Chapter 36 The formation is magical, and the return rate is full of sincerity!

Rumble! ! !

The thunder roared for a long time!

Gu Yuan already thought that Chen Chang’an was bound to die and turned into ashes.

He is about to stop the battle.

But at this moment.

The Thunder Sky Formation took the initiative to stop functioning.

Gu Yuan frowned.

“What’s the matter, why did the formation stop by itself?”

The thunder disappeared.

Thunder Sea also gradually dissipated.


Gu Yuan actually saw a figure standing in Lei Hai.

This person is not Chen Chang’an, who is it!

Gu Yuan was shocked, his pupils shrank suddenly.

“It’s impossible, why is he still alive with the bombardment of the Thunder Heaven Formation?”

Lei Hai completely dispersed.

I saw Chen Chang’an unscathed and unscathed.

He smiled and looked at Gu Yuan calmly.

Gu Yuan was shocked.

“You… why are you okay???”

Chen Chang’an said.

“The secret is not to be revealed.”


Chen Chang’an slowly raised his right hand, at this moment, with an invincible posture of watching the world!

Right index finger, pointing to Gu Yuan.

Gu Yuan was pointed at.

For some reason, there is a sense of soul horror.

As if a great danger is approaching, the hairs on the whole body are erected!

Gu Yuan didn’t hesitate at all, and quickly sacrificed an ancient bell.

It is an eight-star heavenly defense magic weapon!

Hanging on the top of the head, endless golden light fell down, protecting him!

Even Gu Yuan himself didn’t expect it.

Why is it still offering a defensive weapon in one’s own formation.

Why, this Chen Chang’an will give him a dangerous breath! ! !


It all happened between flashstones.

“Gu Yuan, you are really careful, and also very cautious. No wonder you can escape from the master.”

“But today, you can’t escape, and you must die.”

“Thunder!”(Read more @

The voice just fell.

Thunder Sky Formation is on!

Suddenly, thunderclouds gathered, and the world changed color!

Gu Yuan was shocked!

“I am the controller of the formation, how can you control this Thunder Heaven Formation??”

“This is impossible!”

While he was shocked, he was also terrified.

He knows why Chen Chang’an is safe and sound!

so it is……

so it is! ! !

At this moment, Chen Chang’an controlled the Thunder-falling Sky Formation.

The power he released was obviously more powerful than what he controlled, I don’t know how many times!

Horror is boundless!

It seems that the power of the Thunder Heaven Array has been fully released!

“Friends of Taoism, go all the way well on Huangquan Road.”


A huge sky thunder seemed to open up the sky, cut through the sky, and landed on the world. It seemed to have the power to exterminate all things in the world, and bombarded the ancient abyss!

Gu Yuan was horrified and desperate, his whole body couldn’t help trembling, and at the same time he quickly sacrificed all the magic weapons, even all his life-saving cards, trying to resist this terrifying thunder.

“No! No! No!!!”

“You can’t kill me, I’m Sect Master, you can’t…”

The words are not over yet.

He had already turned into ashes in the extinct thunder, and his spirits and souls were wiped out on the spot!

Even those magic weapons, even if their quality reached the spiritual level, were directly destroyed!

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and tricks are useless!

This is a crush!

Chen Chang’an was very calm. He shook his head as he watched the ashes dissipating with the wind in this formation.

“You shouldn’t provoke my master. Whoever you are, whether you are a preacher or Sacred Land saint son, what if you are a young Sect Master? As long as you threaten my master, you will die.”

Withdrawing his gaze, Chen Chang’an sighed.

“The power of the Thunder Sky Formation is too terrifying. There is no scum left in this ancient abyss, and the storage ring is also annihilated. It’s a pity that there is no Sect Master, and there must be a lot of spirit stones in it.”


Chen Chang’an raised his hand.

From the ground, a formation flew out.

This is the formation that opened the [Falling Thunder Heaven Formation], which is extremely precious.

At least worth hundreds of millions of Lingshi.

Chen Chang’an smiled with satisfaction, “Fortunately, it’s not nothing, this spirit step formation is not bad.”

As for why.

Chen Chang’an will be in the Thunder Heaven Formation, this one is clearly Gu Yuan’s appearance to show off his power, even against the guest, using the formation to kill Gu Yuan.

That’s because Chen Chang’an purchased Talent:【Jiandao Tongshen】 in 【Xiaoxin Mall】.

With this talent, Chen Chang’an is a sage of formation, no one can compare with his formation.

Wanting to seize the control of the spirit step formation from Gu Yuan’s hands, it couldn’t be easier.

Originally, Chen Chang’an thought that it would take some effort to kill this ancient Yuan, and even his filial piety would cost a lot.

I don’t know.

Gu Yuan laid down the Thunder Heaven Formation.

And Chen Chang’an used the Thunder Heaven Array to easily kill Gu Yuan.

And the purchase of the talent [Array Dao Tongshen] only cost 200 points of filial piety, and his filial piety balance is 910 points.

At this time.

The system prompt sounded in my mind.

“System prompt: The host completes the task, kills Gu Yuan, removes the potential threat of the master, obtains 2000 points of filial piety, and obtains 100 years of Cultivation Basex1.”

very good.

Chen Chang’an is very satisfied.

With a very small price, we got rid of a scourge and completed the task of the system by the way.

This rate of return is full of sincerity!

“System reminder: The host has absorbed 100 years of Cultivation Base, Cultivation Base has broken through, and the current foundation has been established in Second Stage days…The host has broken through again, and the current has been established in Third Stage days of Cultivation Base, the current filial piety value balance: 2910 points.”

“I slid, and I went back to look for Master.”

Under Heiyu Baoyi’s [Black Hidden Skill], Chen Chang’an left the ancient town.

Just like that sentence, I came quietly, and walked quietly, waved my sleeves, and didn’t take away a cloud.

I, Chen Chang’an, bring salt for myself, just want to be quiet, not disturbed by others, and to be filial in front of the master.

Take care of the teacher, care about the teacher, take care of the teacher…

This is my goal in life, I hope no one will be disturbed, thank you.

ps: Seeking flowers…………………………….. …………………………….

Ask for evaluation……………………………….. ……………………………………

All kinds of requests… ………………………….

☆_☆………………………………………………… …………………………………….*

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