Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 505 The current situation of Ming Dynasty! Lift the sea ban and follow the general trend!

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Ahem, Master Yang, don't worry about those details.

Wang Jing said with a strange expression.

What does Prince Han want to do?

God knows.

When people suddenly become interested and insist on making some weird noises, even His Majesty the Emperor can't stop them.

His Royal Highness the King of Han was ordered to supervise the construction of the new capital of Beiping. It is said that the response was very good. Not long after arriving in Beiping, he investigated and punished Sun Yu and other corrupt officials who had colluded with others and accepted bribes. In one fell swoop, the unhealthy trends in Beiping's officialdom were eliminated.

When Yang Shiqi heard this, he nodded happily.

This is right.

His Highness the King of Han is still the same His Highness the King of Han.

If they disagree, kill a few corrupt officials to establish their authority.

However, His Highness the King of Han lives in the palace in Peiping, sets up secret guards, makes money wantonly, and eradicates dissidents... It is already known to everyone.

Yang Shiqi: ???


Live in the palace?

Set up a secret guard?

Making money wantonly?

Isn't this... inappropriate?

What on earth does His Highness the King of Han want to do?

Is it possible that he really has the confidence to fight again?

Wang Jing said this in a very relaxed tone, and those who didn't know better thought he was a princeling official who was hostile to Prince Han.

But the fact is exactly the opposite. Wang Jing, the Minister of Rites, is a die-hard Hanwang Party member and has been committed to promoting the new learning.

Wang Jing and others didn't know what his Han prince wanted to do by causing such a big commotion in Peiping.

But they believe in one thing. His Highness the King of Han never acts without a clear goal. He has his own considerations.

Because of this firmest trust, Wang Jing did not care much about the current situation of His Highness the King of Han.

They are just clowns who deliberately guide public opinion and slander the reputation of their own princes.

Not a big problem.

Anyway, my prince never cared about these false names.

Xia Yuanji glared at Wang Jing angrily, then looked at Yang Shiqi.

Shiqi, get ready, you're going to have an interview later.

What? Yang Shiqi was shocked when he heard this and lost his voice: His Majesty actually came to Liujiagang...

What kind of courtesy is this?

His Majesty the Emperor personally went to the port to greet him?

What virtues and abilities do I, Yang Shiqi, have in this life to deserve such kindness from the emperor?

Xia Yuanji patted Yang Shiqi on the shoulder happily. He had always valued this junior.

Among the three Yangs, Yang Rong is unlikely to be a great person, Yang Pu is cautious, and only Yang Shiqi has the talents of prime minister and assistant minister!

Facts have proved that Xia Yuanji has a good vision, and even Yang Shiqi's excellence far exceeds his expectation.

The kings of Zhao, Zhu Gaosui and Yang Shiqi, cooperated with each other with both civil and military skills. In just three years, they destroyed the Seven Kingdoms and conquered the entire Nanyang land!

If battlefield expeditions were the home field of King Zhao Zhu Gaosui, then the logistics and government affairs of grain and grass dispatching were all handled by Yang Shiqi alone.

Oh, there is also Huang Huai, but he is just an addition.

In the blink of an eye in three years, the land of Nanyang completely became the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

Yang Shiqi's name not only shocked the whole of Nanyang, but also resounded throughout the north and south of the Yangtze River, especially in the Ming Dynasty.

Yang Shiqi, the Prime Minister of Nanyang, is unknown to everyone. Even His Majesty the Emperor has heard of Yang Shiqi's name.

Shiqi, your achievements are seen by the emperor and the court.

So this time the emperor orders you to return to Beijing to report on your duties. He should be prepared to use you again. I hope you are somewhat prepared.

After a pause, Xia Yuanji whispered a few reminders.

In recent days, the Ming Dynasty has not been peaceful. First, Ning King Zhu Quan successfully conquered the entire Japanese country, and the court named it 'Ning Country'. Then Chu King Zhu Zhen was not willing to be outdone, and reported to the court to establish the Chu Kingdom.

The establishment of the Ning State and the Chu State has become an obvious signal. Many courtiers in the court have petitioned the emperor to abolish the sea ban and allow the common people to go to sea for trade. There are many officials from the Jiuqing, and even faint The figure of Prince Han can be seen.”

It's just that the emperor left all these memorials unpublished and had an ambiguous attitude, which delayed the maritime ban until now. However, His Majesty the Emperor suddenly summoned you back to Beijing to report on your duties, which means that this matter must be explained.

Xia Yuanji looked at Yang Shiqi solemnly and said in a deep voice: Today, the five countries in the East China Sea combined can't compare to one Nanyang King. I hope you understand what I mean.

Yang Shiqi looked solemn and said seriously: Don't worry, Mr. Xia, Shiqi understands the serious relationship between this.

However, Shi Qi dares to ask Mr. Xia, will abolishing the sea ban be beneficial to the court, the people, and the Ming Dynasty?

Hearing this, Xia Yuanji paused, and then sighed to himself.

It's good to be young!

It's a pity that I am too old.

I can't compare to you young people!

Shiqi, follow the trend, keep your heart, and go ahead and do it!

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Yuanji turned around and walked away, looking a little lonely.

Yang Shiqi looked at this court magnate who was both a teacher and a friend, and bowed to him respectfully.

Everyone knows that Xia Yuanji is a close confidant of His Majesty Emperor Yongle, so Xia Yuanji's words and deeds can, in a sense, represent His Majesty the Emperor's will and reveal obscure political signals.

After Xia Yuanji's reminder just now, Yang Shiqi had already sensed this political signal.

That is, the emperor also intends to abolish the sea ban!

Once you understand this, the rest becomes much simpler.

The reason why I returned to Beijing to report on my duties this time was, firstly, to request His Majesty the Emperor to lift the maritime ban, and secondly, to request His Majesty the Emperor to grant the seal of the Seven Southeast Asian Countries.

The first thing is the most important thing, but it may not be done.

The second thing is much simpler. After all, this is the national policy of the kings of the imperial court.

Once the imperial court decrees the sealing of the five countries of the East China Sea and the six countries of the Nanyang, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net then the general trend will become!

Lifting the sea ban and allowing common people to trade at sea is the future trend of the Ming Dynasty!

The Five East China Sea Kingdoms and the Six Nanyang Kingdoms are vassal states that are kin to the imperial court. With such a layer of origin, the connections between the vassal states and the central court will only become more frequent and closer than before!

Moreover, the central court's attitude towards these clan vassal states will be slightly more relaxed on the surface, but secretly it will only be more stringent than before.

After all, these are all clan vassals of the Ming Dynasty!

With the current situation, even His Majesty the Emperor has to consider the opinions of the government and the public!

What's more, the seven countries in Nanyang are far more important than the five countries in the East China Sea, and can bring more benefits and benefits to the central court!

Therefore, as long as you represent the Seven Nanyang Kingdoms, follow the general trend and request the emperor to abolish the national policy of maritime ban, and then bring about the great achievements of conquering the Seven Nanyang Kingdoms, you can rely on these achievements to enter the cabinet, take charge of the center of the Ming Dynasty, and realize your talent and academic ambitions!

Yang Shiqi took a deep breath, and under the leadership of Wang Jing, the Minister of Rites, walked step by step to where the emperor was.

The Prime Minister of Nanyang is about to have a conversation with His Majesty Emperor Yongle regarding the fate of the Ming Dynasty!

Sir Wang, what exactly is His Highness the King of Han doing in Peiping?

Master Yang really asked me about this. To be honest, I really don't know.

Wang Jing smiled bitterly and shook his head, then whispered another sentence.

But according to rumors in Peiping, His Royal Highness the King of Han is implementing a new business tax, and the results are very gratifying!

Yang Shiqi: !!!

Business tax!

I see!

So about abolishing the maritime ban...

There must be the figure of His Highness the King of Han behind him!

Once the new commercial tax takes shape and the national policy of maritime ban is abolished, the Ming Dynasty will usher in a peak commercial era!

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