Ren Suo followed Father downstairs. The sun was violent in the afternoon, but there was a lot of shade in the old quarter, and they sat down on the shaded benches downstairs.

“It seems like I haven’t talked to you like this for a long time.” Ren Dad took off his glasses, took out the glasses and wiped them-it was plain glasses. Ren Suo already had his own money for public and private use. When Zhao Zili came to the world, he let him “purify” his family’s body, and minor illnesses like myopia were cured directly.

However, because father has worn glasses for too long, even if myopia is cured, the eyes are narrowed in normal conditions without any majesty, so he should wear pair of glasses to shape the temperament of people’s teachers.

“Last time I talked like this, it should be when I got my college entrance examination scores ready to fill in the volunteers,” Ren Suo said.

When father is talking about business, he doesn’t like to talk indoors, but wants to be outdoors without restraint. This is actually one of his teaching skills. He feels that students will be very nervous and cramped when asked by him indoors, but outdoors, under the sense of security that they can escape at any time, the erring students seem to have a retreat, instead If you can let it go, it’s easier to recognize your mistakes, and your mentality can be quickly corrected.

If you are talking about other major events, then blue sky and white clouds, passers-by hustle and bustle, discuss issues in this earthly assaults the senses, and your mind and vision will be more open, and it is easier to calm down than the 4 white-walled air-conditioned rooms.

Ren Dad: “Time flies so fast, the college entrance examination candidates who would have difficulty choosing because of which university cafeteria is delicious and which university has fast Internet speed, have now worked completely for a year, and even have to get married and have children to start a family.”

Ren Suo scratched his head: “Fuck? I think it’s been a slow five years, especially this year, many things have happened …”

“This is the privilege of your youngster. For you, 5 years is 1/4 of your life, 20%, but for me, it is only 10% of your life. The time of youngster is not the same as that of middle age person. Wait. “Ren Da said:” Time will pass faster and faster, when you reach my age, you will feel how everything passed in the blink of an eye. “

Ren Suo refuses to accept: “That’s because your life is flat and without ups and downs, your life is fixed, everyday all lives the same day, and of course it will soon.”

“There are also reasons for this, so I just elaborated a fact, not at all said this is not good.” Ren Da said: “Looking at you and Xingmei growing up quickly, graduate work in an instant, for us in fact It ’s a very happy thing. “

“And for me, there is another very happy thing: my mother and I have never lost in a duel with time. Even if we are beaten and thrown away, we are old and we have less energy. The body is not very good … but we have never lost it. Your mother is still as delicate and playful as she is 20 years old, and I am the same. When I was 20 years old, I thought this was as stupid as a national treasure. The girl should take good care not to let go, and she still wants to protect her for another 20 years. “

Ren Suo: “Is Mom so stupid, is it your plot, father!”

I have said this for a long time, you just grab this detail! ?

Ren Da helplessly sighed: “That’s a genetic problem.”

Thinking like this, Ren Da felt a little sorry for Ren Suo. Ren Suo’s thinking ability is obviously also a genetic problem. As for who inherited … Anyway, as a father and math teacher, there is no problem.

“So, there’s nothing bad about being dull,” Ren Da continued. “No need for the test of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, keeping your feelings in the dull days … isn’t it okay?”

Ren Suo blinked and looked at Father: “Can you explain the white point?”

No, will genetic problems become more prominent in adulthood? Why the son ’s problem seems to be getting worse … Dad Ren murmured in his heart and looked at the son and said, “Suo Zai, like me, you are all people who like to live a plain life and immerse themselves in their hobby.”

On the shoulders of Pat Dad Ren Suo: “Then do you think the life you are living now is the future you expect?”

Ren Suo slightly startedled, remembering the hard work these days, he said nothing.

“We all have only two hands, and it’s not easy to catch someone.” Ren Da said: “Even if this is the case, but the world’s couple is 10000000 million, and the last one is the overwhelming majority. Sometimes even if both sides work hard again , The same is not what you want. “

“And you want to catch four … really all four limbs are used.”

There were actually five, Ren Suo thought.

“Son, you already feel that the life of dating is not as good as you think?”

Ren Da said: “This is just the beginning. Over time, the actual pressure will increase … I am not talking about secular resistance, I am talking about your own pressure.”

“They are all good girls, with goals, capabilities, and conditions. It’s not easy for you to keep up with a girl, let alone four?”

“People go high, water seeks its own level. They are all successful women who can work hard for their careers. When they achieve greater success in their careers, they will need more cooperation from their partners … I am not saying You can’t do it, but I think that’s definitely not the bland, casual, free life you expect. “

“Maybe when you are here with this, you have to be with another immediately, not only to pay attention to their emotional changes, but also to take on many responsibilities that you have never thought of before, and you must continue to improve yourself, otherwise Can’t go with them. “

Ren Da commented: “You will be very tired in the future. Even if you don’t mind, you will change completely because of this. Are you unfortunate or happy?”

Ren Suo quietly listened to Ren Dao’s teachings, looked up through the gap between the shades of the trees, and stared at the bright sun.

Seeing that his son was finally lost in thought, Ren Da knew that he had been more than half successful.

Reality is not an illusion. Its grand Finale does not exist, and the bleak end of repeated stomach pains is true.

Polygonal love is a heresy that is supposed to go to the fire, and single pure love is the Supreme Treasure on earth.

And no matter who Ren Suo chooses, he will definitely be unfortunate, even if he chooses Xingmei-most of them will keep him as a pet, and use comfort and money to make his already unsteady heart completely depraved. The servants came to serve as his prisoner, and food and entertainment were used to feed him. In the end, Ren Suo would become a waste man who was always supported by women.

After all, Dad loves his son. He can’t just watch his son lead such a miserable life, nor can he tolerate his daughter who has such a pretty boy!

The next step is to continue to guide him so that he understands that not only Xingmei is not suitable for him, but other people are not suitable for him. Only the one who likes a plain and lazy life like him, can go forward with him, and even inspire him to fight for him. The girl struggling for life is his real destination–

“I can change.”


Ren Dad turned his head to look at Ren Suo. Ren Suo still looked up at the blue sky with a big smile and said, “They don’t like me, I can change; they like me, I will keep it.”

Ren Da asked: “Do you want to be led by love?”

Ren Suo said with a smile: “Not only am I holding my nose by love, I’m also holding my nose by my mother, I’m holding my nose by a game console … Yes, I did go to the civil service as soon as I graduated , Just want to have ordinary person, but don’t forget father … “

“I have experienced a lot of things this year. I have met many people. I am no longer the college entrance examination candidate in your memory who discusses volunteering with me. I have also changed and become a better person.”

Ren Suo suddenly asked: “Father, have you watched Ren Neiser’s video?”


“I’ve seen it, and it won’t end in one episode.” Ren Suo said, “The mission of the Ren Family in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the pursuit of Daoist, the guardian of the magician, the kindness of the goddess of food, the rescue of the messenger, the resistance of Luna, the resistance of Los Justice, the truth of the gatekeeper … I have one after another in my eyes. “

“If they have any influence on me, it is to make me understand what responsibility is.”

“I’m weak, giving them such power to save the World, and all I can do is live up to my responsibilities.”

“Do not disappoint yourself when you are alone, disappoint games when playing, disappoint bed when sleeping, or disappoint others when you are in love.”

On the shoulder of Ren Suo pats father, “father you are old, you will continue to give you things as simple as protecting your mother, and youngsters like me will continue to challenge the difficulty of hell!”

Ren Da looked at this son and was speechless for a while.

Ignorant fearless.

Do not listen to the old man to suffer.

Young idler, an old beggar.

Ren Dad came up with a lot of cautionary quotes for a while, but then he swallowed.

仔 大 仔 World.

My dad was sighed, “You have been the same since you were little, and you don’t listen to me at that time. At that time, too, according to my evaluation, you could obviously go to other provinces to study for better colleges, you just have to stay in Lianjiang and Lianjiang.”

“It’s close to home.” Ren Suo hehe said with a smile.

“Fart, you didn’t go home a few times when you were in college, unless your mother suddenly wanted to call you home for dinner.”

“I also want to protect you with the best mother and best younger sister in the world with father.”

Speaking of this daddy, he finally couldn’t hold his anger, and slapped Ren Suo’s head with a slap: “You can take care of the younger sister and take care of the bed. It is indeed your mother’s son—”

“Not yet! And I’m your son too!”

“Not yet? Not yet? I leave you still!”

“Don’t fight, don’t fight … Then you support me and the younger sister?”

“I support your mother to give you mouse pills.”

After a while, 2 father and son looked at each other, and at the same time showed a helpless smile.

“Dad, I should go back.”

“Well.” Dad wiped his glasses and asked, “I want to ask you one last question.”


“You ask yourself,” Ren Da stared at Ren Suo seriously. “Do you think you are happy now?”

Ren Suo froze.

He remembered the crisis of the past few days.

The past few days are on call.

The boil of the past few days can’t be vented.

He really saw everyday all as the last day.

Thinking about it, the corners of Ren Suo’s eyes were wet again disappointing.


This is still, a pair of fair arms around Ren Suo’s neck, Ren Suo felt that he was caught in two gentle pinches.

“What are you talking about?” Qiao Muyi behind Ren Suo lowered his head, embracing Ren Suo face to face, asking curiously.

“Nothing.” Ren Suo wiped the water in the corner of his eyes and asked, “Why are you down?”

“Mom let us take you away, Cheng Ling went to the garage to drive.” Qiao Muyi waved to Ren Dad: “Goodbye Dad.”

“Goodbye Uncle.”

“Goodbye father.”

Gu Yueyan and Ren Xingmei also came down to say goodbye. Ren Dad smiled warmly and waved to them: “Goodbye, come and play more in the future, remember to call over next time, we will make a hearty meal for you.”

Watching Ren Suo and the girls get in and leave the car, Ren Dad sat back on the bench and looked at the sky, with a slight smile on his face.

“Why don’t you go up yet?” Renma came down and saw Ren’s dad sitting on a bench, and came over and asked, “Wait for you to do the dishes.”

“You must not have advised them to leave their son.” Ren Dad said in a certain tone.

Renma blinked: “Oh yeah. How did you know?”

Compared with her son, any mother who is mother is undoubtedly better-in addition to being dumb, she also has to have no shame.

“You, you …” Ren Dag sighed: “You will be uncomfortable when your son is unhappy in the future.”

“How do you know that your son will be unlucky? I think he enjoys it.”


Ren Da slightly exhales one breath saying: “Everyone has their misfortune, and everyone’s happiness, who can say that their misfortune will not be happiness!”

Renma suddenly said with excitement: “Right, right, let’s say to him tomorrow,” Father and mother forgive you, come back at noon and talk to us and talk about it “.

My father strangely said, “Did you forgive him? But we will not eat at home tomorrow afternoon.”

“How is it possible!” Renma shook her head: “I just want to lie to him to come back and eat cold shoulder.”

“Why are you so boring, like a little child.” Ren Da was completely speechless to his wife. “If you fuck like this, your son will be angry.”

“Tomorrow is April 4st April Fool’s Day, it would be a waste to not take advantage of this opportunity.”

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