Chapter 64 You can’t be so suffocated to die, the so-called wealthy and dangerous begs, the alarm bell rings!

The huge medicinal power of the holy dragon god Hu Dan filled his body, and Chen Chang’an felt that he was going to die.

He was careless.

This holy dragon god tiger pill contains terrifying and majestic medicinal effects.

The current Chen Chang’an, after absorbing the last 100-year Cultivation Base, has been upgraded to the Fourth Stage realm.

But the terrifying power of the holy dragon god Tiger Pill was something he couldn’t bear at all!

His physical body was still too weak in front of the holy dragon god Hu Dan.

Chen Chang’an’s face was pale, and his white robe was dyed red with blood.

He knew that he would undoubtedly die if he continued like this!

Quickly look for anything that can save yourself from [Xiaoxin Mall]!

But 【Xiaoxin Mall】, it’s all-encompassing. In a short time, how could Chen Chang’an help him resolve this sacred dragon god tiger pill.

Chen Chang’an can only ask the system.

“System, is there any good solution?”

Soon, the system prompt sound came in my mind.

“System prompt: Holy Dragon God Tiger Pill is beyond the limit of the host’s physical body, you can purchase [Life Spring Water] to maintain the physical body and continue to repair it until the Holy Dragon God Tiger Pill is refined!

I heard the system prompt.

Chen Chang’an was relieved.

Don’t worry if there is a solution.

Check the price of [Life Spring Water] quickly.

Life spring water: It can heal all injuries suffered by the cultivator and is the source of life…

Selling price: 100 points of filial piety

Fortunately, it is cheap and affordable.

However, Chen Chang’an was a little confused.

This [Life Spring Water] can heal all injuries. It can be described as a heaven-defying magic medicine. How can it sell 100 points of filial piety?

Is “One Five Zero” so cheap?

But now is not the time to doubt.

Chen Chang’an quickly bought it.

“System prompt: The host spends 100 points of filial piety to purchase [Life Spring Water] x1, and the current balance is 7900 points.

Chen Chang’an used it quickly.

Under the system.

[Life Spring Water] was absorbed by him.

Chen Chang’an only found out.

These 100 points of [Life Spring Water]

There is only one drop!!!

But although there was only one drop, it was at the moment when it merged into Chen Chang’an’s body.

Infinite vitality broke out!

The broken flesh began to recover, and the pain from every inch of flesh and bones was also alleviated.

At the same time, the medicinal effect of the Holy Dragon God Tiger Pill in the body has also been refined.


Chen Chang’an’s breath is soaring, it seems that he is about to break through!

But this time.

That drop of [Life Spring Water] was completely absorbed, and there was no way to make up. Chen Chang’an’s physical body began to crack and destroy again, and the intense pain that was burning like a sacred fire swept through it again!

All of this happened between the flashstones!

Just when Chen Chang’an was about to buy some more [Life Spring Water].

But this time.

He felt the coldness in his chest, only to see Xia Chan suddenly appear in front of her, with a delicate white jade-like slender right hand pressing on his chest.

A majestic life poured into Chen Chang’an’s body through her cold right hand to repair Chen Chang’an’s body and help her refine the medicinal effects of the Holy Dragon God Tiger Pill.

At this moment, Chen Chang’an’s physical pain was relieved once again.

“Why is this?”

Pressing Chen Chang’an’s chest, vitality poured in, Xia Chan’s heart was panicked and shocked, incredible!

And her expression has become more solemn and serious than ever. Looking at Chen Chang’an, her eyes are full of worry and anxiety.

Because at the moment of touching Chen Chang’an’s body.

She felt the huge medicinal power of the holy dragon god Tiger Pill in Chen Chang’an!

This medicinal power, pure, majestic, and turbulent, like the ocean, flooded Chen Chang’an’s body and set off a terrifying wave!

This medicinal power is far more than ten times the medicinal power of the Dragon and Tiger Immortal Pill she had previously given to the saint of Changshengjiao!

Do not!

Dozens of times!

Even hundreds of times!

So, how can Chen Chang’an not be able to bear it!

And Chen Chang’an is also careless.

Chen Chang’an didn’t think much about directly changing the quality to the [Holy Dragon God Tiger Pill] and took it directly, but he didn’t know that such a consequence would happen.

Listening to Xia Chan say why.

Chen Chang’an didn’t know how to answer for a while.

Can’t tell her that this is not the dragon and tiger pill, but the holy dragon god tiger pill that has undergone systemic blessings and changes?

Chen Chang’an is very calm, because the [Life Spring Water] purchased from [Xiaoxin Mall] can save him.

He saw the worry in Xia Chan’s eyes, smiled and comforted.

“Elder Xia Chan, don’t worry, I will be fine.”

However, Chen Chang’an was pale at the moment, his body was broken and broken, and his body was dripping with blood. In the eyes of Xia Chan and Feng Wanxi, this comforting smile looked sad.

Two stunning women, Feng Wanxi and Xia Chan, were even more worried.

Feng Wanxi said worriedly.(Read more @

“Xia Chan, what happened to Tuer?”

Xia Chan solemnly said.

“The medicinal effect of this Dragon Tiger Immortal Pill is too terrifying. Chang’an’s body can’t bear the medicinal power at all. If this continues, he will directly explode and die!”

“Now, I use the method of alchemy to transfer the life essence into Chang’an’s body to repair his body and help him refine and repair the broken and damaged body, but the effect is not obvious.”

“so what should I do now?

Feng Wanxi was extremely worried, and never expected such a thing to happen.

However, Feng Wanxi was still calm and didn’t panic in her heart.

At this moment, you must find a way to transform into the dragon and tiger elixir in Chen Chang’an!

If there is no way.

In the eyes of the two women, Chen Chang’an is bound to die!

Even Feng Wanxi, she felt the majestic and amazing medicinal power emanating from Chen Chang’an’s body, which shocked her!

This Xia Chan, what kind of dragon and tiger immortal pill he was cultivating, the medicinal power that broke out in Tu’er’s body was so terrifying!

Chen Chang’an said.

“Master, Elder Xia Chan, I’m really fine, cough cough.”

However, while talking, the huge medicinal power filled the whole body, I couldn’t help but cough, cough directly

Chen Chang’an was speechless.

Shut up quickly.

In this scene, Feng Wanxi and Xia Chan were even more worried and worried, both coughing up blood, how could they believe that Chen Chang’an was all right.

At this moment, a large amount of life essence has been transferred into Chen Chang’an. Xia Chan’s face is slightly pale, and she is solemn, “Feng Wanxi, the power of the dragon and tiger elixir in Chang’an is too terrifying, like rivers and seas flooding him. Inside, his physical body can’t bear it, and I can’t help him for long!”

“For today’s plan, we must find a way to get more life essence to repair his physical body until he completely refines the dragon and tiger elixir in his body!

“Then I too!

Feng Wanxi stepped forward.

Xia Chan shook her head and stopped her.

“No, you and I are both Cultivation Bases, but the vitality is far from enough. The power of the medicine in Chang’an is beyond imagination. I have no idea what this dragon and tiger elixir is about. For Chang’an to survive, he must use the long-lived blood pool, in the long-lived blood pool

Refining the huge medicinal power in the body!”

“The long-lived blood pool is the thing of the Demon Dao, and the life in it is majestic and boundless. It is the power of the Demon Dao to continue to live forever. It is enough to help him. This is the solution. This is the only way I can think of other methods for the time being!

Feng Wanxi nodded.

“Okay, then I will go to the magic road to find the long-lived blood pool now!”

“Xia Chan, how long can you hold on?”

“one day ”

“At most one day, within one day, you must find the long-lived blood pool, if you can’t.

Xia Chan didn’t continue speaking.

“Most definitely!!

Then, Feng Wanxi looked at Chen Chang’an. At this moment, she was no longer lazy and casual, and her eyes were firm.

Chen Chang’an said helplessly.

“Master, I’m really fine, don’t go to the magic way to find the long-lived blood pool, the medicinal power in the body, I can refine, trust me

But while talking, Chen Chang’an couldn’t help but coughed a few times and vomited blood again.

Chen Chang’an was speechless.

f*ck, why always vomit blood.

But the next moment there was a severe pain in the body, so Chen Chang’an quickly spent 100 filial piety value to buy a drop of [Life Spring Water] refining.

The severe pain eased again.

Feng Wanxi wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth for Chen Chang’an, and said seriously.

“Chang’an, you are the only disciple I accept, you will have nothing to do, wait for me!”

Then, Feng Wanxi said to Xia Chan.

“Xia Chan, you must hold on. When I come back, he will be fine!


Feng Wanxi didn’t dare to hesitate anymore, turned into a divine rainbow, and left Feixian Peak!

Chen Chang’an can only watch, but can’t stop him, he looks helpless

“Master, I really will be fine.”

Xia Chan continued to enter the essence of life, and at the same time encouraged Chen Chang’an.

“Chang’an, I am an alchemist, and I can definitely save you. You can’t give up until the last moment of your life. You are a natural saint. You haven’t become an alchemy saint, so you can’t just die like this!”

“You must hold on and wait until Feng Wanjin brings back the longevity blood pool!”

Chen Chang’an nodded silently and stopped talking. For the sake of the present, the only way to do this is to dissolve the huge medicinal power in the body, heal the physical body, and then talk about it after the crisis.

He knew that the elder Xia Chan in front of him was consuming his life essence, which was equivalent to consuming his own life to save him.

At this moment, Chen Chang’an saw Xia Chan’s contribution.

If it is true that Xia Chan will be able to pass the life essence into Chen Chang’an’s body without interruption for a day.

At that time, Xia Chan’s own vitality is probably exhausted, and she will not be far from death!

Chen Chang’an didn’t want to hurt her.

“System, [Life Spring Water], give me ten drops!”

Purchase by Chen Chang’an【生

In this way, Xia Chan’s life essence could not be consumed too much.

With the absorption of [Life Spring Water] drop by drop, Chen Chang’an also began to refine the medicinal power of the Holy Dragon God Tiger Pill.

His Cultivation Base is advancing by leaps and bounds!

After a while, it broke through the Fifth Stage days!

But because Chen Chang’an has no time to use [Xiangui Hidden Qi] convergence breath.

This created an illusion for Xia Chan in front of me!

Xia Chan suddenly felt Chen Chang’an’s breath drastically changed!

From the second stage of refining gas, it skyrocketed to the fifth stage of foundation building in an instant!

Xia Chan’s eyes widened, and she couldn’t help being stunned, with an unbelievable expression on her face.

“Break through to the Fifth Stage in one breath, how is this possible???”

Chen Chang’an’s face was still pale, and his broken and broken flesh still bleeds.

He replied solemnly.

“Elder Xia Chan, it must be because of your dragon and tiger immortal pill. Although it has brought me life-threatening, it is powerful, and it has helped me to break through so many realms at once. Sure enough, the so-called wealth and danger are sought, and the breakthrough is Among them, all this is worthwhile.

Xia Chan was a little confused.

“Is it really?”

Spring water] to repair the physical body,

The medicinal effect of Shenglong Shenhu Dan.

Half an hour.

Chen Chang’an used [Life Spring Water] to repair the physical body, help refining, and break through a realm at the same time.

It’s the Sixth Stage Day of Foundation Building!

However, the medicinal effect of the [Holy Dragon God Tiger Pill] in the body is still so majestic and terrifying, and 2.0 has not been refined.

The flesh is still on the verge of breaking apart!

However, I can see Chen Chang’an’s body flowing with brilliance, and it seems that under the 【Holy Dragon God Tiger Pill】, a qualitative change is taking place!

But in Xia Chan, the life essence that entered Chen Chang’an’s body was also consumed a lot.

Her face became paler, and the blood on her face gradually faded

In her mind, where is Feng Wanxi at this moment?

Have you reached the territory of the magic power?

Have you heard about the long-lived blood pool?

At this time.

A loud and distant bell rang, and it spread throughout the longevity sect!

Xia Chan frowned when she heard it.

“The alarm bell of Deacon Peak, what happened?”

The sounding of the alarm bell on Deacon Peak means that something big has happened!

All disciples, elders, and peak masters in the Changshengjiao must go to Changsheng Peak.

But right now.

Xia Chan and Chen Chang’an couldn’t leave at all.

And Chen Chang’an, still wearing only a pair of yellow underwear, can only continue to stay at Feixianfeng!

Another half hour passed.


A divine rainbow cut through the sky and came to Feixian Peak!

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