Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 489: Cheap and useless! What kind of truth is this?

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A little numb!

Guo Zi, Hu Yuancheng and others looked at Zhu Gaoxu dumbfounded.

This is the first time in this damn place that I heard that His Majesty the Emperor’s palace does not use wood or stone, but uses cement and red bricks for riding horses.

Could that magnificent and magnificent palace be built with dull red cement bricks on a horse?

When the time comes, His Majesty the Emperor will look at the pitch-black new capital of Beiping and wonder if he will be so angry that he rushes over on the spot!

Hu Yuancheng felt his scalp was numb and hurriedly whispered: Ahem, Your Majesty, this is completely different!

Although cement red bricks are fast to build and are strong and durable, they cannot be used to build the Forbidden City in Peking!

After all, the Forbidden City is the Ming Dynasty's palace, which demonstrates the majesty of the Heavenly Family. How can we use cheap materials like cement and red bricks...

Is it cheap?

That's really cheap!

Others may not know it, but as the director of the Royal Manufacturing Bureau, Hu Yuancheng is naturally very knowledgeable!

The cost of cement is low, and the materials used are also very common materials, such as iron ore, limestone, clay, coal, etc.

Moreover, the production technology of cement is not difficult, and the production process is not complicated. It can be said that it is something that can be made with hands.

In the past, this cement was used to build roads, bridges, etc. It was not too convenient at all, and the response was very good.

If Hu Yuancheng remembers correctly, there were floods in Henan and other places, and many people's homes were destroyed and they became hungry refugees.

At that time, the King of Han was supervising the country's governance and hurriedly ordered the Ministry of Industry to set up an engineering team to rush to the disaster area and rebuild the homes of the people in the disaster area with cement and red bricks.

In other words, cement red bricks are indeed easy to use and have many advantages.

However, precisely because it is too cheap, it cannot be used as a material for the Forbidden City in Peking!

Are you kidding me?

That's the Forbidden City in Peking!

When His Majesty the Emperor built a Western Palace, he asked officials to travel around to select the best wood and stone.

It turns out that you, King Han, are lucky. Now that you are building the Forbidden City in Peking, which is more important than the West Palace, you actually want to build it with cement and red bricks. Isn’t this deliberately disgusting?

If His Majesty the Emperor finds out, none of them, including all the officials in Peking, will be able to reap the benefits!

Zhu Gaoxu's face suddenly darkened when he heard what he said.

What can't be used?

Just because red cement bricks are cheap, they can't be used?

Do we have to waste people and money and spend countless manpower and material resources to transport top-notch wood and stone from all over the world?

Tell me, this king, what kind of truth is this?

Faced with the questioning of Zhu Gaoxu, King of Han Dynasty, Hu Yuancheng could only remain silent.

Seeing this, Guo Zi couldn't help but interject: Your Highness, King of Han, after all, the emperor is the most noble person in the world and the master of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, the emperor is the most noble person in the world. How can he live in a palace built with cement and red bricks? in?

This not only loses the face of the royal family and the Tian family, but also loses the face of my Ming Dynasty!

What Guo Zi said was already very tactful.

Don’t we, the King of Han, understand what you just said?

Who is willing to waste people and money and spend countless manpower, material and financial resources to build such a huge palace?

Isn’t it just to protect the face of your old Zhu family and the face of your Tian family!

Furthermore, the Xindu Imperial Palace was really built with cement and red bricks. Once His Majesty the Emperor learns of this, they will not know how they died!

Zhu Gaoxu sneered when he heard this and waved his hand impatiently.

Okay, okay, no matter how nice you say it, aren't you afraid of getting into trouble and lest my biological father be punished?

Don't worry, I will take care of it from my father's side. You just need to follow my plan!

This is the truth. In fact, everyone knows it.

It took eleven years to build a West Palace that was of little use, and consumed countless human, financial and material resources!

Now the emperor wants to build a Forbidden City that is larger and more luxurious than the West Palace. If he continues to follow the original construction method of excellence, I am afraid it will consume more manpower and material resources!

But this is the will of His Majesty the Emperor. As ministers, they can only obey and cannot resist.

Well, except for Zhu Gaoxu, King of Han, this fierce man always regarded the emperor's orders as farts.

Hu Yuancheng was still hesitant and opened his mouth to say something.

Zhu Gaoxu smiled and comforted him in a low voice: Don't worry, Old Hu, have you forgotten that thing?

By then the main structure will be repaired with cement red bricks and steel plates, and then a layer of paint will be applied, and all decorations will be made of colored glass. The overall effect will only look more shocking than that of Nishinomiya!

And I can guarantee that the Forbidden City built in this way will be the only imperial palace in the Ming Dynasty and even the entire world!

This honor alone makes my biological father proud!

Why did Zhu Di build the Forbidden City in Peking?

Because Nishinomiya is not luxurious enough, not grand enough, and does not show his martial arts skills enough!

What Zhu Di wants is a magnificent and beautiful palace to reflect his status as an emperor through the ages!

So luxurious!

So atmospheric!

It's high quality!

What could be better than Crystal Palace?

As long as I can play with glass, I don’t believe that I can’t conquer you, Zhu Di, a Ming country bumpkin!

Your Majesty, is it possible to guarantee a sufficient supply of that thing?

Hu Yuancheng was stunned for a moment, and then asked the question he was most concerned about.

After all, Liuli is worth a lot of money!

If you really want to decorate the whole body with colored glaze and build an unparalleled Forbidden City, then this job is not impossible.

It's just that Hu Yuancheng doesn't quite believe that His Highness the King of Han really mastered the glaze craft.

After all, whoever masters this thing will probably sell the glass immediately to make huge profits. How can he be like Prince Han who has no movement at all?

Upon hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu just stretched out five fingers.

Hu Yuancheng was stunned when he saw this, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.net lost his voice and said: There are actually five cars?


You are too small!

This finger represents a warehouse!

That stuff has been piled up in five large warehouses, and there's all kinds of stuff!

And the glazed craftsmanship mastered by Prince Han's Palace is quite mature. You can have as many as you want. This is no joke!

Hu Yuancheng: !!!


Really numb!

Prince Han is truly a god!

Five large warehouses of colored glaze are completely enough!

If there is not enough, we can still produce it. If there is not enough, we can produce as much as we want!

Guo Zi on the side was confused and asked cautiously.

Your Highness the King of Han, Mr. Hu, what did you say just now that the warehouse is full? I am deaf and heard it like glass...

Well...it's just Liuli, you're deaf!

Guo Zi: ???



Warehouse full?

Or five warehouses?

That is something worth thousands of gold!

For a moment, Guo Zi felt that the King of Han was bragging.

However, when he saw His Highness the King of Han casually take out a piece of pure white glass from his arms, his eyes immediately widened.

This...this is...the best colored glaze!

Guo Zi was shocked, and the next moment, he let out a shrill roar.

King of Han, you are wasting your resources!

Zhu Gaoxu threw the small piece of glass directly to the ground, and then stamped it into dregs.

This thing is really worthless, but the entire Ming Dynasty and even the entire world don't know about it yet!

Now tell me, can this Crystal Palace be repaired?

Guo Zi glanced at the scum with some pain, and then closed his eyes in pain.

I have some pain in my chest. Please stop talking and let me take my time.

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