Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 461: Old 4, all the martial arts and martial arts are in front of you!

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Benevolent government!

“What is ‘benevolent government’?”

“Putting the people first is benevolent government!”

A national policy that truly benefits ordinary people is benevolent government!

Zhu Gaoxu opened his mouth and spat on the faces of Emperor Yongle and the Big Three. He spat so hard that these four most powerful people in the Ming Dynasty were unable to refute.

If this scene was seen by Gu Zuogu, he would probably regard Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu as a role model in life.

After all, in this Ming Dynasty, the only one who dared to criticize His Majesty the Emperor so angrily was the Prince of Han.

Zhu Di, Jin Zhong and others were sprayed with saliva on their faces, but they really couldn't get angry.

After all, the King of Han was right and truly considered the people of the world instead of seeking the benefits of the officials and gentry!

In the past, those officials and gentry advocated benevolent and good governance. In the final analysis, the people who benefited from these benevolent and good governance were not the people at the bottom, but the officials, gentry, and powerful gentry!

“This is also the fundamental reason why they are willing to support the implementation of the cause!”

Because the benevolent and good governance promoted by these courts have become tools and means for officials and gentry to make profits, which is equivalent to adding another way of making money for them. Why don't they fully support it? Why don't they whitewash it?

Zhu Gaoxu looked at Emperor Yongle and the three giants, his mouth full of teasing and ridicule.

Just like the powerful tycoons in Jiangnan who we mentioned just now collectively evaded taxes and owed taxes. After all, the arrears are arrears, and they also issued IOUs. Those powerful gentry who own a large amount of fertile land often default on huge amounts of tax. Why do they dare to pay nothing? Do this without any scruples?


Don’t you have an IOU?

This year has been delayed for a year, and there are a lot of IOUs!

If things continue like this, one day the fire will no longer be contained by paper!

Then wouldn't it be the time for these tycoons to endure the pain and cut their flesh?

Emperor Yongle and the three giants looked at each other, and when faced with the question raised by the King of Han, they shook their heads frankly.

Zhu Gaoxu didn't talk nonsense and directly explained the reason.

Because they are waiting for 'amnesty'!

When the imperial court wins a battle and natural disasters occur in local areas, including any happy events in the royal family, the imperial court will naturally issue an amnesty to the whole world. This amnesty includes local tax reductions and exemptions!

Amnesty for the whole world, this golden sign has been used by emperors throughout the ages to stabilize their rule and increase their prestige.

Generally, when a new king ascends the throne and is proclaimed emperor, or when a prince is installed in the East Palace, the emperor will issue a general amnesty to the whole world when encountering these great joyous events.

Of course, there is the word amnesty in Amnesty, and pardoning prisoners is naturally the main part, but it is not the only one.

Amnesty does not just pardon most criminals, it is usually accompanied by tax reductions and exemptions for the people, and some can even cancel private debts. These are benefits of benevolent policy that the people can see and touch. .

For officials and soldiers, it means benefits such as promotion of official rank, payment of subsidies, etc.

It is precisely because of the existence of these many benefits, and the scope of the amnesty can affect every category of people under the emperor's rule. After receiving the favor, they will naturally be grateful to the emperor and recognize the new monarch's rule, which will instantly elevate the new monarch's sacred image. .

As a result, there were fewer criminals, officials, soldiers, and people all benefited, and naturally no one resisted the emperor's rule because of their dissatisfaction.

Therefore, Amnesty to the World is a golden sign, and it will never go unfavorable!

Zhu Di was very concerned about the amnesty for the world.

It seems that his great emperor has only used this golden sign once so far.

It was the time when he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor and announced it to the world.

Because after Emperor Taizu Gao founded the country, he pursued the policy of heavy laws to govern troubled times and not only established a strict judicial system, but also imposed strict restrictions on amnesty. Therefore, the emperors of the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to amnesty.

Zhu Di did not dare to use the golden sign of amnesty to win over anyone's hearts.

What's more, he, the Yongle Emperor, doesn't need it either.

Now that Zhu Di heard what his second son said, he was really shocked.

Those Jiangnan tycoons who defaulted on taxes and grains originally had this idea, waiting for me to grant amnesty to the world?

Oh, then you have to wait!

Zhu Gaoxu noticed Emperor Yongle's joking expression and was also amused.

The imperial court has many reasons for amnesty. For example, if you, the old man, have a son again and are happy to reduce the national tax for one or more years, then the taxes that the gentry should pay and the tax arrears before the amnesty can be waived openly. !”

In other words, no matter how much taxes and grain arrears the Jiangnan powerful people owe, they can be legally exempted as long as there is an amnesty. Therefore, they dare to default on a large amount of taxes and wait for the amnesty to be exempted.

But I heard that because the imperial court has never granted amnesty, these people are impatient and began to actively help the imperial court create reasons and excuses for amnesty.

For example, making auspicious appearances, falsely reporting local disasters, colluding with bandits to cause war, etc. Anyway, when there are natural and man-made disasters in the local area and the people suffer losses, the court will usually reduce or reduce local taxes to sympathize with the local people and resume production, but in fact Those who profit the most are the wealthy gentry.

When Zhu Di heard that his second son asked him to have a son, he wanted to scold this bastard, but when he heard these words from his second son, he suddenly couldn't be happy anymore.

Because, in recent years, there have been too many examples of people from various places requesting tax exemptions and reductions due to severe disasters!

It is true that natural disasters continued to occur in the Ming Dynasty year after year, but were the disasters really as serious as those local officials said?

Recalling what the second brother had said before, that local officials engaged in corruption by asking for orders for the people, Zhu Di's face suddenly turned cold.

He felt like a fool, being coaxed and deceived by these officials, and then issued an order to commend these corrupt officials who ostensibly asked for help from the people!

Ugh, that's disgusting!

Zhu Gaoxu noticed Zhu Di's face and knew that the heat was almost there, and the emperor would go completely crazy if he continued to stimulate it.

Dad, so this slave trade must continue unswervingly!

Using the slave trade, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net leveraged the interests of the gentry and powerful people. When the people of the Ming Dynasty became familiar with these barbarian slaves, the court could take advantage of the situation and announce the abolition of slave status and let them change their careers to be good, and easily crack down on them. Damn those local gentry!

In this way, the prestige of the imperial court has increased, the population of the Ming Dynasty has increased, the food production has also increased, and the strength of overseas countries has also been indirectly weakened. The people of the Ming Dynasty will also be grateful to you, the emperor of tomorrow, and your old civil affairs have been restored. With one more deal, it can be said to be a good deal that gets you multiple benefits with one stone, so why not do it?”

Zhu Di: !!!


Must do!

Aren't they just slaves?

Isn't it better than using the people of Ming Dynasty as slaves?

What nonsense benevolence, righteousness and morality, what nonsense sectarian etiquette, any problem can be solved in the face of martial arts!

The three giants looked at His Majesty the Emperor, who was gearing up, and then at His Highness the King of Han, who was smiling, and felt dumbfounded for a moment.

The King of Han opened his mouth and deceived all the ghosts in the world!

Wasn't that how the three of them were deceived by the King of Han that day?

Now look at the emperor's posture, it's not too far off.

After all, civil and military skills are what His Majesty the Emperor cares about most!

Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu's ability to figure out people's hearts is really terrifying!

As expected, Zhu Di immediately ordered: Send an order to Gu Pu and ask him to do his best to complete the Japanese slave trade!

The Ministry of Household Affairs is ready to take it over and send it to Shuntian first to build the imperial capital and gradually replace the hard laborers before the liberation!

As for the abolition of humble status, the three beloved ministers can make a rule and wait for a good opportunity!

Upon hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu and the three giants kowtowed together.

Your Majesty, Holy Might!

Fourth child, martial arts and martial arts are placed in front of you, can you still refuse them?

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