Chapter 32 Chaos Demon Sect Gu Yuan, an extremely dangerous figure!


Too cruel.

Obviously everyone is in the same state.

Why are you so strong?

Kill Yuan Ying.

Such as slaughtering dogs.


Why do you have so many spirit-level magic weapons?

This is not fair!

Five magic repairs, two of them died in a blink of an eye.

The remaining three people.

tremble with fear.

There is a deep fear of Chen Chang’an.

After hesitating, I don’t know what to do?

Chen Chang’an stared at the three of them calmly.

Without speaking, he swung his sword directly.

This time, he used the [One-Key Full Level Function] to cultivate [Zhanxian Sword Art].

If the sword is shocking, the horror is boundless.

The desolate sword sounded with Xianyu.

The three demons were shocked.

Seeing sword shadows across the board, they couldn’t catch Chen Chang’an’s kendo attack at all.

Frightened, where would they dare to do anything to Chen Chang’an, they turned around and wanted to escape!

“Can you escape?”

Behind him came Chen Chang’an’s calm voice as always.


You Yang sword cut down.

Two demons were killed on the spot.

Two auras rushed out, and the two Yuan Ying looked frightened and wanted to escape.

I saw a flash of sword light.

The two Nascent Souls broke apart on the spot, their souls and souls were annihilated!

Since then.

Five demons died, and four people died.

In the end, there is only the black magic repair that Chen Chang’an originally selected.

And at the moment.

The black Demon Xiu’s face was pale, cold sweat broke out.

Looking at the white-robed boy in front of him, he couldn’t help shaking his whole body and almost collapsed to the ground.

This…Where is this little boy.(Read more @

Obviously he is a ruthless man who kills and kills mercilessly!

At this time, Chen Chang’an also set his sights on the black Demon Xiu.

There is no wave in the ancient well, and his eyes are as calm as water, like an abyss with no end in sight, which makes people feel terrible.

The black magic repair man was horrified, his legs softened, and he knelt down.

“Forgiveness…forgiveness…you son…forgiveness…this…this is not my fault…”

“Who sent you here?”

“Yes… the son of the Chaos Demon Sect, he… he asked us to come.”

The black demon cultivator was afraid of death, without any spine, and quickly explained everything he knew.

Chen Chang’an gradually narrowed his eyes.

From the mouth of the black magic repair, he also knew everything.

The son is called Gu Yuan, the youngest Sect Master of the Chaos Demon Sect.

The Chaos Demon Sect is one of the top demon powers in Yunzhou, and it is not weaker than the Longevity Sect.

It’s very simple.

Three months ago, Gu Yuan slaughtered the city with blood for a magic weapon.

Just when Feng Wanxi was passing by, seeing this scene, he drew his sword to help and walked the way for the sky.

Gu Yuan, who was his opponent, was beaten up by Feng Wanxi and screamed again and again.

Fortunately, Gu Yuan had his life-saving trump card, and the magic weapon ritual failed, but was not killed by Feng Wanxi, and eventually he was seriously injured and escaped.

After that, he held a grudge even more!

Always looking for Feng Wanxi to settle this account!

But because she was not Feng Wanxi’s opponent, she stayed dormant, waiting for the opportunity.


After Gu Yuan learned about Feng Wanxi’s hobby of drinking wine.

Start planning!


This is what happened today.

When Feng Wanxi learned the news of Shengquan wine auction.

Feng Wanxi didn’t know that she had fallen into the trap set by Gu Yuan.

“This Gu Yuan is like a poisonous snake, waiting for an opportunity to move, and it will find the right time.”

After Chen Chang’an knew everything, he put a very dangerous mark on Gu Yuan in his heart.

It can be said.

Gu Yuan’s plan was extremely successful.

If it is not for the variable Chen Chang’an.

There must be something wrong with Feng Wanxi.

Although Feng Wanxi is powerful, it is easy to dodge an open spear and a hidden arrow, and it is difficult to prevent it.

His eyes were cold, with killing intent surging, and his heart said.

“This Gu Yuan poses a great threat to Master, thinking of Master, he must die.”

Chen Chang’an asked.

“Where is he?”

The Mo Xiu’s face was pale, and he knelt on the ground, still frightened.

He shook his head.

“I… I don’t know.”

Chen Chang’an asked again.

“How is Gu Yuan’s realm?”

“The son is the arrogant character of the Chaos Demon Sect. Cultivation Base is at the peak of the Jindan Ninth Stage.”

Chen Chang’an murmured.

“It hasn’t broken through Yuan Ying yet.”


Chen Chang’an did not despise this person.

Three months ago, he was able to escape from the master, which is enough proof that this person is extraordinary.

As the young Sect Master of the Chaos Demon Sect, his status is extremely high, and he must have a lot of hole cards in his body.

As a Tianjiao character, you must never judge your strength based on Cultivation Base.

Leapfrogging fighting is normal for Tianjiao.

Chen Chang’an thought.

“The son… the son, the younger ones, I have already told you everything, please, let me… let me have a way of life, I must have changed myself, re-behaved, and have since broken away from the devil’s way, forgive me… …..”

The black magic repair slammed his head to the ground, banging, his forehead was already broken, and blood was flowing.

Very pitiful, seems to have really regretted it.

Chen Chang’an glanced at him indifferently, “Get up.”

ps: Seeking flowers…………………………….. ………

Ask for evaluation……………………………….. ………………………

Various requirements……………………………………….. …………

Finally, thank [a76………443] for the monthly pass, I am very grateful! ! ! *

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