’s safety.

At this time.

She also saw the majestic Yunzhou Ding on Nine Heavens.

She was very surprised, thinking of the eternal and immortal light that appeared when she was in Chaos Demon Sect.

She took out Jiuxia wine, took a sip, and then muttered to herself curiously.

“Yunzhou Ding appeared, so it seems that Yunzhou has the emperor or the goddess born, who will it be?”

“It’s a pity, I originally thought that if the disciple survives this life and death crisis and refines the medicinal power, he can also become a peerless arrogant, and perhaps also qualified to become the emperor.”

But after thinking about it, Feng Wanxi still shook her head.

“Forget it, the emperor can’t do such a good job. Even if a disciple becomes a peerless arrogant, it is almost impossible to get the recognition of Yunzhou Tiandi. To become the emperor of Yun, I think too much.”


Feng Wanxi picked up the Jiuxia wine for a few more sips, hiccuped, and continued to go back to Changshengjiao.

On the way.

Feng Wanxi was suddenly a little frightened.

She discovered that the direction in which the Kyushu Cauldron had fallen was the same as the direction in which she returned to Changshengjiao?

I always feel that the direction of the Kyushu tripod is the longevity education!

Feng Wanxi couldn’t believe it.

“No, the direction of Yunzhou Ding’s landing seems to be the Longevity Sect. Is there a peerless Tianjiao in the Longevity Sect that has been recognized by Yunzhou Tiandi?”

In the Longevity Sect, there is a Peerless Tianjiao 2.0 who is the saint of the Longevity Sect.

However, she is not in Yunzhou now.

Then who is not the saint of the Longevity Sect?

There is no such thing as a peerless arrogant in Changshengjiao.

Suddenly, Feng Wanxi was startled.

She thought of her disciple, Chen Chang’an.

But Chen Chang’an served Xia Chan’s Dragon and Tiger Fairy Pill.

The mystery and mystery of the pill, and the majestic and terrifying power of the medicine.

If the danger brought to him by the pill can be solved, it is enough to make him a peerless arrogant.


How could it be him.

Feng Wanxi hasn’t brought the [Longevity Blood Pool] back.

It means that the majestic medicinal power in the body has not been refined at all.

And even if he brought back [Long Life Blood Pool], Chen Chang’an successfully refined the medicine.

Even if Chen Chang’an is a peerless Tianjiao, it is just born.

Where just became a peerless arrogant.

Chen Chang’an became Yun Tianzi again.

How can this be!

“I don’t believe it, how could it be my disciple, if it is really him, then I swear not to drink for a year, but I should go back to Changshengjiao quickly to see what happened.”

Feng Wanxi murmured, her eyes flashed with light.

She walks with the sword, speeding up!

The Yuehua Sword turned into a moon shadow aurora and headed towards the Changshengjiao.

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