Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 476 Zhu Di’s doubts! The end of the Peking Street liar!

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The capital of Yingtian Emperor, the Forbidden City.

Zhu Di's mouth twitched as he looked at the secret report from the Dongchang spies in front of him.

On the day the King of Han arrived in Peiping, he moved directly into the West Palace. Guo Zi and others tried to stop him, but the King of Han stopped him with a gold medal of Holy Order...

Thanks to Jin Yiwei's intelligence network in Beiping, after Dongchang replaced Jin Yiwei, Yongle Emperor Zhu Di could get timely information about any disturbance in the new capital of Beiping.

But the news in front of him made Zhu Di dumbfounded.

The West Palace, that is indeed the former residence of Prince Yan, and the second child did grow up in the West Palace.

However, that was when he was a child after all, and after all, he, Zhu Di, was still just King Yan!

There is no Prince Yan Mansion anywhere now. The only place where His Majesty the Emperor can live is the West Palace of the Royal Palace!

But this bastard, the second child, just moved in without a care in the world. What did he want to do?

Why do you really think of yourself as a prince? Besides, even a prince is not qualified to live in the West Palace!

This bastard is getting more and more lawless!

In fact, this is a small matter, but it is most likely to violate the etiquette!

The King of Han moved into the West Palace in Beiping. If Zhu Di did not punish him and kicked him out of the West Palace, what would the civil and military officials in the court think?

That's the West Palace, the former residence of Prince Yan!

King Zhu Gaoxu of Han just moved into the West Palace, and His Majesty the Emperor did not give him any punishment.

The emperor asked the King of Han to go to Peiping and stay in the West Palace. This was sending a political signal to the world. Do you want to change the prince?

Therefore, Zhu Di almost did not hesitate, and immediately prepared to issue an order to reprimand this bastard and tell him to go to the West Palace.

However, at this moment, Dongchang sent another secret letter.

Your Majesty, this is a secret letter personally written by His Highness the King of Han. It follows the path of the former Jinyiwei.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Di frowned and subconsciously took the secret letter and read it.

Business tax reform!

Beiping Xindu serves as a pilot!

A huge amount of money and food fell into the hands of officials and gentry!

This time, Zhu Gaoxu didn't talk nonsense, but stated his true purpose straightforwardly.

Taking the new capital of Peking as a pilot, we will formulate a new commercial tax system, set up a tax bureau specifically responsible for collecting taxes from merchants, and cut off any hand extended by officials and gentry to merchants!

For a moment, Zhu Di thought this was a fantasy!

How could those merchants make so much money?

But, it is what it is.

Zhu Di's eyes almost popped out of his head when he looked at the examples listed by his second son.

The former Song Dynasty relied on the prosperous maritime trade to collect customs and commercial taxes, and it was hard to fight against foreign barbarians with half of the country for hundreds of years!

This is an undisputed fact!

At least it can completely prove that the commercial tax that the Ming court has always ignored is not just a little bit, but a mountain of gold and silver!

However, this is just a hypothesis and a guess. Zhu Di does not dare to bet that these statements are correct.

Because the current commercial tax system of the Ming Dynasty was formulated by Emperor Taizu Gao.

In other words, the taxation of the Ming Dynasty was mainly agricultural tax and salt tax, supplemented by mining tax, commercial tax and so on. This is the ancestral precept of Taizu Emperor Gao!

After all, the Ming Dynasty valued agriculture over commerce, and farming in the fields was the fundamental lifeblood of the Ming Dynasty. It was impossible for Zhu Di to do anything that went against the ancestral precepts of Emperor Taizu Gao for the sake of money!

The Yongle Emperor, who was in the wrong position, shouted to the outside world that he directly inherited the legal system of Emperor Taizu Gao. Naturally, it was impossible for him to do anything that violated the ancestral precepts. That would be a slap in the face!

Therefore, Zhu Di instinctively wanted to reject the second brother's proposal.

However, when he saw the last sentence of the secret letter, his whole body was shaken and he stood up suddenly in shock.

In the imperial study room, Zhu Di was pacing back and forth, looking a little hesitant.

Admiral Dongchang knelt on the ground quietly, not daring to say a word for fear of disturbing His Majesty the Emperor.

Pass an oral message to Guo Zi and ask him to fully cooperate with the King of Han!

My slave obeys the order!

After the people left, Zhu Di sat on the couch solemnly and fell into deep thought alone.

Second Brother, Second Brother, you bastard, you are so arrogant!

Since you want to try this once, then dad will help you. I hope you, the rebellious son, can succeed!

After a pause, Zhu Di suddenly felt something was wrong.

Hiss...if the second one succeeds, then...what will the boss do?

For a time, Emperor Yongle fell into a painful entanglement again.


As the King of Han issued a zero order and the tycoon Guo Zi gave his full support, all the yamen in Peiping immediately took action.

Various parties jointly mobilized, and the target was Chenghu Sheshu Street Liuzi entrenched in every corner of Peiping.

These urban foxes and rats were really not like the street gangsters of later generations who had nothing to do but fight.

On the contrary, for example, the transportation industry, a low-end industry that the gentry was unwilling to participate in, became the center of competition between urban foxes and social rats, and was a notorious place for harboring filth and evil.

Although there is no supervision by the imperial government, the benefits brought by the transportation industry still fall into the hands of ordinary people.

For example, poor people who are engaged in the transportation industry, such as coachmen, sedan bearers, boatmen, etc., naturally have urban foxes, green-skinned gangsters organizing gangs to demand protection fees from them, which forms a gray profit transmission chain.

The top level is in the hands of the officials, and the bottom level is the coachmen and boatmen who really do the work. The urban foxes and green-skinned gangsters are the ones who exploit the bottom coachmen and boatmen!

These urban foxes and social rats originally had little power, but they became tools for the officials and gentry to exploit the people at the bottom. It was as if the foxes were pretending to be the tigers, and they were all extremely arrogant and domineering, acting without scruples.

There are even some small bosses who call themselves Master So-and-so, and they have a notorious reputation.

However, the vicious reputation they had finally acquired has now become their talisman!

Following Zhu Gaoxu's order, the urban foxes, rats, green-skinned gangsters in Beiping City were instantly destroyed!

However, most of the government officers who arrested them were acquaintances of them.

At first, the gangsters thought it was because they didn't give enough filial piety money that these yamen officers would do this.

When they took out money to bribe the guards, but were beaten up instead, they realized the seriousness of the problem!

What a joke!

So many departments working together!

And there is Tiance Guard watching from the side!

I am so stupid and crazy that I dare to accept this little money from you!

Because of Tiance Wei's accompanying supervision, Peiping's first anti-gang and evil operation went smoothly.

At this moment, Zhu Gaoxu and Guo Zi were sitting in the study room, with a large sand table of Peking topography placed in the center.

There are small flags of various colors on the sand table, and each small flag represents a gangster force.

As Tiance Guards continued to report real-time news, the small flags on the sand table were pulled down one by one.

It wasn't until the last little flag was pulled down that the anti-gang operation came to an end.

Seeing that the last gangster force was eliminated, Zhu Gaoxu nodded with satisfaction.

However, Guo Zi raised a hidden danger.

Your Highness, the King of Han, I am afraid that thousands of gangsters have been arrested in this anti-gang operation. Is it possible to lock them in jail and eat for free like this?

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Guo Zi with a look that looked like he was mentally retarded.

Old man Guo, these are all excellent laborers. Aren't you going to let them work on the construction site?

Guo Zi: ???

Damn it?

Can you still play like this?

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