Chapter 50 To alarm the Changshengjiao, if you don’t call it, it’s a blockbuster!


Chen Chang’an walked with sword, and did not go home directly.

Instead, I went to the market in Longevity Education first.

At the bazaar, every day, disciples peddled the flesh and blood of monsters hunted outside, as well as some fresh ingredients, which were of high quality and low price.

Once Chen Chang’an was a handyman disciple.

He often buys it at the market.

This morning, Chen Chang’an signed in and got [Five Thousand Years Fairy Mushroom x1] and [Nine Treasures Chicken Flesh and One Catty], which is ready to buy other side dishes of [Chicken Stewed Mushrooms] at the market Ingredients.

When the time comes, I can make up for the master, and by the way, I have a little filial piety.

Soon, after buying the side dishes and ingredients, Chen Chang’an left the market and headed back to Feixianfeng.


When Chen Chang’an returned to Feixianfeng.

Regarding everything that Chen Chang’an happened in Wanbaolou, like that gust of wind, it has swept the entire Changshengjiao.

The longevity teacher has heard about it, from the handyman disciples, to the personal biography, and the elders.

This matter has spread, and it can be said to have caused an uproar in the entire Changshengjiao!

There was an uproar in the teaching, and countless people were discussing the matter!


“Have you heard? The new personal biography Chen Chang’an received by Elder Feng, today took the initiative to make an agreement with Brother Zhang to a duel three days later in Wanbaolou. After losing, Chen Chang’an was still willing to give out three thousand tickets, I Oh my God, this Chen Chang’an only has the Cultivation Base in the Qi Refining Realm. Why is he thinking of going to a duel with Senior Brother Zhang in the Nascent Soul Realm? Is he crazy?”

“I don’t know if it’s crazy or not, but I know Senior Brother Chen is a wizard for refining.”

Some disciples who have not received the news have a puzzled face and are very puzzled.

“What refining wizard?”

“This is after starting a duel challenge with Senior Brother Zhang. Later, Senior Brother Chang’an wanted to give Senior Brother Li Tianci a magic weapon as a gift in order to thank Senior Brother Li Tianci for his help.”

“Do you know how powerful Brother Chang’an is!”

The unknowing disciple was speechless.(Read more @

“How powerful can a refining realm be?”

“Humph, Cultivation Base doesn’t represent much. Brother Chang’an used 10,000 spiritual stones to buy the ancient yellow-stepped cauldron on the first floor of Wanbao Building.”

“That ancient yellow-tiered cauldron has been on the first floor of Wanbao Building for hundreds of years. You should have seen it. Now that ancient yellow-tiered cauldron has been bought by Brother Chang’an and given to Li Brother Tianci.”

As soon as he said this, the disciple beside him couldn’t help saying.

“Nobody wants the broken tripod. How did Chen Chang’an give this thing to Senior Brother Li Tianci? Did he send it too?”

The disciple who knew the truth shook his head and sighed.

“You are right. In our eyes, it is an ordinary yellow-order ancient cauldron, a piece of broken bronze and iron, but do you know that in the eyes of Brother Chang’an, that yellow-order ancient cauldron is also what?”

Everyone was puzzled and couldn’t help asking.

“What the hell is it? Don’t sell it!”

The disciple looked mysterious, lowered his voice, and said.

“That ancient tripod was not a magic weapon of the yellow order, but a king order. Brother Chang’an didn’t know what method he could use to revive the ancient tripod. The majesty of the king order reappeared. At that time, the three guard elders in the Wanbao Tower could be brought back to life. It was all shocked!”

“So, this Senior Brother Chang’an can recognize the king-level magic weapon, he must be a wizard with extremely high attainments in refining, and he may even have understood the king-level artifact pattern, otherwise how could he recognize that the ancient yellow-level cauldron is actually A king-rank magic weapon!”

As soon as this remark came out.

All the disciples present were shocked and couldn’t help but breathe in cold air, and couldn’t help but exclaim in exclamation.

“Wang Tier magic weapon???”

“How can this be?!”

“Aren’t you lying to us???”

The disciple shrugged and said.

“It’s true, do you think I will lie to you? This news will presumably spread throughout the Changshengjiao soon!”

Someone can’t wait to ask.

“Since it is a king-rank magic weapon, then Chen Chang’an…no, did Brother Chang’an also give the ancient pot to Senior Brother Li Tianci?”

Everyone looked at the disciple who knew the truth, eager to know the answer.

But I saw that disciple looked envious.

“Of course I gave it. Brother Chang’an knew that the ancient ding was a king-level magic weapon, so I bought it and gave it to Senior Brother Li Tianci!”

As he said, the envy on the disciple’s face was even more sour.

“Unexpectedly, Brother Li’s good fortune was so good. I actually met Brother Chang’an. At a young age, he had a king-level magic weapon. Even in the Longevity Sect, there are not many people who have heard of such a magic weapon of this level. Elders can have it. With this treasure, Senior Brother Li can soar into the sky in Yunzhou, and within a hundred years, he will definitely be able to step into the ranks of the top powers and become famous in the world!”

The other disciples present all agreed, and they couldn’t help showing a look of envy………

Things continue to ferment.

Presumably within a day.

The name Chen Chang’an will spread throughout the longevity sect.

Until then, no one knows the name of Chen Chang’an!

No one knows Chen Chang’an, a refining wizard who may have comprehended the Wang-level artifact pattern!

It really complied with that sentence.

Low-key for three years, if you don’t call it, it’s a blockbuster!



ps: Seeking flowers………………

Ask for evaluation……………………………………..

Various requirements……………………………………….. ………….*

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