In fact, True Son’s tangle, Ren Suo can understand a little bit. ()

She likes the younger sister family, and sincerely hopes that the younger sister family will be happy, but after learning the truth, she feels that this happiness is too dazzling, which makes her the hidden inspiration in the dark place uncomfortable.

After she was resurrected, she could produce incredible power herself. Living in the younger sister’s home brought them good luck and happiness, so what about herself?

She was resentful and fond, angry and sad, and she had no idea what to do.

Based on Ren Suo’s experience of receiving 100 visitors, he feels that the Demon ghosts (half demon) are more radical, and it is easy to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem.

True Son’s current state is that she wants to kill and kill herself, wants to destroy the happiness of younger sister and wants her happiness, feels miserable and feels that she can be lucky to meet them … she is going to be crazy.

At this time, the ghost stalls appeared.

Like streetlights in the middle of the night, the beacon on the ocean, and the confused True Son brought summer nights. I don’t know how they avoided others’ eyes and ran to the ghost stall. Maybe they lived not far from here?

Remaining Merits: 2 points

Ren Suo’s face was a joy-this time triggered the ‘-0 point consumption merit’ of Yan Guo plucking. Although it can not be posted, it can be regarded as a free holy wine!

When the female shop owner drank the holy wine, the picture suddenly became weird. The ghost stalls, the female shop owner, and the food began to blur and distort. Only the appearance of the white-haired True Son became clearer.

She didn’t speak, but the echoing sounds and words emanated from her within the body:

Why do I have nothing and be alone …

Why do I get nothing, instead they can benefit from me …

Why can’t I live a normal life …

The 3 fundamental desires of True Son are: loneliness, benefits, and life. uctxt. com

It had little to do with her experience of being a ghost, nor did she see her resentment.

Ren Suo feels that the current reading questions have changed from ‘summarizing the main content of this article’ to ‘understanding the author’s thoughts and feelings’. Keywords alone can only slightly reduce the difficulty.

Does True Son hate younger sister? It should be resentful, but this is just the emotion she showed, because True Son is lonely, she has nothing to gain, no normal life, these emotions she always has, but she doesn’t know or hide in her heart.

Then she found a vent: it was the younger sister who killed her. So she put all her emotions in the name of resentment, hiding her envy in the shadows.

Seeing the happiness of the younger sister’s family, she thought she was resentful, but she was envious of being lonely;

Seeing that the younger sister’s family is getting better and better, she thinks she is resentful of her efforts, in fact, she is hoping that she can also gain something;

Seeing the colorful life of the younger sister’s family, she thought she was resentful of the younger sister’s killing her. In fact, she was yearning for this life.

Compared to ‘let others be victimized’, True Son wants to be ‘own to be happy’. She didn’t want to pursue anything, it was just that she couldn’t get anything, so she was so entangled.

Knowing this is easy, Ren Suo glanced at the summer night still lying in the arms of True Son, and first came a bottle of friendship;

True Son knows the truth, it is difficult to treat the younger sister as a loved one, but Xia Ye is close to her age, and the two become good friends instead. This is the real breakthrough.

The benefits are a bit difficult. Ren Suo looked at the seasoning list and chose to give her a little hard work. Since reality can’t give her back, let her find it.

The last is life, this is really troublesome, because ghosts can’t live a normal life anymore. (The fastest update of uc book league)

Therefore, Ren Suo chose this chicken soup package with confidence and courage: just go for whatever life you want. Who said that the zip boy can’t go to the water park?

After handling the sushi and pushing it, True Son turned back into a normal white-haired little girl. She woke up on a summer night and whispered: There is something delicious.

Hmm ~~~ Xia Ye held her arm and yelled: I want True Son to feed me!

True Son showed a helpless smile. First, he ate a piece of hot 3 bonito sushi, and then stuffed a piece of cheese crab leg sushi into Xia Ye’s mouth.

Xia Ye smashed it, ate it, and ate it all, True Son took out a handkerchief and wiped it off, and then you eat it one by one.

After eating a few pieces on Xia Ye, I felt full. I woke up and watched True Son laughed. I picked up sushi and stuffed it into True Son: I ’ll feed you and open your mouth ~

They ate very fast. When True Son finished the last piece, she gave a full meal, and then jumped off on summer night: I’m so sleepy, let’s go back to sleep, True Son.

Ok. True Son gently nodded and turned to look at the female shopkeeper.

Ren Suo is ready to fight-he’s not sure if his seasoning is unreliable.

I saw True Son contemplate for a moment, and took off the rabbit decoration on the white hair and put it on the dining table.

Thank you.

After speaking, she led Xia Ye into the middle of the night.

The girl owner took the rabbit decorations and pinned them on her hair.

Younger sister’s birthday gift (rabbit jewelry): It can be actively used in the prop bar. It does not occupy the round’s action power. After use, the character gets ‘absolute luck’ this round. The attack must be critical, and the attack must be dodged. Can only be used once a day.

The boy who is good at giving people luck, what they give is really related to luck.

This gift is very good. It has a great chance of winning in bssbattle strength, and it is not a one-time consumable. Although Ren Suo can only be used 3 times, it is better than none.

Hey, hey.

What do you want to eat?

The female shopkeeper expressed calmness, but Ren Suo glanced at the customer, and her eyes straightened instantly–

How did you come here?

I saw a warrior in the Warring States Period wearing a crimson samurai armor, wearing a long sword, and a very idol-like appearance. He sat in front of the ghost stall and said: rice ball.

However, his long hair on his waist and waist was shining, extremely white, and no wind drifted. His eyes were not white at all, his eyes were as dark as the abyss. The crimson armor was leaking white light, and the white light braces on the hands were like glare on led lights. The whole person looked both magical and the Warring States Period.

If this suit does not appear at the Manchu show, it will definitely be turned to the police station by the police Uncle.

You did appear. The white-haired samurai said: After you appeared in Shenhai, Xuanguo, Federation, and informed Fan Ying at the same time, Fan Ying sent Martial Spirit team members to station in various parks in Tokyo.

The number and density of Tokyo’s population is bound to appear with great probability. But as an Immortal Palace God of Food, you are unfathomable. Not only do you let all instruments and observers ignore your presence, you can even get the ‘what you need’ customers to take the initiative to approach without revealing any information during your business hours.

Ren Suo couldn’t help but asked the shopkeeper: Who are you?

The old man is a non-staff member of the Martial Spirit’s 3th team and a ‘ghost martial artist’.

The task of the old man is to find you. Crimson Armor said: The old man has a locator. If I lose a signal here, the Martial Spirit unit will definitely notice the problem here.

Ren Suo feels sore in pain-is it so white this day?

If it was found by the cultivator troops, it would be enough to cook for them 4 hours, how else would the other demons come?

Or maybe they must be completely convinced and let them stand up and watch the female shopkeeper cook for the Demon ghost.

However, at this time, Crimson Jia again said: and old man, just want to ask you a sentence: Are you really a person in Immortal Palace?

Ren Suo is naturally impossible to deny: yes.


Crimson Jia suddenly left the seat and bowed to the female shopkeeper: Please accept the thanks of the old man.

Then, please allow old man to play for Immortal Palace!

Crimson armor did not lifts the head, loudly said: old man was an ignorance, no blood, no tears, and a fortune-teller. Fortunately, Immortal Palace opened the Spirit Vessel, because the fate would lighten the old man, and only spiritual wisdom would be produced. Gathering souls, walking on the earth, feeling the light and heat of wind and rain, is no longer a dead thing.

The grace of dripping water should be reported to Yongquan. The grace of reproduction is hard to return in this life.

Even so, old man also has a selfish heart and wants to visit the World and traverse the powerhouse. Therefore, old man is willing to serve Immortal Palace for ten years in return for such a great grace. Ten years later, old man travels the World, fulfills his wishes, and then works for Immortal Palace!

Crimson cup one fist in the other hand said: Please allow old man to follow! Within ten years, no matter what desperate situation or fight, the old man will be as dead as death until the death of the broken man!

Ren Suo was shocked. Didn’t expect the influence of “Swallowing the Spirit of the World” to continue to this day, and even more didn’t expect to be a armor that would want to repay.

However, this game does not have a precedent for followers. When Ren Suo thought this could only be regretfully rejected, the game suddenly popped up a prompt:

Get item ‘Crimson Armor’? This item can only be saved until the end of the tenth day (this item is not retained after the game review is uploaded).

Crimson Armor: 5 layers of armor, each layer of defense can protect 00 points of damage, each time you take irresistible damage-layer of armor. Lose armor after active use, but can summon ghost martial artist to help fight.

“Um … can this equipment still be worn?”

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