Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 627: Arrangements from the South! Zhou Chen’s choice!

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A whole little half a month,

Zhu Gaoxu has been inspecting Songjiang Mansion.

He wanted to see with his own eyes the effect of a whipping method.

Zheng He and Wang Jinghong were not accompanied. After Zhu Gaoxu proposed the idea of ​​a naval academy, they immediately took people to Changxing Island to prepare for the construction of this cradle of naval talents.

Zhou Chen naturally had to accompany him. After all, His Highness the Crown Prince was inspecting the results of his work over the years.

Xun Ru, what are your plans next?

The two of them were wearing coarse linen clothes and just walked on the street, feeling the folk fireworks and chatting.

When Zhou Chen heard what the prince said, he immediately fell into silence.

The king of Han succeeded in seizing the legitimate son, entered the East Palace, and became the crown prince.

The members of the King of Han who had previously strongly supported him should naturally share the fruits of victory!

Xue Lu, Liu Sheng and other military attachés were reinstated and took charge of the capital camp again.

The status of the other nine ministers is stable, and they all have close relationships with the prince Zhu Gaoxu.

In such a large court, the emperor was lazy in government affairs, and the power of the prince Zhu Gaoxu was close to that of the former Yiwen prince Zhu Biao.

Zhou Chen knew very well that if he wanted to return to the court, it was just a matter of a word from the prince.

With the current power of His Royal Highness, it is impossible for him to be given the position of Minister of Household Affairs.

However, Zhou Chen was somewhat conflicted.

This time he was silent for a long time, and finally spoke slowly.

Your Highness, is the court planning to fully implement the whipping method next?

Yes, that's right. Zhu Gaoxu nodded without hiding it.

Zhou Chen is a confidant who has always followed him, so there is no need to hide it from him.

The imperial court is about to move its capital to Beijing, and Yingtian and Susong prefectures will be classified as Southern Zhili, under the jurisdiction of Nanjing's seven ministries.

The one-piece whipping method has been implemented in Yingtian Prefecture, and now it has been popularized throughout South Zhili, followed by Huguang, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and other provinces.

After all, there is a huge difference in grain production between the north and the south, and after the imperial court moves its capital to Beijing, I will personally preside over the implementation of the new law in the four northern provinces.

At this point, Zhou Chen finally understood.

It turned out that the prince had already arranged a place for him to stay in the south to preside over the implementation of a whipping method!

In that case, I will stay in the south and not go to Beijing with Your Highness this time.

Zhu Gaoxu looked at him slightly guiltily and said sincerely.

Actually, you don't have to do this.

It's not like there are no other people in the court. Zhou Chen can still transfer without you.

If you follow me to Beijing, I will give you the position of Minister of Household Affairs to assist Xia Yuanji in his work, so that you can take over from him in the future.

As for the South, let others do it. After all, implementing the new law is an offending thing. If you continue to be stuck in this quagmire, even if you return to the court in the future, you will have to be a lonely minister.

It is easy to offend people if you implement a whipping method.

Just look at what Zhou Chen did in the Five Houses of Jiangnan and you will know that his reputation is completely ruined.

You must know that in this era, land equals interests and the right to speak.

Most people are tied to the land and spend their entire lives farming in order to survive.

However, the land was in the hands of large gentry households. Even homesteaders with a few acres of thin farmland had to rent some land from the gentry in order to obtain more harvests to subsidize their families.

In a farming society, whoever controls the land has the right to speak. To put it bluntly, when the gentry annexes land, they are not only seeking land benefits, but more importantly, they have the right to speak to the people in Guizhou.

Only by having the right to speak over the people in the head of Guizhou can the gentry control the situation in the countryside.

Every tenant who rented the land from the gentry did not dare to offend the gentry, for fear that the gentry would no longer allow them to rent the land. They were willing to be oppressed by the gentry's tyrants, and even became accustomed to it, thinking that this was a matter of course.

And what does a whip method do?

Clear land, expand the collection area, and make taxes relatively even!

Most of the wealthy gentry concealed the number of their own fields in order to avoid taxes. This was the first contradiction.

The amount of money collected per mu is collected, and the official solution is completed to make the collection method more complete!

Taxes are levied according to the number of fields, and the bulk of them are naturally the powerful gentry who annexed the fields!

Unify taxes and levies, limit harassment, and stabilize taxes!

All taxes and servitude were unified and simplified into one. It was difficult for officials at all levels to assign taxes to farmers by clever names. The gentry and the powerful had to pay as much tax as they should!

All in all, one whip is the vicious new policy introduced specifically to target the powerful gentry!

If you want their fields and ask them to pay taxes, you are killing them!

It’s strange that they don’t rise up and resist!

The five governments in the south of the Yangtze River implemented a whip method. The king of Han went to the south of the Yangtze River in anger and slaughtered most of the evil gentry and powerful people.

After that, Zhou Chen stayed in Jiangnan and led the Tiance Guard and Feixiong Guard to kill many more people.

Now Zhou Chen's reputation in the Ming Dynasty is extremely bad.

Scholars controlled the world's public opinion, and the literati wrote as sharply as a sword, and there was never a shortage of splendid words to curse people.

If this continues, Zhou Chen's future career path will be difficult.

Even though Zhu Gaoxu wanted Zhou Chen to stay in the south and implement a whipping method, he was not a cold-blooded emperor after all, so he chose to tell this confidant all the pros and cons.

After hearing this, Zhou Chen was speechless and fell into a long silence.

Lone minister!

This road is not easy!

Even if Prince Zhu Gaoxu gives him support, it is only temporary.

The prince will eventually ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. After becoming emperor, many things will not go as he wants.

Being a lonely minister is a dead end after all, and there are many people who do not end well.

After a long silence, Zhou Chen finally smiled.

Your Highness, I still want to stay in the south.

Why? Zhu Gaoxu was a little surprised. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Your Highness, do you still remember that you and I once talked about learning a new method?

Zhu Gaoxu nodded. Of course he remembered this. That was the time when he succeeded in getting this finance and tax genius to be loyal to him, and he has followed him unswervingly to this day.

His Highness promotes new learning and implements a whipping method. In the final analysis, it is for the sake of the people of the world and for the common people to live a good life. The same is true for bringing back the divine seed later. The original intention remains unchanged.

Your Highness has not changed his original intention, and my minister Zhou Chen is just an ordinary person. Fortunately, His Highness valued me so that I am where I am today, and I have not changed or forgotten my original intention of becoming an official!

When I was ordered to come to Jiangnan to implement a whipping method, I had already made a choice. The difficulties I experienced later made me understand one thing. If the common people want to truly live a good life, the gentry and the powerful must be eradicated. !”

Zhou Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he was no longer as gentle as before.

If these borers and rice worms are not cleaned up, the people will not be able to live a peaceful life!

I ask myself that apart from His Highness, I am the person who knows the whipping method best. His Highness is personally in charge of the North, so let me leave it to me to implement it in the South!

When the whipping method is implemented throughout the Ming Dynasty, the people's lives will be better, and I will have no regrets!

Zhu Gaoxu sighed after hearing this.

Of course he knew what Zhou Chen's regret was.

The woman he loved most died because he was framed by the Jiangnan gentry.

Okay, I respect your choice!

After the imperial court moved its capital to Beijing, there were still seven ministries in the south. You, Zhou Chen, will be the first Minister of Household Affairs in Nanjing!

Zhou Chen nodded expressionlessly and bowed to Zhu Gaoxu.

in this way,

If Yun Niang knew,

You should also be very happy, right?

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