Chapter 55 Disciple is a craftsman? The three women drank chicken and stewed mushrooms!


Xia Chan was curious and didn’t believe it.

She also served herself a bowl of chicken soup.

But I heard Feng Wan’s suspicious question.

Xia Chan didn’t drink chicken soup first.

She nodded.

“Don’t you know the best in your heart?”

“Now the Changshengjiao is preaching about you and Chen Chang’an, you, your eyes know the bead, know the precious jade, and you can see at a glance that Chen Chang’an is not an ordinary handyman, he is a wizard of refining tools, no wonder why you To accept a handyman disciple as a disciple.”

“You said Chang’an is a crafting wizard?”

Feng Wan was dumbfounded.

Xia Chan couldn’t help rolling her eyes at Feng Wanxi’s awkward look.

“You and I are good sisters, everyone knows, what’s the point of you pretending to be shocked like this?”

“You honestly confess, you disciple, did you give you any king-level magic weapon? Yesterday, he was generous and gave a king-level magic weapon to Li Tianci, the personal disciple of Elder Luban. How many people envied it. Surprisingly, although I have a king-rank magic weapon, I am also envious. Who wouldn’t want to have one more.”

“Wanxi, are we good sisters? Or, you ask your disciple to give me a king-level magic weapon, how about?”

Jiang Lingling smiled and had finished the third bowl of chicken soup.

“Elder Feng, you also asked the younger brother to give me a piece. I don’t ask too much. I don’t want a king-level magic weapon. The spiritual level is enough.

Having said that, he went to serve the fourth bowl of soup.

Feng Wanxi was really dumbfounded.

She was not drunk for a day.

In the end what happened?

How could a disciple with mediocre qualifications become a crafting wizard?

When can his little disciple actually give away magic weapons of the king rank?


This Xia Chan has a big tone.

He also wanted to give her a magic weapon of the king’s rank.

What are you doing daydreaming.

How can this be.

Feng Wanxi knew the preciousness of the magic weapon of the king rank.

She knew that Xia Chan had a king-rank magic weapon that was used to refine alchemy.

Even she has only one king-rank magic weapon, which is not a satisfactory attacking magic weapon.

The magic weapon that I often use for attacking is still a heavenly [Flowing Cloud Sword].(Read more @

Moreover, this Liuyun Sword could not display her full combat power.

I want to change the attacking magic weapon, but the spiritual swordsmanship magic weapon is rare.

Not found yet.

It’s also helpless.


Listen to the words of Jiang Lingling and Xia Chan.

Feng Wanxi didn’t believe it, and suspected that they were lying to her.

But looking at Jiang Lingling and Xia Chan’s serious envy look, it seems to be true.

However, it is a joke to give the Wang Tier magic weapon.

“Xia Chan, I was drunk yesterday and only woke up this morning. I don’t know what happened.”

“Yang Chan, if you tell me what king-rank magic weapon he gave my disciple, I don’t know what happened, let me listen to it slowly.”

“have no idea?”

Jiang Lingling and Xia Chan couldn’t help but glance at each other.

Unexpectedly, when such a big thing happened, there were a few people who would be able to do this free and easy as he would give away the king-rank magic weapon.

Feng Wanxi, as the master of the client, didn’t even know?

The two were speechless.

Xia Chan was about to tell Feng Wanxi what happened in Wanbaolou.

Jiang Lingling began to serve the fourth bowl of chicken soup, while licking his mouth, hurriedly said to Xia Chan.

“Master, this soup is really delicious. Please wait and talk to Elder Feng for the younger brother, or drink chicken soup, otherwise the soup will be cold and affect the taste, and it will not taste so good, hiccups~~~”

Xia Chan gave her a white look, “Can you have a good point, just drink a few bowls of chicken soup, can it take your soul away, is it so delicious?”

Feng Wanxi didn’t speak.

Just silently drank a bowl, served another bowl, and drank again…

Grab the opportunity to drink more…

This is meticulously done by the disciple…

Jiang Lingling curled his lips, “Be kind of donkey liver and lungs, Master, don’t regret it later, alas, Elder Feng, you can drink slowly and save me a little…”

Xia Chan shook his head, despising her apprentice and her good sister.

It’s boring, isn’t it because you haven’t had chicken soup in 800 years?

Still competing like this, is it so delicious?

Xia Chan slowly picked up the bowl of chicken soup she was holding, and drank it.

The chicken soup enters the throat, and the heart is warm, and the soul is ascending to heaven, floating.

Xia Chan was dull.

Those beautiful eyes stared as the boss.

! ! !

“My God, what kind of soup is this??”

Xia Chan couldn’t believe it and was shocked. She had never had such a delicious soup.

Jiang Lingling didn’t lie to her!

next moment.

Xia Chan drank it all in one gulp.

One word, cool!

Xia Chan licked her sexy red lips, wanting to serve another bowl.

Look again.


A pot of chicken soup has been wiped out.

Not to mention soup, even the meat residue and mushrooms in it were cleaned by Jiang Lingling. After eating, he also sucked and sucked the soup on his fingers without any image.

And Feng Wanxi was still drinking the last bowl of soup.

Seeing Xia Chan’s eyes staring over.

She thought she hadn’t seen it, she didn’t make a difference, drank it in one gulp, and hiccuped by the way~

ps: Seeking flowers…………


Various requirements……………………..

Finally, thank you [472…058], [158…684], [wx…..1852], [187…….463], [ wx……..860] The monthly pass sent by these big readers is very grateful…………*

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