Chapter 3 Short and feeble, the wool is useless!

But since the master asked him to continue, don’t stop.

Of course Chen Chang’an listened to Master’s words.

Use [God-level Tuina] to continue to massage her.

Chen Chang’an pressed his hands on Feng Wanxi’s back and shoulders, and he acted honestly and did not dare to press other positions randomly.

With a layer of skirt gauze, you can still feel the soft and boneless, delicate and smooth of the master’s body.

A few more minutes passed.

Chen Chang’an was tired like a dog, sweating profusely, but he had 11 points of filial piety.

But his mana was exhausted and his fingers were weak, he really couldn’t do it anymore.

Fortunately, Feng Wanxi spoke softly at this moment.

“Apprentice, you go and rest, and you will continue to press as a teacher tomorrow.”

Chen Chang’an nodded, “Okay, Master.”

Feng Wanxi said again.

“It’s getting dark, remember to prepare dinner for the teacher.”

“no problem.”

Chen Chang’an was extremely happy.

Preparing dinner for the master, it will definitely gain the value of filial piety.

As the saying goes, if you grab a woman’s heart, you have to grab her stomach.

Once caught, hehehe, Master will not be able to escape his Five Finger Mountain by then.

“Master, where is the kitchen?”(Read more @

Feng Wanxi raised her right hand and pointed to a thatched house.

Chen Chang’an walked.

Also check 【Xiaoxin Mall】.

Now he has 48 points of filial piety, see what can be purchased in [Xiaoxin Mall]?

In the mall, the cheapest ones are red potions and blue potions, which are used to recover injuries and mana, as well as some other functional items.

Only 1 point of filial piety can be purchased.

As for the medicinal pills that enhance the Cultivation Base, the lowest price is also dozens of hundreds of filial piety values.

Talent, magic weapon, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, the price is even higher.

Chen Chang’an can’t afford it now.

Looked at [Xiaoxin Mall] for a while.

Chen Chang’an found out what to buy.

General life skills.

Like [God-level Tuina], life skills such as piano, chess, calligraphy, planting, cooking, and pets are all sold very cheaply.

It seems that now we still have to honor the Master more and get more filial piety points.

As for quickly making one’s own cultivation stronger.

That’s a matter of considering my filial piety.

It happens to be dinner now.

Of course, Chen Chang’an bought [God-level Cooking Art] and spent a full 20 points of filial piety.

Spend 1 point of filial piety to buy a bottle of blue potion to restore mana.

After all, I just used the [God-level Tuina Technique] to exhaust the mana in the body, and he can fully recover by sitting for a day.

And using the [God-level Cooking Art] to cook later also requires mana.

Without mana, this can’t work.

In this way.

Chen Chang’an has 27 points of filial piety left on him.

Chen Chang’an sighed.

“This fresh wool is unused.”

Went to the kitchen.

Chen Chang’an was helpless to find that there were only a few buns that had been eaten twice.

Besides, there is no rice and no dishes in the kitchen. How can I make dinner?

Is Master a little fairy who doesn’t eat fireworks in the world, how can she just eat steamed buns?

Shaking his head, Chen Chang’an left the kitchen.

“Master, I will go down the mountain to buy some food for dinner.”

Chen Chang’an greeted Feng Wanxi, and then went down the mountain. *

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