On the 7th Ring Sect of Luoyang City, the Double Star ** looked at the Platinum Tower in the distant Wangting, suddenly asked: “What about Siddes?”

Ren Suo also glanced at the Platinum Tower: “He is also almost dying, and another traitor is solving him.”

“Aren’t you a traitor …” Double Star ** murmured in a low voice and smiled suddenly: “When the ambitions swelled to the extreme, the death of the traitors one after another was quite in keeping with our tradition of Dydra. We are really … … the evil race. “

“I … if I just stopped, I wouldn’t fall into this situation. If I don’t set off the rebellion, I won’t cause heavy casualties to the Dedra army. If …”

Ren Suo said, “Wolves that have been hungry for too long will never fill their stomachs.”


The red star warrior with a broken sword chain knelt on his knees, struggling to lie next to the blue moon mage who broke a big hole in his chest, holding the latter’s hand, and closed his eyes gently.

Muscular camouflage man Lu Sheng **, with his little toes stuck to the corner and his body fragmented.

The abyss huge mouth ** is because the body spontaneously ignites into fly ash because of what should not be eaten.

Ten attacking **, Ren Han resolved 3, Monkey King resolved 2 and Moon Wings resolved 2 of them, none of the explorers solved them, Ren Suo and Daoist solved 3 together.

Now, no one can stop Ren Suo act wilfully.


Ren Suo turned around and saw Dong Chengling running around, even jumping up and hug him!

It was the first time that Ren Suo saw such a enthusiastic Dong Chengling. He happily caught her, hugged her for 2 laps, and then he was hugged by Dong Chengling himself. Ren Suo lowered his head and looked over, but was stopped by Dong Chengling: “You still want the appearance of Daoist.”

Ren Suo nodded: “Yes, I’ll just–“

“Wait, please, don’t change it back,” Dong Chengling said, holding Ren Suo’s face. “Let me see it again, just a moment.”

Ren Suo’s face froze, twitching the corners of his mouth.

He also wondered why Dong Chengling was suddenly so enthusiastic. It turned out that he was looking for Daoist now.

Although Dong Chengling does not chase stars or idols, she still has a few long-cherished admirers, one of which is to ask Daoist.

As the first woman who appeared in the Renesse video and was famous for his tenacious will and gorgeous endings, it is also as it should be by rights that Daoist will be loved by Dong Chengling.

Coupled with the fact that Qiu Daoist has joined the Immortal Palace, and the whereabouts are out of sight, it naturally makes people feel that being able to see Qiu Daoist with his own eyes is definitely a blessing of three lifetimes’ fortuitous encounter.

Although Dong Chengling saw Qiu Daoist for 2 degrees, the first time she was cursed by Sony, her body was unable to move even a little bit, she could only look at Qiu Daoist patheticly; the second time she saw Qiu on the battlefield just now Daoist, Dong Chengling, who understands the big picture, naturally won’t disturb her.

And although I met twice, what is the relationship between Dong Chengling and Daoist not at all, Dong Chengling sorry to be close to Daoist, and at most I would chat with her to get closer.

But Ren Suo is different!

Although Dong Chengling knew that Ren Suo was fake, perhaps for better fighting, he temporarily transformed into Daoist. Although it seems to be Daoist, the kernel is still Ren Suo.

But if she really wanted Daoist, she wouldn’t dare to be so close!

Daoist sorry to hug, but Ren Suo can hug it in circles!

Ren Suo looked at Dong Chengling, who laughed like a child, didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and said, “I will find a way to ask Daoist to meet with you a lot, and you may become good friends. “

“No,” Dong Chengling shook his head, said with a smile: “I like Daoist very much, but I don’t need to be friends with her …”

“But you are the one I like, and I ask Daoist to be my target. When you two overlap, that’s why I am … isn’t it rude?”

Oh roar, the first time I have a favorite person, the first time I have a long-awaited idol, these two happiness overlap, bringing more happiness …

However, Ren Suo felt more phantom limb pain.

If Dong Chengling just likes to ask for Daoist, Ren Suo at worst will do more games and earn more summon time. Let Dong Chengling often meet and chat with Daoist and discuss 4 practices of cultivation.

But Dong Chengling likes Ren Suo who turned to Daoist …

For a while, Ren Suo couldn’t tell whether he and Dong Chengling were in a relationship between men and women, or a 100-flower bloom.

But Dong Chengling quickly gave him the answer with actual action: “Sorry, change it back.”

Ren Suo nodded, switching all programs into physical programs, transforming mind and body back, I wonder if Dong Chengling will be lost because he asked Daoist to become a stink man.

Then the next second, he was embraced by Dong Chengling and stabbed by Dong Chengling.

“Sorry, thank you for protecting me.” Dong Chengling said softly, “Dong Chengling, I am willing to agree that you are stronger than me.”

Ren Suo blinked and looked at her doubtfully.

“I promised before that if one day you are stronger than me, then your excessive demands …”

Ren Suo had an instant heartbeat acceleration.

For a moment, Ren Suo came up with many ideas: 100% unlocked favorability, LAN multiplayer license, permanent binding will not be lost …

“… I still won’t agree.”

Ren Suo instantly showed the disappointed expression visible in naked eye. Dong Chengling couldn’t help but smile and kissed his forehead softly. “So, we must climb together to the cultivator’s Peak and go to see the wider world together.”

I won’t agree, but if you have to force me, I might …

This sentence cannot be said to him.


“Dong Chengling’s bondage level increased!”

Ren Suo, who was sunk in Dong Chengling’s arms, muttered in his heart, can’t he give the reward first and then the boss?

The reason why ordinary rpg games are rewarded after bosses are played is because there will be more bosses behind the protagonist, but Ren Suo will not have the next battle!

“Don’t be so disappointed, although I won’t promise your excessive demands, but …?”

Dong Chengling only found out that Ren Suo could not stand up at all at this time. If it wasn’t for Dong Chengling holding him, Ren Suo would now have softened and fell down.

Ren Xingmei, who was pushed by Lori Fice in the back, finally dared to come up and help Ren Suo, and asked anxiously, “What’s wrong with you?”

“It’s okay …” Ren Suo smiled wryly. “I was overclocked too much and my whole body was out of power. You want me to recover.”

As mentioned before, although the thinking program can be switched, the body program cannot be switched, but is directly modified on the original program. The body’s injuries, accumulated suffering, and spicy food will all be returned as much as possible.

Just now Ren Suo used Daoist’s body to meet the running environment required for Daoist’s thinking program, but Ren Suo’s ontology is not to ask Daoist after all, which is equivalent to forcing overclocking by special means to run large programs that could not be run.

Now Ren Suo resumes the body, the effects of overclocking just broke out on the body. The specific performance is that Ren Suo is in a weak state, and there is no strength on his body.

“Xingmei, Chengling … I’m so hungry.”

Dong Chengling slightly startedled, held him up, and said earnestly, “Cook the meal right after you go back.”

Ren Xingmei helped the other side and said, “I have a lot of snacks in the trunk. If the trunk is still there, I will feed you snacks and eat.”

Ren Suo restored himself a little with the “rescue to the wounded”, barely walking.

Seeing this sighed, Lorifis created an aerial ladder for them, allowing them to run directly to the airport in the air.

At this time, no protoss dare to approach them anymore. The fall of the 70000 troops and the erosive battlefield that penetrated the 4 5 6 7 ring have made all the protoss in Luoyang City lose their fighting intent. The family watched their departure of the entire group as if witnessing the demise of an era.

As soon as they reached the non-game reserve of the airport, the Luoyang City plane suddenly began to shake, and Dong Chengling and Ren Xingmei stopped in unison.

“My cyclone is running!” They said in unison.

Ren Suo instantly realized what was happening-the majesty was exiled! The curse of the majesty forces encountered by Dong Chengling and Ren Xingmei was also disappeared because it turned into rootless duckweed!


“I’ve got them prepared for a long time!” Lorifis, holding the Sony identity watch, immediately sent the pre-ordered message, and quickly got a reply: “The commanders of the Big 5 War Zone have opened the plane barrier nodes! Now the entire Didela Plane, including Snail City, can pass through the plane as long as it is a non-game reserve! “

Dong Chengling and Ren Xingmei, who had been prepared, took out belts and cassettes to equip them. Now the power of the Majesty has been banned, and everyone can use any belt and cassette without a license, including Earth people!

With the help of 2 people, Ren Suo reluctantly equipped himself with a belt cassette and looked at Lorifis and said, “Goodbye, Lorifis. The majesty’s power is fading. We must consume energy in the cassette. Go back before you do. “

“Don’t consider staying?” Said Lorifis. “As you said, Los successfully exiled the Maharaja and became the hero of Didra. You have wiped out most of the bloody ** and Didra army It can be said that the last trace of resistance of the empire has also been exhausted. “

“I will use this political capital to help Los rule Dodela, when the time comes, you can enjoy high position and great wealth here …”

“No need, there are still many people waiting for us to go back,” Ren Suo said, “please also pay attention, don’t let the Dragon Slayer become a evil dragon.”

It took Lorifis a second or two to understand Ren Suo’s words, shaking his head and saying, “This one can’t pay attention, people can change. I now hate those mediocre privileged classes, but when I sit there in the future, And I can’t guess what I will become. “

The biggest reason why Lorifiz can become the first sprayer of crushing Sony’s Dydra is that she has the calmness to see the world: “So, I need Loss, and Loss needs me.”

“Loss has principles, and I have the means. The two of us together, support each other and monitor each other, can achieve our ideals by all means while maintaining our original intention.”

“Whether it is good or bad, if you don’t have a trusted companion, lonely people’s hearts can easily change … you are a perfect example.”

“Sinking into the enemy camp, trusting each other, not despairing, not giving up, and finally succeeding in overthrowing the empire … It is really a story that even a little child will not believe.”

Lorifis took off the divine helmet and tossed it aside, exposing her silver and white hair, and looked at them with her hips folded: “But I will remember this wonderful time, and your story will become the epic of this world. The poet will sing your Legendary. “

“In order not to shame the epic, Legendary fell …”

Lori Fiss glanced over their three people and stayed on Ren Xingmei for a long time: “You must live happily in another World, otherwise I believe this fairy child will cry.”

Ren Xingmei held Ren Suo’s hand secretly. Ren Suo glanced at her, squeezed her palms, and motioned to her not to worry.

At this time, a shout echoing through Heaven and Earth suddenly appeared in Luoyang City: “Lorifis–“

Lorifis blushed, turned his head towards the direction of Wang Ting, and said shamefully, “How did that guy yell, don’t you know to shame?”

Suddenly asked: “Would you like to meet with Los? Ren Suo, although I don’t know how you do it, you can always cooperate with him to subvert Didra without any communication with him. … “

“Now that Rose is the hero of Didier, you can only go back to the foreign world anonymously …”

Ren Suo looked at a small black spot that was quickly approaching in the distance, and smiled lightly: “Forget it, you must be tired and reunited for dozens of minutes, I can’t wait that long.”

Lorifis was instantly angry. “What do you mean?”

“Now we are pressed for time, and we will meet until the next time.” Ren Suo crooked his head: “Surely there will be opportunities.”

“I hope you will be happy together next time you meet again.”

Lori Fiss snorted: “Hope you guys too.”

The reason for Ren Suo’s rejection is of course not because of this, but because Los in the game all respects the player as ‘Supreme Master in the Underworld’. Ren Suo is now a mess of weakness.

Just like idols don’t dare to show fans their face, Ren Suo doesn’t dare let Los see him like this!


“Dawn dawn has already risen, and it is time for Sanhua to leave.”

Ren Suo put his hand on the button of the belt, suddenly said with a smile: “Although you are a spout, Lori Fice, it doesn’t seem to be abusive. Sony just took the opportunity to curse me.”

The “miracle full moon” just used to draw Sony’s miracle. Although it is very practical, the price is almost like Sony’s envy and envy of Ren Suo.

But the price is just like a miracle, it can only last for 3 minutes, so Ren Suo is not affected at all.

“The so-called curse is just another term for desire.” Lori Fiss waved his hand: “I’m not a god, as long as it doesn’t hinder my happiness, I won’t be jealous of others’ happiness.”

Ren Suo blinked, recalling the miracle cost of Dong Chengling and Ren Xingmei, and couldn’t help but glance at them.

After going back, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

I haven’t been to work for a few days, Dong Chengling’s family has exploded, I have been missing for several days, Zhao Huo should have returned, Luna was exposed …

I have to take Xingmei home to talk to my parents, find Cheng Ling to honor the reward before …

Suddenly, Ren Suo’s 1000 heads and 10000 threads came together.

“Chengling, Xingmei.”

Ren Suo saw that the black spots in the distance were almost flying, and he lightly pressed the start button of the belt.

“Let’s go home.”


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