Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 440 Outrageous! How could they get involved?

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Nie Xing was at a loss at the moment.

Did his prince ask him to spy on Zhang Fu?

What is this behavior?

Xiao Fufu is one of our own!

Ever since Jigang was raped, Zhang Fu was promoted by the prince to take charge of Jinyiwei affairs.

From that day on, the Jin Yiwei, who were the emperor's personal soldiers, seemed to have become the Han king's personal soldiers.

Zhang Fu was determined to support his prince, and he led the brothers of Jin Yiwei in front and back without any complaints.

And Zhang Fu himself was inevitably labeled as a member of the Han Dynasty Party and became as famous as himself as the Han Dynasty Eagle Dog!

In this case, why would the prince suspect Zhang Fu?

Although Nie Xing couldn't understand it, he still chose to carry out the order.

This is what Zhu Gaoxu likes about him. The simpler a person is, the more pure he is and will not have any inappropriate thoughts.

That evening, Nie Xing invited a group of Jin Yiwei's friends, including Zhang Fu and Guo Deng, to hold a banquet at his home. Everyone got drunk and talked about their anguish.

During the dinner, Nie Xing keenly noticed that Zhang Fu had always been taciturn. Even if people asked him, he would just laugh it off, which was obviously very different from before.

In other words, he has really changed.

When he thought of this, Nie Xing couldn't help but sigh.

Of the three swordsmen of the Han Dynasty, now he is the only one left, Nie Xing.

Guo Lan died in battle to save the prince, and Zhang Fu behaved strangely and was suspected of treason.

How did things develop to the point where they are today?

Without any interest in drinking, the banquet ended hastily.

However, in the eyes of everyone, Nie Xing was already drunk, and he was carried to the bed by Zhang Fu and Guo Deng.

But what they didn't know was that when everyone left, Nie Xing suddenly woke up, quickly put on his night clothes, and followed Zhang Fu quietly.

He wanted to see what secrets this former good brother had hidden behind his back, and what he wanted to do!

The entire journey was speechless.

Zhang Fu did not return to his residence, but came to Zhenfusi Yamen.

All the Jinyi guards were not surprised by this, and seemed to have long been accustomed to Zhang Fu coming to Zhenfusi late at night.

Nie Xing's skills have always been extraordinary. After all, he was carefully trained as a killer and rebel, so no one noticed for a while that there was such a tail behind Zhang Fu.

Among the three swordsmen of the Han Dynasty, the one with the best martial arts is naturally Nie Xing, the second is Zhang Fu, and the last is Guo Lan.

After all, Zhang Fu and Guo Lan were both sons of honorable ministers. They grew up in fine clothes and lived well, and only knew some boxing and kicking skills. How could they compare with the anti-thief killers who licked blood from the edge of their swords.

Nie Xing saw Zhang Fu entering his check-in room alone. After sitting there for a moment, he got up and walked to the backyard.

When he noticed this detail, his heart suddenly lifted.

Perhaps, Zhang Fu's secret is hidden in the backyard.

Deep in the Zhenfusi Yamen, there is a remote and inconspicuous room.

In the dark night, a figure climbed over the courtyard wall lightly and squatted at the window of the master bedroom without making any sound.

The lights in the master bedroom were not bright, but with Nie Xing's eyesight, he could see clearly and listen carefully.

Zhang Fu walked into the room and seemed to be mumbling to himself.

There is news from Guilin Mansion that the matter has been completed.

Under Mu Su's threat, Zhu Zuojing insisted that it was the prince who had given him instructions to expropriate and plunder the people's wealth!

Jin Chun, the left minister of the Ministry of Punishment, was extremely angry about this and wrote a memorial to impeach the prince. He himself is rushing back to the capital with Zhu Zuojing at night, and is expected to arrive in the capital in two days.

Hearing this, Nie Xing's scalp was numb with shock!

All this was actually done by Zhang Fu!

Threaten the King of Jingjiang, slander the prince, and frame the King of Han!

He... why would he do this?

At this moment, another voice sounded in the house.

How long does it take for His Majesty to return to Beijing?

Zhang Fu nodded when he heard this, then shook his head.

His Majesty is about to arrive in Fengyang, but for some reason, I always feel a little uneasy.

Zhang Fu knocked on the desk, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

After all, the person they have to face now is Emperor Yongle, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty!

Young Master, what do you think?

Young Master? !

Yao Guangxiao? !

Outside the window, Nie Xing was shocked when he heard this title!

There is currently only one young master in the Ming Dynasty, and that is the prince's young master, the prime minister in black, Yao Guangxiao!

Oh my god!

How come Zhang Fu got involved with Yao Guangxiao?

Didn't Zhang Fu want to skin Yao Guangxiao and cramp him because of the King of Han's departure to northern Xinjiang?

Nie Xing froze on the spot, and suddenly felt that his brain was not enough!

Zhang Fu conspired with Yao Guangxiao to slander the prince and frame the king of Han?

A prince's young master and a member of the Han Dynasty's party, what do they want to do?

Could it be that the crown prince fell and the King of Han was deposed, so what benefit could the two of them gain?

Don’t you think you’ve got nothing to do when you’re full? Can you hold on?

Countless questions filled his mind, and Nie Xing could only hold back his temper and continue listening.

Yao Guangxiao looked at the uneasy Zhang Fu, smiled and comforted him: Your uneasiness is not a whim. His Majesty the Emperor is most likely on his way back to Beijing at this moment, or he has even returned to Beijing!

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Fu stood up suddenly in shock, and his expression changed drastically in an instant.

The Emperor has returned to Beijing, so aren't we going to die by doing this?

So be quick! Yao Guangxiao replied calmly, Let's do it tonight, UU Reading www.uuukanshu.net In the name of changing defense, we can break into the Prince's Mansion.

The prince and grandson are both in the palace at the moment. As long as they are killed, the King of Han will be the only heir apparent!

No matter how angry His Majesty the Emperor is, it will not help. After all, he has no one else to choose from. When the time comes, you, Zhang Fu, will undoubtedly die and use your bones to forge the imperial path of the King of Han!

Zhang Fu fell into silence instantly when he heard this.

Looking at Nie Xing outside the window, everyone was already stupid at this moment.

Is Yao Guangxiao crazy?

Didn’t he always support the prince and grandson?

How could Zhang Fu suddenly come up with such a vicious plan?

Could it be because the prince and grandson didn't go to the prison to fish for him?

This damn place is so outrageous!

Off the mark!

For some reason, Nie Xing always felt that Zhang Fu had been tricked by this troubled monk.

Use your bones of Zhang Fu to forge the imperial path of the Han Dynasty?

I'll fuck you!

Let alone whether the prince is willing or not, if he knows about this plan, he will appoint Yao Guangxiao to be skinned and cramped, and executed in Lingchi!

Zhang Fu, Zhang Fu, you are confused!

As expected, Zhang Fu picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it all in one gulp, then shouted: In that case, let's do it!

Someone will arrange for the young master to leave the city later and travel around the world, making his home all over the world!

Yao Guangxiao just smiled faintly when he heard this, shook his head and refused, as if he didn't care about his life or death.

Huh, why should you care?

He is now enveloped in a huge sense of accomplishment. How could he be willing to leave without witnessing his masterpiece?

Zhu Di, if you can't make up your mind, let the poor monk help you!

Zhang Fu will definitely die if he goes there. The Han King's gang members are plotting rebellion. This fire is enough to burn all the Han King's gang members!

So, are you still undecided?

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